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My Babyface Collection

Thank you for taking a look at my Babyface collection.
There are more on the way!
Below are my C.O.D.'s which stands for Cuddle on Delivery.
Aren't they cute?!

Sarah and Laura

Here are Sarah and Laura. Laura wants to give Sarah
a kiss since she looks so sad. Laura
doesn't know it yet but Mommy is buying her a wig
so she can have a new hairdo!

Click the link to see Laura's remake!

Laura's Remake

Cynthia and Penny

Cynthia likes to hang out with Penny! Penny is wild!
Penny doesn't know either that she is also going to
get a new hairdo! Missing from my pictures is
Suzie, my 2 year old daughter Grace, has fallen
in love with her and how can I blame her?

Cynthia and Penny

Alas, I do not have my bathtubs anymore. A wonderful
woman adopted my Hannah's and Cara was adopted
through ebay. I am hoping to get a new
bathtub soon though, can you guess which one?
