"As Long As They're Together" -135K
Rating: PG-13 or maybe R
Contents: Mulder/Scully Romance
Spoilers: Emily
Summary: The events of Emily bring Mulder and Scully 
             closer together.
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4 
Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8a   Part 8b 

"Any Fool Could See" -13k
Rating: G
Spoilers: none 
Summary: Scully is in the hospital, and a nurse sees that 
             she and Mulder are meant for each other.

"I Should've Known" -15k
Rating: G 
Spoilers: None
Content: Mulder/Scully Relationship
Summary:Scully mistake, and apologizes to Mulder, when 
            a song comes on the radio that describes her feelings.

"I Want To Believe" -11k
Rating: PG (one little word)
Spoilers: Paper Hearts
Summary: Scully's Thoughts after "Paper Hearts."

"A New Beginning" -11k
Spoilers: Minor reference to the Pilot episode.
Rating: G
Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance
Summary: One night Mulder watches Scully sleep, 
             and reflects upon their relationship.

"She Gets To Me" -12k
Rating: G
Spoilers: Pilot (minor), vague Gethsemane reference
Summary: A song comes on the radio that describes 
             Mulder and Scully perfectly.

"Sunday Mornings" -16k
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Very slight ones for Squeeze/Tooms and Small Potatoes. 
           Memento Mori
Summary: Scully and Mulder's first real day as a couple is spent 
             with Mulder's mom.

"Surviving Life's Tragedies" -21k
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Duane Barry, Irresistible (minor)
Content: Mulder/Scully Married
Summary: A very tragic event takes place in Mulder and Scully's lives, 
             and they discover that the only way to survive is together.

"True Love" -17k
Rating: PG
Contents: Mulder/Scully Romance
Spoilers: Emily, Memento Mori, (both just small references)
Summary: Mulder and Scully go on a date, finding the truth about 
             themselves, and each other.

"The Truth I Need" -13k
Rating: PG-a few bad words
Spoilers: Major Movie Spoilers. 
Summary: On the way back from Antarctica Mulder finds the Truth 
             he needs.