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From our Customers

Dear Mary:

The cane just came!  I am thrilled with it.  I can tell some real care and love went into making it.  Thanks for putting the pansy up at the top.  Pansies were my grandma's favorite flower and are a major part of my gardens. Thank you so much! :)

Nancy Stanton, Ohio

Dear Mary:

I received my cane in the mail a couple of days ago.  I just wanted to write and tell you how much I like it.  My kids have had a hard time excepting the fact that I am now on a cane.  In the past they have hidden my ol' beat up cane which I inherited.  When my daughter saw my new cane the first thing she said was "wow, that cane is awesome!"  They don't hide it anymore.  Thanks for doing such a great job.

Gina Kluge, Utah

Dear Mary:

Susan and I were heading out to take what will probably be our last boat ride before dry-docking the boat for the winter when the mailman came.  And what to my delight was he delivering? My newest addition to my cane collection.  It's beautiful, I am very pleased with the cane and the theme is all that I could have wanted it to be.  I will pass on your brochure to my friends, thanks so much.

Good luck and God Bless,

Stan Simkins, Maryland

Dear Mary:

I too have MS and considered it "fate" when my search for a stylish cane on the Internet brought me to your site.  Thank you for being there for others like me!  I look forward to my new cane!

Alisa Drake, California


The walking cane I ordered arrived several days ago.  Thank you.  I rarely order anything sight unseen because the description does not match the item.  But this was all I hoped for and more.  I was really looking for more than the drug store variety as it appears that I will have a cane at my side for a long time.  Your product fits the bill.  I will gladly refer my friends to you.  Thanks again and have a good day.

Andrew Lee Thomas, Kentucky

Dear Mary:

I am embarrassed that it has taken me this long to write you in thanks for the wonderful cane which you (and my wife Jude) created for my birthday.  In actuality you are about the only person to whom I have not yet sung the praises of my new walking stick.

I talk about you all of the time and about the wonderful way you are helping turn MS around from being the monster we all fear, to instead, being the impetus for creation of beautiful, useful objects like your canes.

Please keep up the good work and Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!

Bill McCrocklin, Colorado

I just finished reading the letter to the editor in American Philatelist (September 2000) and knew immediately I had to order a Watermark cane.  

In addition to being a "re-born" stamp collector, I also have secondary progressive MS (since 1985).  I am 41 now and yes, I have been using a cane for a couple of years.  But I have never felt comfortable with it.  I am confident that I will now with your product.

Thank you!

Peter Heilman, Illinois

Helpful Links

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Colorado Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Colorado Health Site - MS Support Services and Resource
Rocky Mountain Multiple Sclerosis Center
Inside MS (National Magazine)
MS Knowledge Center
Biogen (Makers of Avonex)
Uni-Foot            A great addition to your Watermark Cane


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