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Catch The Pigeon.

One of the best cartoons in the whole wide world is Catch the Pigeon. For those people who haven't seen it, you haven't lived! It stars Dick Dastardley and of course, Muttley.

They, along with Klunk and Zilly, make up Vulture Squadron. They are fearless fliers whose main mission is to catch Yankee Doodle Pigeon, the message bearer for the enemy.

Dick Dastardley is the CO of the squadron with the engineering genious, Klunk, being his deputy. Muttley is the glory hungry dog who won't do anything unless he gets a medal.

Zilly is just a wimp. He is too scared to do anything and he retreats inside his uniform untill he is beaten up by Muttley.

They take to theskies in the machines that come from the reccesses of Klunk's greymatter but never quite manage to catch the pigeon, usually Dick Dastardley ends up falling out of his plane.
All in all, a brilliant cartoon.

Where Are they now?

Muttley took a politics degree and changed his name to Anne Widdecombe, climbing up the rungs of The Conservative Party.

Zilly put on a few pounds, moved to Middlesborough and became stand up legend Roy 'Chubby' Brown.

Klunk became head of engineering for the Air France Concorde Fleet.