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Law #574 from the Levanda Index

Czar: Nicholas I
Year: 1848

Editor's Note: The 'Jewish Committee' was a committee of ministers and officials appointed by the Czar to advise him on issues relating to the Jews in the Empire. An arshin is an old Russian measurement equivalent to 28 inches. An assignat was a form of paper money in use from 1769 to the 1840s.

574. -- December 27. Excerpt of Imperial Ratification of the Committee Register on Jewish Structure. --

On expenditures for burial of Jews who are in the lower military ranks.

In Committee sessions these facts were decided:
VII. Regarding the Defense Minister, who, by imperial wish, communicated the deliberations of the Jewish Committee on the Military Council decision appointing the Minsk rabbi for 100 rubles assignats to carry out the last rites for Jews in the lower ranks, and on leave for constructing, for Jews of lower ranks dying in hospitals, by the rites of their faith, attire, instead of a coffin and 2 1/2 arshins of sackcloth, 21 arshins of sackcloth-lined material.
The Jewish Committee, deeming this measure in comformity with the rites of the Jewish religion, finds no obstacle to bring it to effect; on this opinion, notify the Defense Minister.
(V.P.S.Z. Vol. XXII, No. 21,824 ...).

Comments and corrections welcomed. Send to Michael Steinore