Beat traffic tickets...

The cost of a small traffic ticket is going

to cost you...$250.00 to $400.00

The ticket, traffic school, insurance premium

increases, time off work....

Save yourself a lot of money and headache.




  • How cops cheat on tickets to fill quotas...and how you can catch them doing it.
  • How you can speed...legally.
  • Why you will probably never have to pay a photo radar ticket again.
  • How you can schedule a trial during an officer's vacation.
  • The name of an organization that will pay for your ticket
  • Why the safest speed on most roads is currently 10-15 m.p.h. faster than the speed limit.
  • How you can sneak by the new laser guns undetected






Knowledge is power

Why do you think lawyers charge so much?
Because they know that you don't know.



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What will you learn?

  1. Why tickets are such a huge problem.
  2. The ticket; what is it and how does it work
  3. Parking tickets
  4. Repair tickets
  5. Moving violations
  6. The DMV and your driving record: getting past the red tape.
  7. Avoiding tickets in the first place.
  8. Radar detectors
  9. Drone radar
  10. When you get pulled over: what to say, what to do.
  11. How do I fight this ticket?
  12. Speeding violations
  13. Radar
  14. Laser
  15. Pacing
  16. Visual estimation
  17. Air patrolling
  18. Photo radar
  19. Radar cheating
  20. Speeding legally
  21. Inaccurate speedometer
  22. Other violations
  23. Red lights
  24. Unmarked cars
  25. Lawyers: do you need one?
  26. Traffic court and arraignment: there're not as intimidating as you think
  27. Arraignment
  28. Pre-trial motions
  29. Traffic school
  30. Traffic court
  31. Drunk driving: before and after the field sobriety test
  32. Insurance: do you have to get it? How do you get it?
  33. What you need to do.


Sample from book

When you get pulled over...

If he asks if he can search your vehicle or says, "Mind if I look around?" politely tell him that he may not search your car. An officer cannot search your vehicle without probable cause, a warrant or your permission. In order to have ":probable cause: an officer must have a good indication that you are hiding something illegal. Perhaps he observed you stuffing something under the set as he approached your car, or your car and/ or your breath smell like weed or booze.

If he says he can get a warrant, invite him to go ahead. If he has to ask your permission to search your car, he doesn't have probable cause. Without that a judge won't give him a warrant. I you do let him search your vehicle, you are taking a couple of risks...


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Another Sample

Now this may be hared to believe, but just as there are dishonest people, history has shown us that there are dishonest cops. When quota time approaches, some cops are very capable of cheating on your ticket, specifically with a false radar reading. Although "quotas,"as they are called, were officially outlawed many years ago, they still exist in an unwritten form in many place. Actually that's not entirely true, In Missouri and Illinois citation quotas are still used in progress evaluations of police officers. A quota is simply the quantity of tickets an officer is expected to issue over a certain period of time. If he issues a lot fewer tickets than that, he may get passed over for a raise of a promotion. So although quotas may not actually exist on paper, they do exist in the back of an officer's head. If he is getting behind he just might resort to cheating. How does he do that? Well, when radar is involved...


In addition to the beat the cops book you also recieve...

1. An up to date listing of known radar traps for your state.

2. Where to get up to date radar trap information for all states. (Invaluble when going on a trip)

3. A listing of all radar detector and scanner laws in the U.S.

4. An offer to join an organization that will pay for your ticket if you fight it and lose.


The cost of this package is less than 1/4 the cost of the average ticket, not to

mention insurance premium increases, time off work etc...

If you drive....You need this book!!!

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