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ToXiC_oVeRsPiLls Yahoo!Code Page

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One of The Best Code pages, if not the best.Shonobie knows all.
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Before I start, i would like to thank Shonobie and Pyroclasm for there page. Everyone made a page based around there's and we all know it. They were the ones that began it all. They started the Codes business. The Following are the basic commands for Yahoo chat. COMMANDS FOR ANYONE TO USE- WHAT THEY DO- : action (for useing an action) /tell user message (private messages a friend) /follow user (follows a friend) /stopfollow user (stop following someone) /stopfollow yourname (to stop them from following you) /goto user (to teleport to a friend) /away on your message (to stop private messages, or to tell your away) /away off (to turn your private messages back on) /think (type this to think a random thought) /think message (type this to think what you want) /exit (exits you back to login page) /quit (exits you back to login page) /ignore list (list everyone who you are ignoring) /ignore add user (add someone to your ignoring list) /ignore remove user (remove someone from your ignoring list) /ignore add movement (ignores all people entering and leaving) /ignore remove movement (to see people entering and leaving) /ignore add all (ignores everything going on) /ignore remove all (stop you from ignoring everything) /allow user (allow friend to teleport/follow you) /disallow user (disallows person from teleporting/following you) /autofollow (list the options for autofollow) /autofollow ask (makes person send a request to follow you) /autofollow yes (allow anyone to follow you) /autofollow no (disallow anyone from following you) /autogoto (list the options for autogoto) /autogoto ask (makes person send a request to goto you) /autogoto yes (allow anyone to teleport to you) /autogoto no (disallows anyone from teleporting to you) /hostname (tells you what host you are using) /buddy (tells you the options for buddy list) /buddy add user (add someone to your buddy list) /buddy remove user (remove someone from your buddy list) /buddy list (will list everyone on your buddy list) /buddy onlist (will tell you whoes buddy list your on) /buddy onremove user (remove yourself from anothers buddy list) /go lobby (exits what ever room your in to lobby) /go (room) (go to what ever room you wish) /lobby (exits you to lobby in Teen) /display (will show all commands for display) /display username green (will make all user names on your screen green) /display username green bold (same as above only with bold) /display username green italic (same as above only with italic) /say (whatever) (samething as just typing) /talk (whatever) (same as above) /url (sets up your home page) /time (gives you time and date) /date (gives you time and date) /status (gives you your current status) /roomlist (lists all rooms available) /echo (echo's back what you say) /move (to see options for move) /suggest (gives options for suggest) /createprivate (quick exist to make a private room) YOUR PRIVATE ROOM COMMANDS- /room secure mode allow (takes off room secure) /room secure mode disallow (puts room secure on) /room secure list (list everyone in your secure list) /room secure on (secures room from anyone going on) /room secure off (takes room secure off so people may enter) /room secure add user (add specific user to your secure list) /room secure remove user (removes specific user from your secure list) /room (gives you all options for private room) /room owner list (will list everyone who owns the room) /room owner add user (lets another own your room) /room owner remove user (removes another from controling your room) /room subowner list (will list everyone who is a subowner) /room subowner add user (lets another person become a subowner) /room subowner remove user (take away someone from being a subowner) /room capacity (tells you how many people are in your room) /room maxchatter (sets it so that only a certain amount of people can chat in your room) /room log on (logs all the stuff that goes on in your room) /room log off (stops logging) /room log list (list all the stuff that has been logged) /room log review (basically the same as /room log list) /room log remove (removes log file) /room list (list everyone in your room) /room defaction [] (does different stuff for everyone so I dunno what to tell you.) ADMINISTRATOR COMMANDS- WHAT THEY DOES- /kill user (will boot a user off of yahoo! chat) /whois user (gives all information on user) /finger user (gives all information on user) /admin (list admin commnads) /admin add user (if your admin it will add another person) /admin remove user (takes the power away) /admin list (if your admin it list all others) Permision Denied Commands- I have no idea how and what these are for /shout (will make you type bold and in caps) /ban (bans users from chat) /password (for entering a password) /hush on (will stop room from talking) /hush off (lets people talk) /hush add user (adds user to hush) /hush remove user (removes user from hush) /hush list (list all that are on hush) /email (explanation below) /address (explanation below) /describe (explanation below) /people (list people) /phone (list phone numbers) /users (list users) The following are all the color codes for Yahoo chat. COLORS CODES- white  (put this before you type to make it white) black  (put this before you type to make it black) black  (this is the new black will work without showing m) red  (put this before you type to make it red) green  (put this before you type to make it green) yellow  (put this before you type to make it yellow) blue  (put this before you type to make it blue) pink  (put this before you type to make it pink) aqua  (put this before you type to make it aqua) gray  (put this before you type to make it gray) darkgray  (put this before you type to make darkgray) NORMAL COLORS- (Its hard to tell, but a lighter shade of blue) (red color almost pink looking) (light red even more pink looking) (this is orange of course) (its yellow, but on the screen looks tan) (very bright, sort of neon yellow) (very bright, sort of neon green) (green of course) (looks sort of like a bluegreen color) (blue, just how you normally type, that color) (like emotion color. basic pink, almost looks purple) (very bright, sort of neon pink) (I know, I know, its spelled GRAY, but on chat its like this) (black, but sometimes doesnt work on yahoo) (very bright, sort of neon aqua) (white of course, good for cloneing someone) Put this before what you type. -bold (makes your text bold) -underline (makes your text underline) -itallic (makes your text itallic) (makes text bold & underlined) (makes text bold & itallic) -End Bold (stops bold) -End Underline (stops underline) -Stop Itallic (stops itallic)
