Between Hell and Paradise
                                                                       by: Margarett Cassidy


Disclaimer: The Magnificent 7 belong to CBS and the Mirisch Co. This work did not result in
any monetary gains nor were any infringements intended.
Rating: Pg13, language and violence!
Warnings: This is a two-part episode. Maggie and I just didn't think it would be fitting if we
didn't leave you'all hanging for at least a couple of days. This is a Margarett Cassidy work after
all, and every season does need a continuation to drive everyone nuts, right? Remember Wagon
Train?? Well, maybe that's not such a great example, but since this episode does relate to
that......(Big Evil Grin)


‘I believe in heaven and hell, on earth.’- Georges Bernanos


“You’ve really met ‘the’ Bat Masterson, “ JD Dunne asked Farren McQuade for about the tenth
time since leaving Four Corner’s early that morning.

“I sure did,” the tall, silver-haired sheriff riding alongside the kid replied. “ I was working up in
River’s Dale several years back when he came through.”

“Wow,” the kid whistled, flashing a grin to his best friend, Buck Wilmington, who was
positioned on the other side of him. “Can you imagine that, Buck? ‘The’ Bat Masterson!”

“We know, kid; we know.” The older gunslinger shook his head. “Now why don’t you stop all
your squawking before Sheriff McQuade’s ears fall off. A man can only take so much jabberin’.”

“This from the gentleman who once talked continuously from Eagle Bend to Sulfur Springs.” A
southern accent wafted from behind Buck, as Ezra Standish drew his horse up from the rear of
the convoy. “ For a moment, I feared that the prisoner we were escorting was going to save the
town the expense of a hanging and take his own life to escape Mr. Wilmington’s incessant

“If I recall, Ezra, he was trying to get away from your stench, not my lively conversation,” Buck
laughed, as he recanted the misfortunate incident his friend had endured with a not so pleasant

“Sounds like you boys have had your fair share of misadventures.” Farren smiled. “No wonder
Oren said you all would be perfect for this job.”

The job Sheriff McQuade was referring to was the small town of Paradise. The settlement, a hard
day’s ride from Four Corners, was nestled along a river and several large silver mines. The mines
had proven to be quite prosperous and , in doing so, brought a great deal of people to the area.
Unfortunately, as is true with people, trouble and unrest followed in their wake.

Judge Travis had heard tales of misfortune in the fledgling township, but hadn’t seen a need to
intercede until receiving reports of several strange happenings. One such report of an entire
family disappearing had prompted him to establish a law forth land, much like he had in Four
Corners. Since not many men like Chris Larabee and the rest of his band fell into a person’s
hands everyday, Travis was forced to rely on his old friend Farren McQuade, a lawman of
twenty years, to do the job. Of course, at didn’t mean he was above using Four Corner’s
protectors to help make sure his associate got settled in.

“I’m sure the judge thought it’d be better if you didn’t go into an unknown situation alone,” Buck
pointed out. “Not much one man can if there’s twenty other’s gunnin’ for him.”

Farren nodded and scratched at his bearded chin. “I reckon you’re right, son, but I don’t think
Paradise is the haven of iniquity that Oren is countin’ on. I’ve been to mining camps before, and
except for a few bad elements the money may draw in, they a quieter than budding settlements
like Four Corners and Eagle Bend.”

“But wasn’t Purgatorio once a mining town?” JD asked, looking at the riders around him.
Buck groaned. “You just had to mention that, didn’t ya’, kid?”

Farren laughed. “JD, Purgatorio is the perfect example of what happens to a mining town after
the mine dries up. The good folks move out or get desperate, and the scalawags and outlaws
move in. Not many places like Paradise last more’an a few years. Before long, the judge’s
problem will probably shrivel up and become a ghost town.”

Dunne swallowed hard, a sudden chill racing down his spine. “I just hope we’re not around to see
it happen.”

Wilmington, noticing the sudden pale pallor of his friend, threw the boy a mischievous grin.
“Why you ain’t afraid of a couple of ghosts are you, kid?”

“No!” JD replied quickly. “Just not ready to become one is all.”

“None of us are, son.” Farren smiled at the youth. “None of us are.”

Vin Tanner had been listening to the words behind him, and even though he had maintained a
companionable silence with the man who rode alongside him for the last hour or so, he was
drawn from their usual nonverbal communication by something that McQuade had said.

“You think it strange that the judge sent all of us on this little mission?” Vin stretched in the
saddle and tossed a wry glance in his best friend’s direction. “Like maybe he wanted us out of
town for a while?”

Chris Larabee shifted his green gaze to the lanky tracker. “He did mention something about us
getting a rest.” The gunslinger shook his head and let a rare smile light his rugged features.
“Can’t imagine why he would think we needed such a thing. You?”

“Nope.” A lopsided grin touched Tanner’s face. “Ain’t like we’ve been busy or anything. ‘Less
you count that range war with the ranchers, or the kid being accused of murder, or, that whole
bank robber thing.”

A small laugh escaped Larabee. “Yep, a rest is the last thing we need.”

“A rest?!” Nathan Jackson had caught the end of the conversation and pulled his horse neck and
neck with the Seven’s leader. “The judge thinks going into a town full of trouble is going to give
us a rest?”

“Well, Brother Nate, Paradise does sound a trifle more boring than what we’re use to.” Josiah
winked at the dark man. “After all, this town can’t begin to compare to the characters our quaint
little town drew to it in the beginning.”

“Huh,” Nathan scoffed, tossing an incredulous look in the big preacher’s direction, “Boring for
you all maybe, but I’m the one that has to patch your sorry hides up. I just hope I brought enough
medical supplies, considering this town probably don’t have a doctor yet.”

Behind them, JD’s attention had been caught by his partner’s words. “You countin’ on gun play,
Nate?” The teen’s concern had been exchanged for his usual enthusiasm. Even after two years
out West and countless encounters with danger, the youngest of the seven still found any
prospect at confrontation exciting, even if it was a little scary.

“No, kid,” Wilmington replied. “He’s considering treatin’ all them pour souls that drop dead
from fright upon catching sight of the notorious gunslinger, JD Dunne!”

The youth snorted and rolled his eyes to the blue, autumn sky above. “More like tending to all
those saloon girls struck down by your animal magnetism.”

“Now there’s a thought.” Buck rubbed his hands together, as if in anticipation. “I hadn’t
considered my affect on a totally unprepared group of social gals. Maybe my reputation has
preceded me.”

“If it has, my friend, I dare say the odds that the rest of us will have company this evening have
increased tremendously.” Ezra drawled, from his position beside the ladies man of the group.

Before Buck could actually figure out that he had just been insulted, Farren spoke up. “I hate to
disappoint you boys, but I’m not sure if Paradise has a saloon or not. From what I’ve heard,
there’s not much ‘social’ excitement there, just a lot of families and poorer folk from back East.”

“No saloon?” Wilmington and Standish asked simultaneously.

“Can’t say for certain,” Farren admitted, sliding his hat back on his head some and wiping at his
brow. “I’m just hoping there’s a decent place to sleep.”

“So was I,” Buck grumbled, his idea of ‘sleep’ meaning something entirely different than the

“Dear Lord,” Standish sighed. “This debacle of a township may be even less civilized than I had
first surmised.”

“Don’t fret none, Ez.” Vin turned in his saddle so he could cast a mischievous glance in the con
man’s direction. “I’m sure the folks there will find another reason to tar and feather you, even if
it ain’t for cheatin’em at cards.”

Standish glowered at the tracker as the rest of the group enjoyed a round of laughter at his
expense. “I am beginning to think that my skills are highly unappreciated in our little

“Nah,” Buck leaned over and slapped the southerner on the back. “Good liars and cheats are hard
to come by these days. ‘Sides, you look good in a dress. Never know when we might need that
particular ‘skill’ again.”

“I’m afraid to ask,” McQuade chuckled, shaking his head. “That one sounds a bit personal to
touch on.” Buck’s grin widened. “Let’s just say you should hear ol’ Ezra sing a tune. It’s enough
to bring tears to a man’s eyes.”

JD, who had begun to tire of Wilmington and Standish’s bantering, and his saddle, spurred his
horse a little and fell in beside Tanner. “How much farther is it, Vin?”

“Five miles closer than the last time you asked, kid,” Buck answered with an annoyed look in the
boy’s direction.

“Did I ask you, Buck?” JD replied. “Besides, Vin said we were almost there three hours ago.”

“I said we had a ways to go, kid,” the tracker defended.

“You said a ‘short’ ways,” Dunne countered.

“Short is a relative term, son,” Josiah chimed in, patiently. The eight hour ride had begun to wear
one everyone down, especially JD.

Unfortunately, sometimes the youngest of their band could test the sufferance of a saint. “Related
to what exactly?” the teen inquired.

“JD,” Chris’s cool tone had everyone looking in his direction, and the kid letting his horse fall
back some, “ask one more question and you’ll be pulling night duty at the jail for the next month.
Got it?” JD sighed. “Got it.”

Buck laughed and Larabee shot his oldest friend an icy gaze. “Keep it up, Buck, and you’ll be
joining him.”

The hardened gunslinger hid a smile as he heard JD snicker and he spurned his horse a little to
catch up with Tanner, who’d pulled ahead some.

Chris watched the tracker scan the horizon for a moment and then cleared his throat. “Vin?”

The ex-bounty hunter brought his pensive gaze back to Larabee. “Yeah, cowboy?”

“How much further?” The younger man had to bite his lip to keep from laughing, but managed to
nod ahead of them once more. “Why don’t you ask them.”

Chris followed his friend’s line of sight and caught the cloud of dust in the distance, signaling
that riders were approaching. “Welcoming party?”

“Let’s find out.” Vin grinned and pulled his horse to a stop. He removed his spy glass from the
saddle bag and peered through it, as the others caught up and drew to a stop near him.

“What is it? What’s going on?” JD asked in one breath. Larabee gave him a deadly look, and he
realized that he had just bought himself a month of trouble.

“Sorry, Chris. I forgot.”

“Looks like they’re well armed.”

“How many?” Larabee asked.

“Four,” Tanner replied, lowering the glass.

“How do you all want to handle this?” Farren looked to Chris.

“Stay on guard,” the gunslinger nudged his horse forward once more, “we’ll take it as it comes.”
With that, the eight men continued on as they had been.

Ahead of them, Flint Sanders pulled back on his horse’s reigns and slowed to a trot. “Lookee’
what we have coming here, boys.”

One of the men beside him squinted into the distance and shook his head. “Boss ain’t goin’ to
like a bunch of strangers riding into town, ‘specially when we’re gettin’ so close to that strike.”

“You think we should ‘discourage’ them from going any further?” Newt asked with a devilish
grin.  Sanders held up his hand. “Now don’t go jumping the gun, Newt. This might just be a
blessin’ in disguise, after all.”

“Blessin?” Shep Furley snorted. “How in the hell do you get that? What if they’re here to start
trouble. You know we never did find Sam Smith’s old lady after he passed on last month.”

Flint glared at the large bellied man , with a mouth proportionate to his size. “Just keep your
cool, Furley.” He then turned back to the quickly approaching group of riders. “We’ll treat them
like we would any other fair citizen of own little piece of  heaven.” A grin lit the gangly man’s
weathered face once more. “And if that don’t convince them to leave, we’ll just send them
straight to hell.”

Chris pulled his horse to a stop a few feet in front of the men who’d formed a semi-circle in the
middle of the dirt path.. “Gentlemen,” he tipped his hat, “Somethin’ we can do for you?”

“Nope,” Flint shook his head, “we just thought we’d ask where you boys were headn’.”

“Paradise, you the welcoming committee?” McQuade looked the men up and down then glanced
at Chris.

“You could say that. We’re from Paradise and just out for a ride. Thought we’d just help you
fellas out some.” Furley smiled great big at the eight.

“Well thats right neighborly of ya, mister. There is something I’d like to know.” Buck returned
the stranger’s smile.

“Whats that?” Sanders asked.

“Is there a saloon in this town?” Wilmington noticed the slight change in the man’s demeanor,
but it was gone in a flash.

“Yep. Not much of one, but its useful. I don’t mean to pry any, but what exactly is the business
of eight gunman to our town?” Flint directed this question to Larabee.

“We’re accompanying Sheriff McQuade.” Chris pointed to Farren. “He’s been appointed as the
new law for Paradise by Judge Orren Travis of the circuit court. We’d be much obliged if you
could take us to the mayor, or the man in charge.” The leader had watched the four men visibly
flinch the minute he mentioned McQuade.

“Well, that would be Devin Hadley. He’s the mayor but I’m afraid you boys made a trip for
nothing. We already have us a sheriff, don’t need another one.” Shep spit a stream of tobacco
toward Vin’s horse causing it to sidestep.

“Thats all right. We enjoyed the ride, but we’d appreciate seeing for ourselves, since the judge
did send us and all.” Tanner glared at Furley, deliberately inching Bounty forward to crowd the
other man’s horse.

“In that case, lets go.” Saunders jerked his horse around and tried to maintain a control on his
temper. *These sonuvabitches are gonna ruin everything. The boss ain’t gonna be happy.*


“Gentlemen, Flint tells me you’ve made a trip for nothing. However, being the open-minded man
I am, I’ll be happy to hear what you have to say.” The mayor eased his lean frame into his
overstuffed Victorian chair, giving the eight men now standing in front of him a wide grin.

Farren reached in his pocket and took out the parchment Orren had given him the day before,
laying it on the desk in front of Hadley. “This is a legal order for me to be Paradise’s new sheriff,
signed and dated by Judge Orren Travis. It states I’m to take over immediately and these men are
my temporary deputies.”

Devin picked up the note and scanned it quickly, then laid it back down. “Well, I’m sure you
won’t mind if I just wire this,” the small man glanced at the message then back at McQuade
“Judge Travis to get proof, do you sheriff? I would believe your reasoning is sincere, but I’m
afraid these gunmen here, make me wonder. I do have to take the town’s interests here.”

The lawman knew this man was gonna be trouble and from the looks on the seven’s faces, they
weren’t gonna stand for it. “I think we can do that, Mr. Hadley. Shouldn’t take more than a
couple of hours to get a response and in the meantime, I’m sure we can amuse ourselves.”

“Good. Why don’t you make yourselves at home and I’ll go this minute to send that telegraph.”
Devin stood up and motioned towards the door.

“Just so you’ll know, Hadley, we’ll be at the saloon when you get that proof.” Chris’s voice was
a deadly growl.

The mayor swallowed suddenly, but then smiled. “Of course, I have no doubt this will all be
resolved shortly.”


The seven men made their way into the local saloon, The Silver Dollar, hoping to regain control
of their nerves after the encounter with Devin Hadley. It hadn’t set well with any of them when
he questioned their motives for being in Paradise. Farren saw the confrontation impending and
quickly diffused the situation by suggesting he wire Judge Travis and get the proof the mayor
was demanding. Chris had reluctantly agreed and told Hadley they would be in the tavern when
he got his confirmation.

As the gunslingers entered the bar, they broke off into separate groups or individuals. Chris and
Vin headed to the table nearest the back, both grabbing beers as they passed the bartender. Josiah
and Nathan situated themselves at the counter, watching Ezra invite himself into an already
progressing poker game. Buck had immediately spotted a fiery, red-headed, saloon girl and made
a beeline for her, leaving JD to fend for himself near the doors.

The boy sighed heavily watching his friends as he tried to figure out where to put himself. So, he
decided to head to an empty table and wait till they got ready to join him. He was just passing a
table full of cowboys, when one stranger suddenly jumped up and ran straight into the teen. The
beer the man had been carrying spilled over the two men and then crashed to the floor, causing
the whole room to go silent.

“Damnit, boy, can’t you watch where your going!” The cowhand pushed Dunne roughly, almost
toppling him.

“I’mmm ssorry, mister. I didn’t see ya.” JD felt the fear arise in him, but quickly turned it to
anger when he realized it wasn’t his fault. “Hey, this ain’t my doing. You ran into me.” The
youth put as much of Chris Larabee into his words as he could.

“Would ya listen to that boys, this pip squeak is blaming me for his clumsiness. Ain’t you a little
too young to be hanging around here, kid?” The stranger stepped forward, giving JD a menacing

“I think you best back off mister and apologize.” Buck had started toward the boy as soon as he
saw the incident.

“I don’t think this is any of your business.” Newt Chandler dropped all pretense of fun when he
saw the mustache man enter the game.

“Oh, but I think it is. You see, JD here is my friend, so either say your sorry, or get out of our
faces.” Wilmington pushed himself between the man and Dunne.

“Buck, let it go, okay?” The boy grabbed his friend by the arm, hoping to stop any further
episodes, but the gunslinger was seeing red.

“Why don’t you take the pup’s advice and go back to where you came from.” Newt let a feral
smile accompany his words, increasing Buck’s temper ten fold.

“Easy, Buck. Lets just go get a beer.” Dunne started to pull at the gunslinger, but suddenly
Chandler swung a meaty fist at Wilmington’s head.

Luckily, the gunslinger saw the incoming threat and was able to duck out of the way.
Unfortunately, JD wasn’t that fortuitous, because he caught the full blow to his jaw and went
down like a felled tree.

“KID!!” Buck started to check on his partner when he felt himself being shoved, sending him
flying over Standish’s poker table, upending it.

The conman watched helplessly as the money scattered around his partner on the floor. He was
about to help Buck up, when he was grabbed from behind and slung into two mens’ waiting

“Okay, lets have us some fun with pretty boy here.” A gap-toothed man of about 7 foot smiled at
the gambler before hitting him with a right cross.

Ezra tried to escape the punch, but the two miscreants holding him made sure he stayed in place.
JD was picking himself off the floor, trying to get the room to stop spinning, when he noticed
Standish’s predicament. “Hold on, Ezra.” Dunne started to reach for the man to the conman’s
left, but gap-tooth decided he wanted to play with the kid. He grabbed the boy, spun him around,
picking him up until he had him hefted over his shoulders. He started spinning JD around and
around and around, then flung him across the room and right into Buck Wilmington, who had
just regained his feet.

The two men fell to the floor with a huge thump, both groaning. “Damn, JD. You weigh a ton,
son.” The gunslinger slowly pushed his friend’s body off of his and then gave the younger man a
concerned look. “You okay?”

Dunne squeezed his eyes shut then reopened them to look at Wilmington. “Yeah, if there being
two of you is okay.”

They started chuckling, but was interrupted by the bellow of Josiah Sanchez, followed by
crashing glass. The ex-preacher stood at the counter with a glazed look in his eyes as he gave the
two men starting to attack him a malicious grin.

“Well, bring it on my friends. I can show you the road to the promise land just like I showed
your friend.” He laughed as one man launched himself, but was caught in mid air and sent flying
over the bar.

The other cowhand jumped on Sanchez’s back and attempted to throw him off balance. This
enraged Josiah more as he rammed the helpless man into the tabletop, then grabbed the man’s
shoulders throwing him over his head. The ex-preacher looked around, expecting to find more of
the low lives ready to attack, but instead he saw poor Ezra being traded back and forth between
two men.

He quickly ran over and extricated the gambler from his problem. Standish stood on wobbly feet,
wiping blood from his lip. “Thank you, Mr. Sanchez. I’m afraid I was taken by surprise.”

“Any time, brother.” Josiah slapped the conman on the back and swiftly grabbed him as he
started to go down. “Easy there, Ez.” Ezra attempted to smile at his friend, but it turned
into a grimace, which turned into a look of horror as his eyes fell on Nathan.

The ex-preacher saw the look and swiveled around to come face to face with Jackson and another
man struggling over a gun. They both started toward the wrestling men, when the healer got the
upper hand and took the weapon, hitting the man with a left cross as he did. The cowhand
tumbled to the ground with a low moan.

Nathan glanced up and saw Josiah and Ezra almost too him, so gave them a reassuring grin that
everything was all right. However, the smile vanished as he heard an audible grunt come from
behind him. He turned and found Chris and Vin back to back fighting off four roughnecks.

The rowdies were twice the two protectors’ sizes, but that was keeping them from giving as good
as they got. Larabee faced off with one while keeping the other in his peripheral vision. They had
swapped licks, each having the newly formed bruises on their faces to prove it, but the leader of
the seven wasn’t finished. He swung out with a right hook, at the same time kicking the one
behind him in the kneecap.

Both of the cowhands let out yelps of pain, but Chris didn’t stop until they were both down on
the ground. He was about to turn and help the tracker when he heard a thump. He glanced
around and saw the second of the two attackers fall at the ex-bounty hunter’s feet. Larabee
looked toward his best friend and saw blood pouring from a cut on the lanky man’s head, plus a
black eye forming, but the gleam in the sharpshooter’s eyes told him all he needed to know.

They started to search for the rest of their comrades when a loud bang caused them all to
instinctively reach for their weapons.
“I wouldn’t if I was you.” Sheriff Linc Dawson brought his gun down and aimed it at the seven
men now gathered together.

“Your pointing that thing at the wrong people, sheriff. We wasn’t the ones to start this mess.”
Jackson threw down the weapon he had taken from the cowboy and raised his hands slowly.

“Is that right Newt?” Dawson cast a glance over his shoulder at Chandler who was being helped
to his feet.

“No sir. It was that pup there that started this. He ran into me and caused me to dump my drink.”
The man glared at Dunne, then cast him a slight smile.

“He’s lying. He ran into me.” JD started forward but a hand on his arm stopped him.

“Easy kid. I have a feeling we’ve just been had.” Chris’s voice was low enough only his friends’
could hear him.

“I think you are correct in your assumption, Mr. Larabee.” Ezra swiped at his jacket, causing
flakes of the recent fight to fall to the ground.

“Now son, I don’t how they do things from where your from, but assaulting’ a officer of the law
is a punishable offense.” Linc grinned.

“We didn’t hit no lawman, mister.” Buck was getting tired of this game.

“Then what do ya call this?” Newt pointed to the newly formed blackeye.
The seven felt themselves getting sick. “You mean to tell me, that overgrown cowboy is the
law?” Wilmington stepped forward.

“Thats right. I would take his word over yours anyday. I’m afraid you boys are under arrest for
assault and disturbing the peace. Lets go.” The sheriff swung his gun toward the doors and
watched as his other ‘deputies’ took the sevens’ weapons before escorting them toward the jail.


The seven were ushered to an old run down building near the outskirts of town. From the outside
it didn’t look like much, but once you got inside, the cells looked brand new as did the furniture.

“Put your gunbelts and coats on the desk then step back.” Dawson walked behind the sheriff’s
desk and waited for each of them to comply. As soon as everyone but Ezra had discarded as
ordered, Linc stopped the gambler. “I want all your hardware Mr. Standish. Pea shooter
included.” The ‘lawman’ and his ‘deputies’ watched as the conman began to undress his

It took him almost 15 minutes, but finally every gun he owned was on the table. “I expect to get
all of that back, Mr. Dawson.” The southern stared intently at the other man.

“Well, I don’t think you’ll be needin ‘em for a while, but I promise to take good care of them.”
He snickered as he motioned for Chandler to put them in the jail.

“Hey, when do we get our day in court?” JD tried to say more, but Newt shoved him causing the
teen to stumble inside the cell.

“Oh don’t worry kid, you won’t have to wait long.” The cowhand laughed and shut the doors,
locking them.

“He’s right men. Your trial shall commence at once.” Hadley strolled into the jailhouse smiling
like the cat that just ate the canary.

“How can we have a trial without a judge?” Nathan asked, giving the small man a glare.

“Well, your in luck. I just happen to be the elected mediator in Paradise. I’ve already heard the
from the witnesses and unless you gentlemen have anything to add, I proceed with sentencing.”
Devin rocked back on his heels, waiting for the others to answer.

“We didn’t do nothing but defend ourselves.” Buck grabbed the bars and yanked.

“Ah, Mr. Wilmington, I’m afraid thats not how the good patrons of this town saw it. If you have
nothing else to add..” The Four Corners’ protectors stared disbelievingly at the madman, but
knew there wasn’t anything they could do. “then your sentence shall be 6 months hard labor in
the local mine.”

“WHAT??!!” The voices chorused through the room.

“I’m sorry, boys, but that is the punishment for assaulting a peace officer.” Hadley turned to go.

“Wait a minute. We wanna talk to McQuade.” Larabee yelled at the mayor’s back and was
rewarded when the man turned back around.

“I’m afraid Farren left a little while ago with an escort. The telegraph came back from your judge
and it was rather amusing to say the least. Does that man believe I am gonna just let some hired
guns walk into my town and take it away from me.” Devin stomped over to the cell doors. “I
have the only one who makes the decisions around here. I truly am sorry about the old sheriff, but
he tried to run and I couldn’t allow him to go for help, that would ruin everything I’ve worked
for. If he had been smart, I’d have let him live and work the mines with you.” The mayor laughed
uncontrollably as he once more turned to leave, this time not stopping.

“How the hell are we gonna get out of this?” Vin glanced at his best friend beside him.

“I don’t know.”


The sun rose the next morning to shine on seven men being marched toward a work camp on the
outside of town. They each looked bedraggled and exhausted, but one look in their eyes would
show the hate burning there.

“Okay boys, its time to earn your keep. Larabee, you and Jackson are gonna be working shaft 3.
Sanchez, Wilmington and Standish, shaft 2. Tanner and Dunne, shaft 1. The shovels are at the
entrance. Get to work.” Conner Williams watched the men head for their assigned duties. When
Shep had told him about the gunmen, he knew that their scheme in Paradise was about to be
found out, but Hadley assured them everything was under control. “Yeah right.” The foreman
mumbled and headed back to his quarters.

“You know Nathan, I really am beginning to hate being put in prison.” Larabee swung his pic,
knocking a huge chunk from the rock wall.

“At least this time your not alone.” Nate picked up the debris and threw it in wagon behind him.

“Yeah, maybe.” Chris stopped and glanced at the healer. “But the last time, the one thing that
kept me going was knowing you boys would come after me.” The two men exchanged solemn
gazes then went back to work.


“Hey Vin, what are these for?” JD raised a ball of wire up.

“Thats detonator wire, kid. Like the Powderman used. Its unrolled and attached to a box that
when you push it down, boom.” Tanner paused in his task of unloading the wagon to answer the
youth. They had both filled the cart twice already and was about to head back inside.

“Why would they have...” The boy was interrupted by a sudden rumble. The two men turned in
time to see shaft 2 billowing dust and rocks. “BUCK!!” JD threw down the wire and began
running to the opening with the tracker hot on his heels.

As they reached the entrance, miners almost run them down as they were exiting. “I don’t see
them, Vin.” Dunne tried to get past the running men, but each time he was pushed aside.

“Damnit.” The sharpshooter shoved himself through the stampede and ran down the shaft. He
was only halfway in when he heard Sanchez yell.

“VIN! Buck and Ezra are still inside.” Josiah was standing near a cavern holding a beam with his
shoulders and back. “Hurry, I can’t hold this much longer.” The ex-preacher was covered head to
foot in dust and sweat, but the tracker didn’t have time to worry about that.

“JD, lets go.”


They had just entered the opening when a dusty and sweaty Buck Wilmington came limping
toward them shouldering a groggy Ezra.

“He hit his head.” The gunslinger passed the disoriented gambler to the teen and waited until
they were heading out before he followed.

“You all right, Buck?” Tanner asked as he reached out to steady Wilmington.

“Yeah. A beam hit my leg but I think its okay.” He gave the tracker a reassuring smile that
quickly vanished as a rumble echoed around them.

“Can you make it out on your own? I’m gonna go back and see if any of the others are still
alive.” Vin didn’t wait for a reply as he rushed past the other man to delve deeper into the shaft.

The gunslinger turned to go after the younger man but someone put a hand on his arm and drug
him out the opening. Buck started to protest but stopped as his eyes fell on the largest man he had
ever scene. The miner could almost dwarf Josiah.

“You bes’ get outside for that thing goes for good.” Big John pushed him toward the sunlit
entrance then turned back to help Sanchez. He grabbed hold of the right side of the beam and
pushed upward.

Josiah felt the pain in his aching shoulder began to grow. He knew the supports wouldn’t hold
out much longer and he also knew the sharpshooter wouldn’t stop until he got all the men that
were still alive out. So, the ex-preacher began to pray.

“We need to get out of here now.” BJ was about to drop his load and leave as the noise grew.

“You just hang on to that a little while longer mister.” Sanchez clinched his teeth as his beam
shifted slightly. He was almost to his breaking point when Vin came rushing through the dust,
shouldering a wounded miner with two following him.

As they got to safety, the two giants let go and raced to catch up with the retreating figures. The
six men burst into the day just as the shaft collapsed completely. Josiah panted heavily not only
from relief but from exhaustion. He sank to his knees and couldn’t keep the groan of pain from
his voice.

“Josiah, where you hurt?” The big man hadn’t heard the healer walk up but wasn’t surprised to
find him there.

“I’m fine brother. How are the others in the flock?” Sanchez wasn’t about to take Nate from
tending one of the other seven.

“Don’t you worry about them. Ezra got cracked in the head, but luckily a headache from hell is
the only thing he’ll have from it. Buck bruised his leg, but it ain’t that bad. Nothing some rest
won’t cure. Now you gonna tell me whats wrong with you.” Jackson made sure his words
conveyed he wasn’t gonna take no for an answer.

“I think I mighta broke my shoulder.” Josiah sat back on his haunches allowing himself to get
comfortable for Nathan’s torturous examination. “Damn Nate, you wanna be a little easier.” The
ex-preacher hissed audibly as the healer pressed on the left side of his chest.

“Looks like you broke your collarbone.” Jackson shook his head knowingly. They had only been
in this town for a few hours and already not only one, but three of them was hurt.

“What are ya gonna have to do?” Sanchez looked at his friend with a mixture of fear and pain.

“I’m gonna have to wrap your arm against your chest so you can’t use it, otherwise it may cause
further damage.” Nathan tried to be as easy as he could as he started the procedure. He was half
way through when their leader arrived.

“Nate, he all right?” Chris squatted down beside the two men.

“Yeah. I just wish I had some laudanum or something to give him for the pain. Luckily, the
foreman had these bandages around. How’s Buck and Ezra?” Jackson glanced briefly from his
task to gauge Larabee’s expression.

“Ezra’s madder’n hell at his ruined shirt and Buck’s complaining about there being no pretty
women around to make him feel better.” The black-clad man chuckled at his friends. “Other than
that, they’re fine.”

“Is Vin and JD okay?” Josiah turned to lock eyes with Chris, hoping to block out some of his

“They breathed in a lot of dust, but they’ll be fine. Vin’s over with some of the miners trying to
find out more about whats really going on around here.” Larabee rubbed a hand across his tired

“You got any ideas?” The healer finished his wrapping and turned his full attention to the

Chris shook his head lightly as he glanced around the bustling mine camp. The place consisted of
men, women, and even children. “I don’t know Nate, but whatever it is, it ain’t good. Can  you
walk Josiah?” The leader eyed the ex-preacher.

“I think so brother. Help me up and we’ll see.” The two men pulled Sanchez to his feet but had to
quickly grab him as he began to fall.

“Whoa there big guy.” Jackson was able to keep Josiah from falling face first as Larabee grabbed
him around the waist and steadied the ex-preacher.

“Why don’t you wait right here and I’ll get us some help.” Chris patted Sanchez’s shoulder softly
and then went in search of Vin.


“So your telling me, Hadley convinced all of you to move west to a better life, but once you got
here he took all your money.” Tanner had listened intently to the three men’s tales getting
madder with each word.

“Yes sir. And once he took our money the only thing we could do to keep our families fed and
sheltered was to work in this here mine.” Taylor rubbed at his gray stubble chin wondering how
these seven men had ended up here.

“The only problem with that was, Hadley wouldn’t pay us in anything but company script. Which
meant we could only buy from the company store and no way would any stage company accept
that as payment to get out of this hellhole.” Diggs crossed his arms and stared at the man who
didn’t seem too much younger then him.

“Why didn’t any of you try and fight back.” Vin couldn’t believe all these men would just stand
by and let Devin get away with this.

“We tried. We ended up being outnumbered and outgunned. Besides, we didn’t want to leave any
of our wives at the mercy of that madman.” Dex shook his head. “I had already lost my son to a
cave in a few weeks after we got stuck here. I couldn’t afford to lose anymore.” He was an old
man unlike these gunslingers’ and didn’t have a chance at standing up to a man like Hadley.

Before Tanner had a opportunity to ask them any more questions, Larabee walked up beside
them. “Vin. Nate and I need your help with Josiah.” Chris eyed the three men warily.

“Alright. Thanks boys.” The tracker shook each man’s hand wondering if they would ever get out
of this mess.


Due to the cave in, shifts were shut down early and the guards ushered the workers back toward
town. It wasn’t until they were inside the city limits that they split them up, moving Vin, Chris,
Nathan and Josiah toward the jail and the rest of the miners to the northeast of the city.

The four men decided to keep quiet about the apparent separation until they found out exactly
what was going on. They were maneuvered back to the jail house and motioned inside. There they
found Devin Hadley with a few more of his men.

“What the hell is going on here?” Larabee had help Vin and Nathan ease Josiah into a chair and
was now face to face with the mayor.

“I wanted to check on my prize fighter. Looks like he had a little accident.” Hadley shook his
head as he looked Josiah up and down. “Oh well. I guess he’ll just have to fight
single-handedly.” Devin turned to walk out but a hand on his arm stopped him.

“What do you mean fight?” Tanner’s ice blue gaze locked with the madman’s.

“Well, you see its like this. I have to provide some kind of entertainment to keep myself and my
workers satisfied. I’ve found they respond the best to fist fights between fellow miners. Big John
is my champion, undefeated I might add, but the minute I laid eyes on Mr. Sanchez, I knew he
would make a worthy opponent.” Hadley smiled as he watched the younger man’s eyes grow

“Josiah ain’t in no shape to fight anyone.” Vin’s voice had dropped to a deadly growl.

“Well, thats a true shame Mr. Tanner. I guess I’ll just have to find another form of pleasure
tonight.” Devin jerked his arm from the tracker’s grasp and swiveled to look at Chandler. “Newt,
didn’t you just purchase a new bullwhip?”

The deputy began grinning. “Yes sir. Ain’t had time to break it in just yet.”

“Then I think I have just the thing, Mr. Chandler.” The mayor turned murderous eyes to the
sharpshooter. “I believe Mr. Tanner is volunteering to become the night’s entertainment.”

Vin’s glare shifted from Hadley to Newt then his gaze finally fell on Chris. They exchanged a
quick look of understanding and worry. Tanner knew it was either him or Josiah and there was
no way he was gonna let the injured man become somebody’s punching bag.

“Alright.” The tracker stepped forward never meeting the eyes of his other two friends.

“No.” The ex-preacher started to get up but a wave of dizziness and pain assaulted him.

“Its okay, Josiah.” Tanner gave the big man a quick smile of assurance before turning back to

“Good, good. I really hate to disappoint my paying customers. Shall we gentlemen?” The mayor
stepped back and swung his arms toward the door.

“Yeah.” Vin gave the man one last glare before heading out.

“Shep, you stay here and watch over Mr. Sanchez.” Devin smiled as Larabee and Jackson joined
him at the entrance. “Don’t worry, he’ll take good care of your man.” Hadley turned and left in
front of the two men.

The leader started to follow when he felt a hand on his forearm. “Damnit Chris, we can’t let them
do this.” Larabee glanced toward the healer and flinched at the fear he saw.

“Don’t worry Nate, they won’t.” The black-clad man dropped his voice to a low growl. “Only
over my dead body.”


“What the hell is this place?” Buck asked as he stumbled into the strange looking barn without any windows.

“This, gentlemen, is the ‘pit’,” Dex replied with a hint of disgust. “Hadley has a taste for violence, and I’m afraid he uses this as
his own personal arena.”

“Sort of like the Romans?” Ezra inquired , looking around the structure.

It wasn’t like any ‘barn’ he’d ever seen before. Church benches were aligned like stair steps for spectators to watch from the
balcony which was encircled by a thick wooden banister.

JD stepped closer to the side and looked over.  About ten feet below them was a 15 by 15 feet area with a dirt floor and with
one small door off to the far right side. “What exactly does he do in here?” the teen asked, turning a concerned gaze
on the other men.

Buck reached out and tugged the younger man away from the edge. “I’m not sure I want to know, kid.”

Dirk Taylor decided to share with them, anyway. “Over the years there’s been a variety of shows, some of them worse than
others. But at the moment, Boss Hadley’s been into boxing.”

“Yeah,” Dex snorted, “ever since he went to some big street fight in San Francisco our ‘entertainment’ has been limited to what
he calls a manly art form.”

Diggs laughed. “Hell, the only art form he cares about is makin’ money.  He says he does this for our morale, as a reward for
our hard work; but funny thing is we have no choice but to come and he charges us a dollar for being here. Not to mention that
we’re ‘encouraged’ to wager on the event.”

A slight smile lighted Standish’s face. “Gambling?  Things could be worse I suppose. A night of pugilism doesn’t sound all that

“Don’t get too excited, Mr. Standish,” Taylor held up his hand, “these fights are more like slaughter, than any sport, and we
always have to bet against Mr. Hadley’s champion.”

“Champion?” Buck raised an eyebrow.

“Remember the giant who helped your man out of that cave-in today?”

Wilmington nodded, absently rubbing at his still throbbing leg. “I remember.”

“Big Jon?” JD’s eyes went wide. “That’s Hadley’s fighter?! Who in their right mind would go up against him?”

“Who ever the mayor chooses, I’m afraid.”

“You’re jokin’ right?” Buck looked at the three men. “He forces his workers to fight?”

Taylor looked to Dex, who averted his eyes from the mustached gunslinger before answering the question. “He usually uses the
prisoners. Big Jon does quite a job on an opponent, and Hadley can’t afford to have his old hands be laid up.”  The red-haired
man finally met Buck’s dark gaze. “I heard he was real interested in your man Sanchez.”

“What?” JD took a step back from the man. “That’s crazy. Josiah can’t fight, he’s hurt.”

“Easy, kid.” Buck laid a hand on the teen’s shoulder, shooting Ezra a look that told him things had just gotten worse. “Don’t go
gettin’ all excited until we have a reason.”

As if on cue, Devin Hadley entered the building, flanked on either side by Dave Baxley and the crooked sheriff, Flint.
Wilmington cast an anxious glance around the room wondering where Chris and Vin were.  His unspoken question was soon
answered as more men were ushered through the door in which he and the others had entered.

His stomach twisted into a tight knot when he caught sight of Larabee. The look of pure hatred and outrage etched in the black
clad man’s features was easy to read. Buck had seen it before, and it always meant trouble. As two of Hadley’s foremens
shoved Chris in their direction, a shiver danced down Wilmington's  spine as he realized that Nathan was the only one with his
oldest friend. The lanky tracker of their team was nowhere in sight.

“Oh shit,” Buck heard JD gasp and quickly turned his attention back to the teen. Taking in the kids pale pallor, he followed his
best friend’s line of sight to where Vin Tanner had just been drug into the pit beneath them. He was gagged and his hands were
tied in front of him.   “What are they doing to Vin?” Dunne stepped up to the ledge to get a more clear view.

“Surely, these imbeciles have not chosen Mr. Tanner to combat that colossus.” Ezra’s voice was calm, but for once his poker
facade reflected a momentary look of fear.

“He ain’t goin’ to fight,” Nathan said as he made it to his partners’ side. Buck and JD looked at the healer, but Ezra’s gaze had
focused on Chris, who had also just been shoved into their mist. The gambler was sure he’d never seen their leader look so

“What are they doin’, Nate?” JD’s voice sounded younger than usual, and his hazel gaze held a lost quality that tore at
Jackson’s heart. Not once had he ever thought that the kid would have to experience watching someone in his family suffer
through a strapping, like he’d done when he wasn’t much younger than JD. Nathan had thought that part of his life was over;
but here they were.  “They’re going to whip him, son.”

“Like hell they are!” Buck bellowed, turning a fiery gaze on Chris. “Who the f**k does Hadley think he is?”

Larabee didn’t answer the irate gunslinger, his concentration was completely focused on the form of his best friend, who was
being strapped face first to the far wall of the fighting area.

“He can’t do this!” JD joined in the protest. “We’ve got to do something!”

“Ain’t nothin’ you can do, boy.” Dexter’s voice held a mixture of anger and sympathy. “Boss Hadley does what he wants. He’s
done worse than what he’s about to do to your friend. Nobody’s been able to stop him before.”

“Mr. Hadley has never dealt with us before.” Ezra’s voice was like ice. “If he continues this, it will be his last vile act; I assure

Before more could be said on the subject, Devin Hadley’s voice echoed throughout the structure. He was poised across the
room, near a large chair on a platform.  “Gentlemen, welcome to the Pit! As you can see, due to unforeseen circumstances, our
usual  entertainment has been postponed for a special showing.”

The big man paused as the miners whispered among themselves. Hadley cast a glance in Chris’s direction and smiled. “Our star,
Mr. Tanner, objected to my idea of amusement and  insisted that I reconsider my usual activities. He seemed quite confident
that he knew what was a real sport and what was not.  Being the fair man that I am, I decided to allow him the opportunity to
entertain us.”

Buck and the others were helpless to do anything as they watched Newt enter the room below them.  The beaming henchman
took his hat off and bowed towards his boss.

“Newt Chandler has graciously offered to assist young Mr. Tanner in his performance,” Hadley continued, in his sickeningly
cheerful voice. “He will of course be the protagonist in this little drama; and since Big John has
been deprived his usual moment of glory, I will ask for him to set the stage.”

The huge man, who had helped to tie Vin to the wall, now stepped forward and wrapped one of his meaty palms in Tanner’s
hair. The ex-bounty hunter struggled but was helpless in his position.  With an evil glance around the crowd, John jerked his
victim’s head back and then slammed it into the wooden planks in front of him.

“You fuckin’ bastard!” Buck screamed, as Nate lay a restraining hand on his shoulder to keep him from barreling through the
numerous guards around them to get to Hadley.

Chris continued to watch the horror play out, but his hands were clenched so tight around the banister that his knuckles had
turned white.

“Now, now,” Hadley chided. “I was merely giving our brave hero a little something to dull his senses. I’m not a cruel man you

For a moment, Vin appeared to be unconscious, as he went slack and slumped against his bonds; but when John laid his hands
on him again, the tracker stiffened and stood on his feet once more.  The monster of a man took hold of Tanner’s shirt and
ripped from his back as if it were made of mere paper.

“Oh, God.” JD looked away as Newt whooped and snapped the long bull whip in the air. Vin didn’t even flinch, but several of
the other miners jumped, and some turned their backs on the scene.

Hadley clapped his hands. “Let the show begin!”  Big John stepped back into the shadows and Newt raised his whip once
more. A feral grin crossed his twisted features and it was in that instant that Chris removed his eyes
from Vin and locked gazes with Ezra. The gambler had controlled his own emotion enough to be ready for the
sign he somehow knew would be coming.

In a flash, the southerner launched himself at the gunman closest to him, and although he was quickly overcome by two others,
his effort did afford Chris the distraction he was asking for.

Without any hesitation, Larabee propelled himself up and over the banister, dropping the ten feet to the ground, and tackling
Chandler in the process.  The two struggled for only a moment before Chris managed to get hold of the whip and wrap it
around Newt’s neck.

“Call your men off, Hadley!” Chris shouted, tightening his grip on the whip, cutting off Chandler’s air supply. “Do it, or I’ll kill

Hadley laughed, but waved a hand in the direction of the men who were holding a struggling Ezra. “Let him go, boys. He’s not
going anywhere.”

“Now have your ‘goon’ cut Tanner down.” Larabee nodded towards Big John who had not moved from his corner.

“Now what fun will that be , Mr. Larabee? I don’t really see that you have enough to bargain with that I would allow you to ruin
my whole show.”

“I will kill him, you fucking sonufabitch, just give me a reason.”

“And I will simply kill one of your men.” Hadley looked to his side, where Flint stood holding a rifle aimed in Buck and JD’s
direction. “That will get us nowhere.”

“You ain’t whippin’ him,” Chris said coldly, pulling harder on the leather strap, eliciting a raspy moan from Chandler. “You’ll
have to kill me first.”

Devin stood, walking to the edge of the balcony. “Perhaps I could be persuaded to allow Mr. Tanner a reprieve,” the mayor
smiled, a insidious idea forming in his mind, “if only I had something else to entertain my men with.”

“We can arrange that,” Chris replied, knowing that the standoff wouldn’t last much longer. He had to use his head if he were
going to save Vin. “I’ll fight John.” Murmurs arose from the crowd and even Vin seemed to protest as he struggled
to turn his head to look at Chris.

“That’s a very generous offer, Mr. Larabee.” Hadley laughed. “A very foolish one, but noble just the same.”

Chris released his hold on Newt and let the gasping man fall to his knees, tossing his bull whip to the ground beside him. “Let
Tanner go and you’ll have your entertainment. I promise I’ll give your men their money’s worth.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’d be willing, Larabee, but you’re no competition for Big John. The fight would be over before it even
became interesting.” The mayor’s smile widened, but his eyes seemed to grow colder. “He might even accidentally kill you or
something I need all my hands at the moment, so that wouldn’t be prudent, and besides I do like a good, fair match, you know.”

“Suit yourself, Hadley.” Chris was growing tired of the man’s games. He was about to release his best friend himself when the
mayor’s voice stopped him in his tracks.

“I didn’t mean that you wouldn’t be fighting, young man. I did like that idea.”

Larabee suddenly felt a cold lump forming in the pit of his stomach as he glared up at their captor. “What did you mean?”

“I simply meant that you wouldn’t be sparring with John.  I shall choose someone else for you to combat.” Hadley’s gaze
circled the room, causing several of the spectators to shrink into the shadows. No one seemed willing to go against the
legendary Chris Larabee, even if he wasn’t wearing his guns.

Finally, Devin finished his sweep and smiled down at the gunslinger. “I pick Mr. Tanner.”

“That’s crazy!” JD spoke up, angrily. “Chris and Vin won’t fight.”

Buck put a restraining hand on the kid’s shoulder and exchanged worried glances with the rest of his partners.

“On the contrary, son,” Hadley acknowledged the teen’s outburst, “I think it’s a rather brilliant choice.  Just think, Mr. Tanner
and your fearless leader are a much more compatible pairing.  They’re about the same height, same build, and they seem to
know each other very well. That should make it all the more interesting.”

“I won’t do it!” Chris spat, trying to keep a tight reign on his emotions. “I won’t fight Tanner.”

Some of Devin's men laughed as their boss slammed his fists down on the banister in front of him.  “You will fight whomever I
tell you to fight, Larabee. You are a prisoner here. I own you, just like I own the rest of your friends, and as long as I am in
charge, you will do as I say.”

Chris’s face grew more defiant with each heated word that the corrupt mayor belted, but his green eyes remained cool and
pensive. “We won’t do it.”

There was a deafening moment of silence, then Devin’s cold smile returned. “Fine, fine.” He waved his hand in the air. “Cut the
man down, John. We’ll just have to come up with another solution to our little problem. It sure is difficult to find good
entertainment these days.”

Big John did as his boss instructed, and with Larabee’s help, Vin was soon free. Chris had to steady his friend once Vin’s arms
were released from the wall, but he was more than relieved to see a clarity behind the tracker’s blue gaze. There was a nasty
ash above his right eye and blood stained his face and neck, but Tanner still managed a weak smile, when Chris removed the
gag from his mouth. “Took you long enough.”

“I got caught up,” Larabee replied, helping Vin towards the door. He wanted Nathan to check their partner out, but Boss
Hadley’s voice stopped him once again.

“Yes, please do clear the arena, Mr. Larabee. We’ll need to get it ready for our next event.”

“What event is that, sir?” Newt asked. The still shaken gunman had made it to his feet and stood beside Big John.

“Why the firing squad, of course.” Devin chuckled. “I don’t believe we’ve ‘done’ one of those before.”

“Whoooeee!” Flint hollered and slapped his leg. “ That sounds mighty exciting, Boss.”

Panic and disbelief spread through the crowd like wildfire, but none seemed more worried that the four members of the Seven ,
who were being ushered towards Hadley himself, by some of his goons.

“But, sir,” Dave Baxley spoke timidly from beside his employer, “you always said we needed the hands too badly to go killin’
them off. You said it weren’t good business. We ain’t never killed a body on purpose before, sir.”

“I know what I said, Baxley!” Devin’s face had flushed with anger once more. “But rebellion doesn’t sit well with smart
business either and besides, there is a first time for everything. Anyway, the participant I’ve chosen won’t be missed that much.”
Hadley turned on one heel to face Ezra, Buck , Nathan , and JD, who were now standing alongside his huge cushioned chair.
The mayor’s cruel eyes locked on Dunne. “After all, he’s not much more than a boy.”

“Not the boy,” Ezra vaguely heard Dexter gasp, and some of the other citizens that they had worked with, begin to argue; but
his attention was quickly drawn back to his friends, as Hadley’s intentions became clear to the ‘boy’s’ protector.”

It took Buck Wilmington all of one second to realize who their tormentor was referring to, and only a second longer for him to
react. “Oh hell no!” The gunslinger pushed JD towards Ezra and then blocked Hadley’s path to them. “ You better think again,
you sorry son of a bitch!”

“Shit!” Vin cursed, his eyes searching their surroundings for any way out. He and Chris were trapped in the pit, which had only
one entrance, now blocked by Big John and Newt. “Chris?”

Larabee tightened his grip on the tracker but continued to look up at the balcony above them.

“Maybe, I should just kill you instead, Mr. Wilmington.” Flint told Buck, lifting his rifle and pointing it at the gunslinger’s chest.

“No!” JD yelled, jerking from Ezra’s grasp and stepping from his partners’ protection long enough for two of Hadley’s men to
grab him.

Buck made a move for them but his wounded leg protested and he stumbled. He was rewarded with a stunning blow from the
butt of the sheriff’s rifle, which him sent him to his knees.

“Buck!” JD Dunne fought against his captors but was no match for the seasoned gunmen.

Devin laughed as Nathan and Ezra helped Wilmington to his feet. “You hurt him,” Buck rasped, “and there won’t be a rock you
can crawl under that I won’t find you.”

“Let the kid go, Hadley.” Chris called from below, before the mayor could reply to Buck’s threat.  He and Vin couldn’t see all
that was going on above, but they had heard enough to fill in the pieces.

Hadley moved to the banister once more. “It seems that you want me to do something, and I want you to do something , Mr.

“We’ll do whatever you want,” Vin called out, before Chris could. “Let JD go.”

Larabee shot the tracker a disbelieving glance. “I can’t do this.” Chris said loud enough for only Vin to hear.

“You don’t have much of a choice,” Tanner replied.

“We have a deal then,” the mayor beamed. With a nod from their boss the two roughnecks holding the teen shoved him in
Wilmington’s direction, but kept their weapons trained on them. “I should tell you this isn’t exactly a normal fist fight, and I will
expect each of you to perform to the best of your ability.”

“We understand.” Again Vin was the one to reply. Chris remained speechless until Big John approached the two, a long strap
of leather in one of his huge hands.

“What the hell is that for?” Larabee growled as the giant reached for his left arm.

“This makes things a little more interesting.”

“I’ve found that having the fighters in closer proximity allows for a more lively confrontation.” Devin shouted, obviously pleased
with himself. “Sort of ironic that  I’m merely solidifying the bond you two obviously share, while testing it at the same
“Your cleverness amazes me,” Ezra said, disgustedly. “I’m sure the devil will make good use of it, when you go to visit with him

Hadley glowered at the southerner. “Mr. Standish, I appoint you our official bets man, meaning you are in charge of all wagers
made. I won’t even designate a champion in this case. The men are free to bet on who they wish.”

“How gracious of you.”

Devin turned back to the pit, where Big John had just finished strapping Chris and Vin’s left hands together.  The huge miner
made sure the leather was tied so tightly that it wouldn’t slip during the scuffle, and then backed away from the friends.

“We’re waiting, gentlemen.”

Chris glanced up at the faces all peering down at him and Vin. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he met Vin’s cool
blue gaze.  “Just like swappin’ licks when we were kids, cowboy. Don’t take it so seriously.”

“I can’t,” the gunslinger said softly. “You’re already hurt. It’s not right.” .

“You’ve got five seconds boys and then I’m going to see to it that young Mr. Dunne has a tragic accident.”

“Damn it, Chris.” Vin’s tone was desperate. “Just think of this as an opportunity.”

“Opportunity for what?” Chris whispered harshly.

“Come on, Larabee, I know you’ve felt like decking me ever since that whole wagon train incident last year.”

“That’s stupid, Vin.” Larabee shook his head.  Sure he’d been pissed at Tanner, but the thought of hurting him....that had never
entered his mind.

“Don’t even think about faking it either, boys,” Devin called. “I can spot a dive from a mile away.”

Tanner’s gaze flickered up to the balcony above and then rested on Chris once more. He had to do something. “I did run out on
you. I chose a woman over the Seven. A woman who belonged to someone else.”

Vin took a deep breath and jerked his left arm, using their bonded appendages to jerk Chris closer to him. “I chose Charlotte
over our friendship. Over you.” Blue eyes locked with green ones, and Tanner knew he was stepping across that invisible line.
“I'd do it again, you know.”

Chris put his free hand on Vin’s bare chest and gave him a vicious shove, causing both of them to stumble. “Just shut-up, Vin!”

“Truth hurts, huh?” The tracker knew he had to keep it up. If it took lying to provoke Chris, then he’d do it. He had to, for all
their sakes. “I failed the great Chris Larabee,” Vin continued, forcing a mocking grin on his face. “Guess I’m just lucky you
didn’t trade me in for a new model, like you did Bucklin when he let you down, huh?”

On a semi-conscious level Chris knew exactly what the ex-bounty hunter was doing; but maybe there was more truth in the
words than either of them wanted to admit.  Before Larabee realized it, something snapped, and an old familiar anger took hold.
He was in mid-swing before he even thought about what he was fixing to do.

The blow stunned the younger man for a moment, and the momentum shook them both. Vin felt as if his head might fall off, but
he managed to shake it off.

“Is that what you wanted?” Chris asked angrily, fighting back the wave of nausea that threatened to send his stomach lurching.

Vin straightened up and wiped at the trickle of blood cascading down his chin. “Is that all you got?”

Larabee’s squeezed his eyes shut and let his fury take over. His next punch sent Vin to his knees and a cheer form the crowd,
increased Chris’s sick feeling. “Better?” he growled.

“Oh yeah,” Vin mumbled, letting Larabee pull him to his feet. “Much better.”

“I’m..” Chris started to say something, but his voice was suddenly stolen as his best friend delivered a blow of his own.

Larabee doubled over and Vin brought his fist down across the black clad man’s face. Chris was the one on the floor this time.

“Get up!” Vin bit out. “Stop holding back.”

Chris raised his head and glared at his friend. “You think you can handle it?”

“I ain’t the one on my knees.”

“Fuck you, Vin!”

“No Chris, Fuck you.... and your damn self-pity.”

The gunslinger started to get to his feet, but in a surprise move lunged forward, catching the tracker in the mid-section and
sending them both sprawling to the floor. Chris didn’t give Vin time to recover before he straddled him and punched him across
the jaw, once, twice, three times. He didn’t feel anything but rage as he continued to plow into the other man, who didn’t try to
deflect to blows.

“Chris! Stop it! ”  JD’s scared shout broke through the haze of fury somehow, and Larabee stopped mid-strike,  finally realizing
with terrifying clarity what he was doing.

He blinked and looked down at the man beneath him. Vin wasn’t defending himself, wasn’t moving, because he was out cold.
“Oh God,” the gunslinger swallowed back the bile that had rose to his throat, and slid off a top Vin, “what have I done?”


Chris sat on the floor of the cell, his back against the cot that Vin was lying on. His best friend had been unconscious for a
couple hours now and hadn’t stirred since Ezra and Buck had brought him back in the jail.

Pale moonlight flooded through the bars and the gunslinger cast an anxious glance to the other cell where Josiah, Ezra and JD
were sleeping. Buck and Nathan had been put in the other side with him and Vin, and he was glad the healer had been given the
opportunity to take care of Vin.

Of course, Nate, being the man he was, tried to convince Chris that Vin’ s condition was mostly due to the blow to the head
he’d suffered at Big John’s hands, and not from the blows he’d received from Chris himself.  Unfortunately, that was a hard line
for Larabee to buy.  After all, Tanner had seemed fine ‘before’ the fight. Before Chris had hit him one too many times.
He sighed and turned so that he could see Vin.  Nathan seemed confident that the tracker would be fine, but the dark bruises
maligning the tracker’s face did nothing to quell the feelings of guilt and concern that were gnashing at the hardened gunslinger's

He’d put them there and even though he had a few of his own, he wished that he could have endured more, and spared Vin

Maybe what hurt the worse though, was the fact that the first couple of times he had hit Tanner, it had really felt good.  The
tracker’s indiscretion with ‘that woman’, as she’d come to be known in Chris mind, had cast a shadow of doubt on a bond
Larabee had thought unbreachable. That had hurt worse that any physical assault he could have ever suffered.

Sometimes it was hard for Chris to let others be human, especially when they were as close to him as the ex-bounty hunter
was.  Perhaps part of it was due to the fact that Chris often tried to deny the human part of himself, but it was mostly that to be
uman meant mortality. Mortality meant death; and death and the people Chris loved just weren’t allowed coincide.

Besides, one tended to have an expectation of how others should react to certain things and situations; but as experience had
shown him countless times, people were never totally predictable.  Surprises, both good and bad, were just little nuances of
coming to know someone , in getting close to another person.

Most of the time, they served to make a relationship stronger, but he had to wonder if this was the case with him and Vin. Like
it had been with him and Buck.

As if on cue Chris felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up into the dark eyes of Wilmington.

“He woke up yet?” Buck kept his voice low as he squatted down next to the other men.

Larabee shook his head and wondered how he’d been so lost in thought that his friend had managed to get up and make it to
his side without him noticing. “I sure as hell wish he would though.” Chris raked a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have hit him

so damn hard, Buck.”

“Come on, pard,” Wilmington tried, laying a hand on his old friend’s shoulder. “Nate told you it was the head injury that hurt
him.  Both of you were just letting off a little steam, and besides it wasn’t like you had a choice.” Buck’s voice grew husky
and he cast a glance into the other cell where JD was sleeping. Chris knew what was going through the other man’s mind.
Hadley ‘would’ have killed the kid.

The mustached man focused on Chris once more and forced a grin. “Just look at it as little male bonding. You and I have beat
the tar out of one another before and we’re still here.”

“This is different, Buck.”  Larabee couldn’t let himself be comforted. “This is Vin.” Chris met Buck’s gaze. “Can you imagine
hitting JD?”

The other gunslinger thought for a moment, and his eyes twinkled with mischief. “Everyday of his life.”

Larabee glared at the other man’s attempt at humor and Wilmington raised his hand in surrender. “I know what you’re gettin’
at, Chris, and, no, I hope I never have to do anything like that to the kid.  I know it’d tear me up inside, just like it did when
I got him shot by the bitch last year.” A coldness seeped into Wilmington’s eyes as he spoke about the woman bounty hunter
who had gunned the kid down, in cold blood. “But I also know that JD would forgive me if something like that did ever happen.
Thats what friends are for. That’s what brothers do.”

Chris nodded and Buck stood once more. “He’ll forgive you, pard. Maybe you should work on forgiving yourself.”

Wilmington moved back to his cot on the other side of the cell and Chris ran a hand over his weary eyes and let his head rest
against the railing of the iron bed frame. “The last thing I wanted was to hurt you, Vin.”

The gunslinger hadn’t even realized that he’d spoken out loud until he received a faint reply. “I know, Chris.” The tracker’s soft
voice brought Larabee’s head up, and he looked to the inert form of his best friend.
“That’s exactly how I felt about the whole Charlotte thing.”

Before Chris could say anything, Vin rolled onto his side with a slight groan, and cast an anxious look around the darkened cell.
“Is JD all right,” he whispered. “Where are the others?”

“Everyone’s fine,” the gunslinger assured him. “The kid just got a few more bruises to add to his collection.  The question is,
how are ‘you’ feeling?”

Tanner forced a half smile around his swollen lip, hoping to relieve some of the concern he easily read behind the green gaze
scrutinizing him. “Like I was kicked by a mule. You have one hell of a punch.”

Chris’s worried features softened some. “Is that your round about way of calling me an ass?”

“I’m the ass, Chris.” Tanner’s grin faded. “I didn’t mean any of those things I said out there. You know that, right?” The tracker
took a shallow breath, willing his thundering heart to slow down. “I wouldn’t leave again. No matter who or what came along.”

“I know , Vin. We both did and said what we had to. Let’s just forget it.” Chris met the others stare and held it for a moment ,
trying to impart all the things he couldn’t quite say. “Let’s just forget ‘all’ of it.”

Vin raised up on one elbow. “You mean that?”

It was Chris’s turn to grin. “Yeah, why, you want to fight about it?”

“Nah, forgettin’ sounds good to me.” The tracker’s lop-sided smile returned. He hadn’t realized how long he’d been waiting to
hear those words. How much he needed to know that Chris had forgiven him. “’Cept one thing, cowboy.”

“What’s that?”

“I think I’ll remember that right hook of yours, just in case we ever have to face off again.”

Chris rolled his eyes and placed his hand on Vin’s forehead, gently shoving him back to the cot. “Go back to sleep, Vin.
Tomorrow’s going to be a long day.”

The tracker relaxed back onto the bed, but kept his eyes on his best friend. “What are we going to do , Chris? How the hell we
goin’ to get out of this place?”

Larabee watched the other silently for a moment, hoping the right answer or perfect plan would come to him. Unfortunately, it
didn’t.  “I wish I knew , cowboy. I wish I knew.”


“Rise and shine boys. Another glorious day at the mine awaits.” Flint jiggled the keys outside the

“Go to hell.” Chris stood slowly and glared at the man.

“After you Larabee.” The sheriff laughed heartily, even his deputies joined in. He began opening
the door but stopped when he noticed Vin still hadn’t moved. “Up and at ‘em Tanner.”

“He ain’t going anywhere.” The black-clad man stepped in front of the tracker’s inert form.

“Fraid so. Mr. Hadley said everybody had to go. We got us a new deadline and we need all
hands.” Flint dropped his hand over his gun. “He doesn’t have to be in perfect health to dig, so I
suggest you boys just do as your told and save yourself some grief.”

Chris glanced at Josiah, seeing he was already standing and ready to go, then turned his gaze to
the now awake sharpshooter. Larabee didn’t want Vin doing anything but resting. He was still
worried about the head injury, but Tanner’s eyes were clear and the message he sent the leader
said he wasn’t about to stay behind.

“Alright.” The gunslinger reached over and helped the tracker to his feet before leading his men
out of the jail single file.


“Okay boys, Mr. Hadley wants these shafts cleaned out as quick as you can. Dex, get some men
and go to shaft 4.” The foreman stopped briefly to let the mumbling die down. “I know that one
was shut down before, but the boss wants it open and dug. So get to work.” He waited until the
miners had began to go about their business before turning to Flint. “I sure hope Hadley knows
what he’s doing.”

“Don’t worry. The boss said he’s got everything under control.” The sheriff smiled which swiftly
vanished as Williams walked away.

“So, what is Devin really up too?” Newt glanced at his friend. “And where is Baxley and

“The boss sent them to check the outskirts of town just in case.” Flint patted Chandler on the

“Why, he expecting trouble or something?” The deputy cocked his boss a questioning eyebrow.

“He knows somebodys gonna come looking for them boys sooner or later and wants this mine
high and dry and us gone when it happens.” The sheriff drilled the younger man with a stare.
“Now lets get back to town and help the boss pack up.”


“You doing all right, JD?” Dex gave the younger man a fleeting look as he dumped some rock in
the wagon.

“Yeah, Dex. Don’t worry.” Dunne flashed the man a half smile as he continued to pick at the
rock wall.

The silver haired man shook his head at the exuberant youth. *Ah, my Henry would have liked
you son.* Dexter quenched the memories before they overwhelmed him and turned back to his
task. It was at that moment he heard a low rumble. He immediately looked around but didn’t see
any beams or rocks shifting. *Maybe its my imagination.*

He double checked his surroundings once more, but still he saw nothing.

“You okay, Dex?” JD had noticed the man’s sudden change as he glanced toward his rock pile.

“Yeah, just these old ears playing tricks on me.” He gave the teen a reassuring smile. “So, you
think them friends of yours are out of their mind with worry over you not being with them?” Dex
had been surprised at the objection the rest of the seven had made when he chose JD to help him
in shaft 4.

“I know Buck is, he’s worse than a mother hen sometimes.” The boy chuckled at the thought of
his best friend, no his big brother. “I’m sure he’s trying to figure out a way to get over here right
now.” Dunne straightened from his inspection of the debris on the floor and froze. He had caught
sight of some rocks tumbling from above Dex’s position. He looked closer and his initial
reaction doubled.

The beam just above the man’s head was cracked and from the looks of it, was growing by the
minute. Before JD had time to think the support busted in two, sending part of the rock wall and
beams falling directly toward Dex.

“DEX, look out!!” The kid reacted as any of the seven would, he immediately shoved the old
man out of the way, but was unable to get himself to safety as he felt the first pelts of rock hit his
back. He threw his arms over his head hoping to keep anything from hurting that part of his body.

It seemed like an eternity before the abuse stopped and nothing but silence assaulted him. JD
blinked his eyes slowly, but all he saw was darkness. He was buried under the wall of rocks.



“Damnit Vin, would you take it easy. That goes for you too, Josiah.” Nathan had just exited his
shaft with a wagon load of rock and silver, catching sight of the two injured men.

“Its no use Nate. I already tried.” Chris sighed as he too watched the wounded men. Sanchez was
unloaded wagons one handed while Tanner shoved filled crates on covered wagons.

“In this heat, neither one of ‘em with last much longer.” The healer looked to the leader and saw
the guilt written in the green gaze. “Ain’t none of this your fault, ya hear? No matter how hard
we try we always end up in one mess or another.”

Larabee had to smile at Jackson’s words. It was true, no matter where they went, trouble would
always follow. Chris turned to say something to Nathan when a yell caught everyone’s attention.

“Part of the shaft’s collapsed. We need help in here.” Taylor was standing outside mine 4 waving
his arms wildly.

Each of the seven felt their hearts stop. Buck had just been heading back inside when the man
had shouted and knew in that instant JD was trouble.

*Hang on kid, I’m coming.* The gunslinger dropped his wagon and began running with the
others right behind him.


“JD, can ya hear me?” Dex peered through a hole in the debris and was able to see the top of the
kid’s head.

*Okay, JD, your not dead just calm down.* The youth tried to steady his breathing but the
blackness around him only caused him to panic once more. He could hear others around him and
even recognized Dex’s voice calling him, but all he really cared about was getting the hell out
from under this rock pile.

*Breathe, JD, breathe.* He inhaled and exhaled hoping his little pep talks would slow his heart
beat. *As Nate would say, lets see where I’m hurt.* He moved his arms and hands. *Sore, but
nothing broken.* He could shift slightly from side to side which told him the upper part of his
body was okay. *Now for my legs.* He moved his left leg, a pain, but nothing major. He moved
his right, *Oh God.* He couldn’t feel it. He tried again, still nothing. *Stay calm, JD, stay calm.*
He squeezed his eyes shut but his heart was racing and his breathing had quickened. *BUCK!


“KID!!” Wilmington pushed the miners out of the way like they were nothing but bothersome
leaves. He had scanned the faces around the fallen debris and when he didn’t lay eyes on the
features he knew so well, he began to panic. “Where the hell is JD?”

Buck grabbed Dex by the lapels of his shirt. The older man laid his hands on the gunslingers and
patted softly.

“Calm down son.” The man waited until he saw control take hold of Wilmington before
continuing. “He’s under this here pile. We need to get these rocks off of him quick.” Dex had
noticed the other of the seven enter with the same panic as the ladies’ man had earlier. “The boys
and I have gotten most of it moved, but theres still more to go.”

Dex extracted himself from the gunslinger and resumed his task of moving the rocks. He saw the
others join in and was even surprised when Big John lended a hand. *Ah, these men could truly
make miracles happen,* he thought sadly as he threw aside a boulder. *Maybe thats exactly what
we need.*

It took the miners almost a half an hour to get the rubble dispersed enough to finally find JD. The
kid looked awful. He was covered with at least an inch of dust and his eyes were wild with fear
until they focused on Buck.

“Bu-” Dunne tried to say his best friend’s name but his dry throat mixed with the rock dust
caused him to break into fits of coughing.

“Take it easy son, I’m right here.” Wilmington sat down by the youth and brushed some sweat
soaked locks from his forehead. “Damn kid, you wanna try not to take any more years off my
life.” The gunslinger smiled when his bantering got the desired result.

JD threw him a withering glare but couldn’t hold it. “I wanna get out of here Buck.”

“I know ya do son and their working on that right now. You just hang in there, okay?”
Wilmington patted the teen’s arm and then grabbed the outstretched hand offered.

“Kay.” Dunne smiled.

“Damn.” Chris’s sudden curse caused the gunslinger to glance toward the leader.

“Whats wrong?” Buck didn’t hide the worry in his eyes and felt it grow when the green eyes met

“Theres a boulder trapping the kids leg under some beams. Its too big for us to move.” Larabee
glanced down at the boy and tried to give him a reassuring smile when he caught the hazel gaze
staring at him. “Don’t worry JD, we’ll get you out of here.”

The teen returned his hero’s smile. “I know Chris.”

The black-clad man stepped away from the other men to converse with the rest of the seven
minus Buck and JD. “Anybody got any suggestions on how to get that thing off him?” Chris
looked to each of them. His gaze lingered on the ex-bounty hunter’s pale face. “You all right

Tanner let a slow grin crease his lips. “I’m fine, its JD I’m worried about.” The two locked eyes
and Larabee finally relented.


The four men couldn’t answer their leader cause they had no ideas.

“We could blow it.” Dex’s sudden voice made the others jump.

“What?” Ezra looked to the old man as if he had grown two heads.

“I was a powder man during the war. I’ve seen dynamite blow rocks apart. We could use it to get
that boulder off the boy.” The man waited for each of the five to ponder his thought.

“You think you can do it without hurting JD?” Nathan chanced a look at the teen.

“We can barricade him from the blast with wood. The explosion wouldn’t do no damage except
to the rock if placed properly.” Dex paused not sure of what else he was about to say. Chris felt
his hesitation.

“But?” Larabee turned to face the man.

“My hands ain’t as steady as they use to be. Somebody else will have to set the charge.”

“And who might that be, brother.” Josiah shifted on his feet, the ache in his arm growing.

The old man shrugged. “Ain’t nobody here every dealt with t-n-t before. Any of you?”

Ezra and Vin quickly shot each other a look. They had both started ‘experimenting’ with the
explosives after the happenings with O’Shea.

“I believe we can help you out there, Mr. Dexter.” Standish stepped forward with a smile. “Mr.
Tanner and myself have had some experience in this sort of thing.”

Chris raised an eyebrow first at the gambler then his best friend. He saw the sheepish smirk cross
the tracker’s lips. “We didn’t want to worry ya.” Suddenly Larabee felt very old as he thought
about what the two men had been up too but didn’t have time to dwell on it as Dex and the two
men disappeared outside and reentered almost instantly.

Nathan and the others followed the three men to the pile of debris around JD. They stopped and
watched as Dex pulled out a stick of dynamite and some wire.

“What the hell are you gonna do with that?” Buck felt his heart skip a beat.

“This boulder’s gonna have to be blown in two. The only way is to chisel out a hole and place
this inside.” The old man glanced at the two men behind him. “Vin and Ezra will handle that part
while I instruct them on exactly where to put it.”

“Oh hell no!” Wilmington let the teen’s hand drop and jumped to his feet. “They don’t know
nothing about explosives.”

“I beg to differ Mr. Wilmington. Mr. Tanner and I have experimented with it frequently in the
past few months. I assure you we know what we are doing.” Ezra grinned at the gunslinger.

“And thats suppose to make me feel better. I want my little brother back in one piece, not one
piece at a time.” Buck was practically shouting.

“Easy Buck. Its the only way.” Chris placed a restraining hand on his friend.

“Buck.” JD reached up and grasped the man’s hand. “I trust ‘em Buck, don’t worry.”

Wilmington looked down into the youth’s eyes. “I don’t know kid...”

Dunne cut him off. “I do. You guys have never let me down before, I know you won’t now. And
I ain’t planning on becoming a ghost in this ghost anytime soon, remember?” The boy watched
the many emotions cross the other man’s features until it settled on defeat.

“Alright, but I’m staying right here with ya.” Buck resumed his position by the teen. “Lets get
this thing over with. I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”


Baxley and Webb were just finishing their sweep and was about to start back into town when
some dust near the hills caught Webb’s attention.

“Hey Bax,  you see that?” The man pointed out the disturbance and was shocked at the
experlatives that flew from his friends lips.

“Damnit to hell, their here.” Baxley took out his binoculars and raised them toward the hillside.
His fear was confirmed when he laid eyes on Farron McQuade. “We gotta warn the boss.” He
quickly shoved the glasses back in his saddlebags and jerked his horse into a run, not waiting to
see if Webb was following.


Flint had just placed the last of Hadley’s luggage in the coach when he heard one of his deputies
yell. “Riders comin’.” The sheriff glanced up in time to see Baxley and Webb skid to a halt about
10 feet from him.

“The devil on your heels boys?” He started to smile but noted the serious expressions.

“Whats wrong?” Devin’s voice caused all three men to swivel toward him.

“They’re here Mr. Hadley. That Sheriff McQuade and some more men.” Bax swung his head
back the way they had come.

“How far?” The mayor snapped.

“They should be here any time.” Webb looked from their boss to the horizon.

“Flint, get the others and head to the mine. We’ll get our stuff and follow.” Hadley grinned as he
thought of the unfinished business needing taken care of. “Those seven men will regret the day of
ever setting foot in Paradise.”


“You ready son?” Dex glanced to the boy then at the the man sitting beside him. They both had
looks of horror mixed with strength and determination.

“Lets do it.” JD took a deep breath and held it, squeezing his eyes shut as if he could block out
what was happening. Buck took that as a cue, pulling the kid closer to him using his body as a
shield before pulling the wooden planks over both of them.


The sound reverberated around the cavern but amazingly enough stayed contained to the area
around the boulder just as Dex had predicted. As the dust began to settle, the kid felt himself
being lifted and being carried out into the fresh air.

He glanced upward as he felt himself being lowered to the ground and caught the green gaze of
Chris watching him.

“You all right JD?”

“HUH!” The boy’s ears were still ringing from the blast and all he could make out was the
gunslinger’s lips moving, but suddenly he realized someone was missing. *BUCK!*

The leader caught the shift in the kid’s expression and knew immediately what he was thinking.
He smiled briefly at the boy then stepped back to reveal a dirt covered but grinning Wilmington.

“Hey kid, miss me?” The youth heard the man even though it still sounded far away.

“Yeah. You all right?” Dunne looked the man up and down and was satisfied when he didn’t spy
any obvious injuries. He was about to ask more when he noticed Dex move into his field of
vision and began to smile.

“Hey kid. I want to thank you for saving my life.” The old man paused.

“No need for thanks, Dex. You’d a done it for me.” JD reached a hand up and grasp Dex’s hand
in a firm handshake.

The celebration was short lived as the sound of hoof beats echoed in the distance bringing the
guards attention to the riders coming in. The men skidded their mounts to a stop and then pulled
their weapons to train on the miners.

“Well boys I’m afraid I have some bad news. This mine has been shut down, permanently.” Flint

“What the hell are you talking about sheriff?” Taylor stepped forward and immediately was shot
but it wasn’t fatal. It had caught him high in the shoulder.

“Let that be a warning I mean business. Now I want all of you to march into that shaft yonder.”
The lawman turned his gun on the seven when they made no move to follow his instructions.
“That means you too boys. Get a move on, we ain’t got all day.”

“We ain’t going nowhere.” Chris stepped in front of his men and glared defiantly at the armed

“I’m afraid thats where your wrong Mr. Larabee. Seems you keep forgetting who’s in charge
here. Now please do as your told or you will be shot.” Hadley jumped from his carriage and
returned the stare.

“Looks like we’re gonna die either way and I prefer to die here rather than in there.” Vin stepped
up beside Chris and smiled menacingly at the mayor.

“You are one stubborn son of a bitch Mr. Tanner and it will give me great pleasure to relieve this
world of your nuisance.” Devin pulled a derringer from his pocket and aimed it at the tracker’s
heart. Just as his finger tightened on the trigger more horses could be heard in the distance.

“They’re here.” Dave shouted.

Hadley knew he was running out of time but he was still determined to take one of the seven
down with him. Returning his gaze back to Tanner, he pulled the trigger. The shot echoed
simultaneously with Larabee’s yell. “VIN!!”

Chris lunged for his best friend, knocking them both to the ground as he felt a searing pain blast
through his upper arm. Amazingly enough, the other miners took that moment to decide to stand
and fight. Picking up the only weapons they had: pickaxes, shovels, and rocks, they charged the
mounted gunmen and guards.

“Shit,” Vin cursed as his bruised body struck the dirt and his best friend fell on top of him.
“Chris you all right?”

“Hell no, that asshole just shot me.”

A panicked look crossed the ex-bounty hunter’s face as he struggled to free himself from beneath
the other man. “Nathan!” he shouted. “We need help over here.”

“I’m fine, Vin.” Chris tried to sit up cradling his right arm against him. “Just a scratch.”

“We’ll let Nate be the judge of that.” Tanner glared at the man sitting next to him.

Devin swore as he realized that he had lost complete control. Dropping his weapon, he turned to
head for a horse but run head long into Farron McQuade.

“Going somewhere?” The sheriff grinned at the pale, shaking form in front of him. “Go ahead
and run. I’ll give you the same chance as you gave me.”

“I have no idea what your talking about.” Hadley stammered.

“Just like you have no idea how six men and their families disappeared without a trace.” Orin
Travis asked coldly as he pulled his horse to a halt beside them. “Or how my seven appointed
lawmen where kidnapped and held prisoner.”

“I..I...” The mayor tried to speak but his voice failed him as he fully comprehended the graveness
of his situation.

“I do believe our kind host is speechless Mr. Wilmington.” Ezra smiled to his friend as they came
to join the others. The small posse that the judge had brought with him had made a quick task of
rounding up Hadley’s men, especially with the help of the miners.

Buck looked around at the scene and tipped his hat at McQuade and Orin. “Glad to see you boys
and if the good mayor doesn’t feel like talking, I’ll be glad to give you all the gory details.”

JD and Josiah was the last to join the group as they helped Vin get Chris on his feet.

“It don’t look too bad, Vin.” Nathan assures the tracker as he quickly examines Larabee’s

“I was merely defending my interests.” Devin spoke up suddenly but was met with a cold gaze
from Travis.

“Get him out of here McQuade before I forget my sworn duty as an officer of the law.”

Farron nodded to his friend and gave the mayor a viscous shove toward the rest of his men.

“Nice timing judge.” Vin said as he glanced to the older man.

“Seems I should have gotten here sooner by the looks of things.”

“What are you saying judge?” Chris asked with a smirk.

“I’m saying you look like hell Larabee.” Orin grimaced.

“This is what I always look like after a rest and relaxation.” The gunslinger answered

“The next time you decide to send us on a sabbatical,” Josiah started, tossing his good arm across
JD’s shoulders. “Please reconsider.”

“Speaking of leisure time, why don’t I treat you gentlemen to a night at Paradise’s local saloon.”
The gambler reached into his pocket and pulled out a thick wad of company script and smiled at
his friends. “After all I do need to spend my winnings before leaving town.”

“Dang Ez, where’d you get all that?” Dunne asked.

“Why these are my winnings from last night’s sporting event my son.”

A look of disgust adorned Vin Tanner’s face. “You bet against me Ez.”

“I assure you Mr. Tanner, it was purely a business decision.”

Chris glared at the southerner and snatched the funds from his grasp. “We’ll take that.” Larabee
handed the money to the tracker.


“Yeah kid?” Wilmington turned to his best friend and they fell in step with the others.

“How long do you think it’ll take us to get home?”

“Don’t even go there kid.”

Nathan chuckled and slapped Josiah softly on the back. “Looks like another lively journey for

Sanchez smiled. “You know what they say, brother. Its a long ways between Hell and Paradise.”


The End