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//- Setting The Scene -\\ | Sending Out A Message...

..::|[ The National Wrestling Association, the newest e-federation on the market is set and ready for it's first show ever. ShockWave, not too much of a familiar name is the name of the show and it is sure to be one hell of a night as Nashville Tennesee prepares for the nWa to come through their town and make one hell of a name for themself. The arena is set and ready to go, as the lead man of the nWa Jerry Jarrett has signed some huge names to get things kick off and started. The Rock, a third generation superstar has sat down and signed his 'John Hancock' on the contract and he is now officially a nWa Superstar, along with a man who has made one hell of an impact on the wrestling word, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Steve Austin, a man who's trademark and who is known for raising hell, is exactly what the nWa needs. They need a man who can come through the business like a storm and knock down all barriers. Another superstar on that list of huge performers, is 'The Game' Triple H. Now Triple H was probably one of the first to sign a contract with the nWa because he wanted to get a jump start on a company that is guaranteed to sky rocket and rattle the platform that the professional wrestling industry sits on. Tonight is ShockWave, 15 total matches will take place in Nashville Tennesee as one of those big superstars as in a match against a rookie. A rookie who is damn good and who is also just like The Rock, a third generation superstar. Randy Orton, will put on his big boy shoes, and try to make a name for himself by facing Triple H in a match that is a qualifying match for the nWa Unified Championship. These two wll battle it out one on one, Trish Stratus will be in the rookie's corner and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley will be in her husband's corner. One man will advance, and only one man will survive?. Who will that man be?. The scene opens inside the arena where we see the fans sitting down at ringside getting ready for an explosive night of action, as an unfamiliar music begins to blast over the nWa Public Address System as a young man steps out from behind the curtain. As the spotlight shines on the man, the fans notice that the young man is none other then 'The Rising Star' Randy Orton as he makes his way down the ramp and he slides in the ring as he walks over to one of the turnbuckle and climbs on as he stares out into the crowd. Randy hops down as he walks over to the ring announcer Lilian Garcia as he grabs the microphone as he begins pacing around the ring and begins to speak ]|::..

[::|-'The Rising Star' Randy Orton -|::] You know I havent been here that long, but I have been in the professional wrestling business for quite some time, hell forget quite some time, I've been in this damn business all of my life, before I was even born. My grandfather was in this business, my father 'Cowboy' Bob Orton was in the business, and just like The Rock I came out of the womb a fighter, I came out of the womb a wrestler. Tonight I get to show off my wrestling skills in this very ring, tonight I face the best of the best, tonight I face 'The Game' Triple H. You know Triple H is a multiple time WWF Champion, he has been through hell and back with his tribes and tribulations in his career. When he ripped his leg, we all thought for sure he wasnt coming back, but Triple H thrives on being in this business, his life is devoted to the business, and thats exactly the same attitude I have. If you are not in this business to be the nWa Champion, then you should Get The 'F' Out!. I bet your all thinking, 'well this guy is crazy, he is going to climb in the ring with The Game!'. Well Triple H may be The Game, and he may have his game down pat, but tonight I am going to beat him at his own game, and thats kicking ass. Triple H is all about hurting someone, tonight Triple H if you want to hurt someone, then hurt me. I am totally down with you trying to hurt me, because lets face it, that leg of yours isnt going to hold up, we all know that just patched it up because you couldnt stand to be away from the business much longer. Tonight, Triple H your ass will be.......


..::|[ 'The Rising Star' Randy Orton drops the microphone as he paces around the ring for a second and then begins to duck under the ropes to leave the ring when 'The Game' by Motorhead begins to blast over the nWa Public Address System as the fans dont know how to react. The fans and Randy wonder where Triple H is as he doesnt appear from behind the curtain, when Triple H's entrance video blinks off of the titantron, Triple H is seen live on the titantron with his wife Stephanie McMahon Helmsley by his side as he begins to speak ]|::..

[::|-'The Cerebral Assassin' Triple H -|::] You fans can just shut the hell up, I dont really feel like hearing your damn mouths, you shut it!. You know Randy, your pretty damn funny. What in the hell do you mean by 'PERFECTIONIZED!' is that suppose to put fear in my soul?. Am I suppose to break down and say the hell with it, am I suppose to just listen to that and walk away tonight when it comes time for our match?. Boy you have got to be out of your damn mind, to come out to my ring, get on my microphone and run your damn mouth about how you are a third generation superstar and all that stupid crap. I am not hear tonight to listen to one of your damn folklores, hell I dont even really want to hear your damn mouth, the only time I want to hear even the slightest noise from you, is when I am kicking your ass in the middle of that ring tonight, and hearing you scream at the top of your lungs from the pain I am going to put you through. You can stand there and talk about your daddy and your grandfather, but nothing is going to stop me from kicking your ass tonight and going on to become the National Wrestling Association Unified World Champion!.

[::|-'The Rising Star' Randy Orton -|::] First off Triple H, I may be just now cutting my teeth in this business, but there is no way in hell I am going to stand here and listen to your pompus ass talk about my grandfather and my father like some animal. I know you are standing back there in the back, saying what you have to say behind a camera with that 'Billion Dollar Slut' standing beside you motivating you or whatever, but why dont you get up the balls to come out here and we will start this match early. But you think I dont know you very well Hunter, your dead wrong. I've watched you, hell I probably know more matches you've been in then you know, and thats why I know that you are going to sit back there with that bitch you call a wife and not come down here and kick your ass kicked like a man.

[::|-'The Cerebral Assassin' Triple H -|::] Son, I tell you what. You keep on talking like that and it is going to do nothing but piss me off, but then again thats what you want. If I get pissed off you know damn well that I am going to worry about nothing but kicking your ass, there is no way I would want to worry about this match. Well boy, your dead wrong yourself. There's nothing I want more then becoming the nWa Unified World Champion and if I lose tonight's match, the chances of The Game becoming the nWa Unified World Champion are very slim. So keep your running your mouth, your doing nothing but digging yourself a deeper grave.

[::|-'The Rising Star' Randy Orton -|::] You talk a good game, Triple H, but thats all the hell you do. Seeing as how you arent going to come down to the ring right now, instead you are going to sit back there with that little bitch of yours, then I am going to hold off and wait until our match tonight. Your plans of becoming the nWa Unified World Champion are going to get ruined Triple H, you want the reason why?. Simply because I am perfect, I am perfect in every way and at everything I do, and tonight I am going to give you a perfect ass whooping.

(::|-'The Cerebral Princess' Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley -|::) You know kid, whoever you are, I dont even know your name and quite frankly I could care less who you are. Your father was in the business, big deal, your grandfather was in the business, big damn deal, look who is in the business now, you are. Tonight you get a early birthday present that you are sure as hell not going to like, tonight you get your chance to go one on one with The Game!. That is a birthday present you are not going to like, and like it or not, it is going to happen. You can continue to run your mouth all you want about me, but I Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley go by an old phrase and it goes like this : 'Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me!'.

[::|-'The Rising Star' Randy Orton -|::] Well Stephanie, you and your 'sticks and stones' can suck my royal boner!. Take that any way you want it, tonight Triple H, your ass is mine. Dont plan on becoming the nWa Unified World Champion anytime soon because I am going to make sure you are not going to advance in the tournament by kicking your punk ass here tonight!.

[::|-'The Cerebral Assassin' Triple H -|::] You know kid, you must have one hell of a set of balls in those tight ass tight's, because you sure are running your mouth like you do. Boy I'm the best in the business, hell I practically own this business, you think I am going to let some kid who still pisses his pants like you come through here and take that from me?. You must be smoking something Amonia cant cut. Tonight I am going to take your ass to the wood shed, and it is not going to be a happy trip. I am going to sit you down and teach you a little lesson why they call me 'The Cerebral Assassin' because boy.....

I Am Your Pain!

..::|[ The titantron flickers off with Triple H staring into the camera and grinning. Just then Randy Orton's music begins to blast over the nWa Public Address System as he stands there, but then decides to move as he ducks under the ropes and exits the ring as he makes his way up the ramp. On the way up the ramp Randy stares at the titantron and the image of Triple H grinning as the scene fades ]|::..


Start OOC Comment
Well This Is My First As Triple H In A While. I Found It Fun To Roleplay Again With Triple H In The Heel Character. I've Just Started So It Will Take Me A While To Get Into The Triple H Character, But I Promise I'll Make It. Thanks.
End OOC Comment