#!/bin/sh # # .boot_opera - Gets Opera going after a restore. # use with a menu item to start the Opera web browser # run this script as user damnsmall, not root, so Opera can find .opera. # # rapidweather v_1.0 # # at this point libXm.so and libXm.so.2 simlinks are not in /home/damnsmall # That may be necessary to get Opera to run. # cd /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -s libXm.so.2.2.1 libXm.so ln -s libXm.so.2.2.1 libXm.so.2 # at this point, they are in /home/damnsmall # # What follows is from Operas /ramdisk/usr/bin/opera script # This is supposed to locate opera and run it. # Location of the Opera binaries BINARYDIR=/ramdisk/usr/lib/opera/6.12-20030305.1 if test ! -f ${BINARYDIR}/opera; then echo "The Opera binary is not located at \"${BINARYDIR}/opera\"." echo "Please modify the wrapper script at \"${0}\"." exit 1 elif test ! -x "${BINARYDIR}/opera"; then echo "You do not have execute rights on \"${BINARYDIR}/opera\", please ask the sysadmin to chmod +x it." exit 1 fi # Opera enviroment if test "${OPERA_DIR}" = '' ; then if test -d /ramdisk/usr/share/opera ; then OPERA_DIR=/ramdisk/usr/share/opera else echo "OPERA_DIR unset and not found at expected location (/ramdisk/usr/share/opera)" exit 1 fi fi # I have left out the java stuff as I don't need it. # continuing from Operas /ramdisk/usr/bin/opera script.. # the following is necessary or I get a missing chartables.bin dialog box on startup of opera... # OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH="${OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH}":"${NPX_PLUGIN_PATH}" # Exporting the enviroment export OPERA_DIR OPERA_PLUGIN_PATH PATH # # Running Opera "${BINARYDIR}/opera" "${@}" # last message..wont show if run from a menu item, only when run from a terminal... echo 'boot opera script has ended, opera should have started'