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Geopolitical Roleplaying Simulations

Welcome to the Geopolitical Roleplaying Simulations (GRS). Please read the organizations profile below and click on the linked image to access the profile pages for each of the GRS's respective simulators.

Geopolitical Roleplaying Simulations (GRS) was etablished on January 1, 2006. It is an online geopolitical roleplaying simulation. Individuals participate in GRS by selecting a nation in one of its two simulations and engaging in diplomatic relations with the leaders of other nations within the simulation of choice. The background and dynamics of each simulation is markedly different. Both offer ample opportunities for prospective members to indulge in individual historical, political, and geopolitical interests. The moderator is charged with providing a continual and dynamic backdrop with which the participants interact as well as directing the actions and activities of key nations that currently lack a representative participant. Each participant defers to the authority of the moderator, who must arbitrate all disputes and solve all conflicts and military qualms using accurate information and logical assessment of the capabilities of all involved parties.


Rules of Participation

  • The GRS Administration will comprise at the bare minimum those posts needed to effectively operate the organization as a whole. The Systems Manager will be in charge of overall systems operation, including the web site, message boards, and communication. The Moderator will act as arbitrator for a given simulation. Other posts may be devised as needed.

  • The GRS body of Participants are those individuals who are involved as players within the GRS simulations. Participants may run minimally one nation and more, if needed (multinational states or empires, for example) as allowed within the context of the simulation and at the discretion of that particular simulation's Moderator.

  • The Administration is responsible for handling, admitting, and distributing information to new Participants. Approval to participate in either of the simulations requires that the Administration be emailed in advance, with notice given concerning what simulation is of interest and what nation (or nations) are desired by the prospective Participant.

  • Participants engage in the simulations by posting to the appopriate message board. Private message boards are allowed and encouraged (especially in the case of alliances), though the Administration should be notified so a link can be placed on the main web page.

  • There are ic (in character) and ooc (out of character) actions. While participating in the simulations, a nation's actions are considered ic. For such an action to be valid, it must either 1) be posted to the appopriate simulation's message or 2) have the GRS Administration's notice and approval beforehand. The Moderator of the simulation reserves the right to give an entirely different outcome to an action than what a Participant expected, including altering posts.

  • Appeals to any action blocked or altered by a Participant may be made to an administrator so long as that administrator does is not playing a nation in that simulation. Ultimately, however, a Moderator's decisions are considered binding. A balance must be stricken between what Participants want and what the Moderator deems necessary to maintain overall balance.

  • Minimal participation depends on the amount of overall activity. Participants should check the message boards every two or three days. The greater the overall activity of the simulation as a whole, the more involvement that is expected of each individual Participant. This is of necessity: If a Participant is lax during high periods of activity, then it is reflected on their nation ic and leads to dilution of realism and impedes game flow.