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Born: May 16,2000
7pounds 4.2oz
21Inches long
Brown Hair

Birth Story

Okay here it goes, this is the birth story of Dalton Jensen Herman. First off, I went to my OB appointment on Monday May 15th. I obviously had still not delivered. My cervix was only a fingertip dialated and I can't remember the effacement if any. As discussed the prior week, we decided to start an induction. I was sent to the hospital to start the ripening of my cervix with cytotec. I was told that I would have to stay at the hospital, and that the cytotec could be applied up to 8 times, but usually started working by the second or third application. I was told after my cervix was ripe enough, based on a number of things they look for, that they would start me on pitocin.
After getting our daughter to a sitter, Casey I arrived at the hospital around one pm. I had the first dose of cytotec applied at 2:15. After they apply it they wait 4 hours to check the cervix before applying a second dose. Since they had to monitor me and baby- I was confined to the bed. So, for the first four hours Casey and I just watched tv and chatted. I did not really feel anything happening. Around 6:30 they came and checked me again. My cervix was maybe about a one. They applied the second dose. This started the contractions. I felt them close together. They hurt, but nothing I could not stand. By the time the next dose was due, I was having such frequent contractions on my own that they did not want to give me any more cytotec. I was confused because I assumed they would start the pitocin- but the doctor was afraid the baby would not be able to handle the contractions. I was to spend the night at the hospital and see what would be done the next morning. I was allowed off the monitors for awhile and me and Casey walked around the hospital trying to get things going. They gave me a sleeping pill, but It did not do much, I still was up all night.
In the morning we had to wait for my doctor to come in and make some sort of decision. I was still having contractions on my own throughout the night. My doctor came around 10:00am. My cervix was still only at a 1. They went ahead and started the pitocin drip. Of course these made the contractions worse and I was definatley beginning to feel some real pain. About 12:15 I was asking for pain medication. I was given a narcotic in my IV- I don't recall the name- but it was not stadol (this did not work for me last time). I felt this medication right away- of course it does not take away the pain- but made me so that I did not notice the pain. The first dose lasted almost 2 hours. I fell asleep for a few minutes here and there.When it wore off the contractions were so much worse, they had turned up the pitocin. I was about to get a second dose of the medication- I had let Casey leave to get himself something to eat- thinking I would rest with the medication. The nurse was just about to put the medication into the IV when Daltons heart rate dropped considerably. She quickly had me turn on to my side- this seemed to work and the heart rate went back up. The resident doctor came in and they turned off the pitocin. She would not let me have the pain medication- because the baby was not being reactive- his heart beat was fine- but he was sleeping- they want to make sure baby is moving around and alert before they give meds.
At this point I get somewhat confused as to what is going on. I know I begged for more pain medication and after getting some reaction from the baby on the monitor they let me have the second dose. It wore off much quicker than the first. I wanted a third soon after and was given it. This third dose had no effect what so-ever. My water broke in between the second and third dose- I believe. I remember asking the intern if they would consider breaking my water to get things going. She was out in the hall about to call my doctor when I felt a pop, and the gush of water. Of course after this the contractions came on alot harder. I believe the pitocin had been turned off this whole time since the heart rate incident. Soon after this my doctor was called in- This is where I think I did not really know what was going on. I thought they were just trying to okay an epidural, but I think the monitor was showing the babys heart rate dipping with each contraction and then excellrating afterwards. My doctor showed up and checked me- the baby was facing sideways- my doctor then called an OB (my doc is a general practicioner)- for a surgical consult. All I could remember was thinking that after that awful but successful version I was going to have a C-section afterall.
The OB came in and consulted with my doctor- she decided that she felt I could deliver without C-section. They gave me the epidural- (which was nothing like the one with Kaitlyn- this one I felt and it took forever for him to find the right spot) and after about 3-4 strong contractions it started to work. The OB and my doctor decided that they did not want to do anymore internal exams because they were afraid that the baby would get in a worse position than he already was. I was told that when I felt pressure I would know it was time and then they would check me. Well- at this point- right before getting the epidural my cervix was just barely a 3. So I, and everyone else assumed it would probably be another 7hours or so before I was at a 10. The OB went back to her office, and my doctor left the room. The nurse was just readjusting the monitors and I thought I felt some pressure. I really doubted it myself but finally said something to the nurse.I said it like, " I know this is not possible yet- but I think I feel some pressure down there", she agreed that it probably was nothing. A few minutes later I was feeling it a bit stronger and some cramping as well. I brought it up again and she said she would tell my doctor as soon as she saw her. Well then my doctor came into the room. I started telling my doctor that I felt a little pressure- then all of a sudden it was not a little pressure anymore. I was like "I feel like I gotta push NOW!!!" My doctor checked me and I was at an 8. So from an almost 3 to an 8 in about 15-20 minutes. I was told not to push- haha. Had to bare with the contractions until 10. She noticed that baby had turned face up- she immedialtey had the OB called back in. I had started pushing before the OB got there. I did not realize how serious things had become- I was just thinking that the baby was coming fast. After trying to push for maybe 10 minutes they knew that they had to get baby out. They used the Suction Vacume and with about 3 pushes he was out.
I was told afterwards that Dalton was not breathing at all when he was born, He did have a heart rate though. They took him over to the isolet and got him breathing again. I was told he had been a purple color. Finally they brought him to me for about 20 seconds- When I saw him he looked fine- but it was just because they had just got him breathing and he had some color back from being under the lights. They took him away to the special care unit- I sent Casey with him. They put him under oxygen in this thing that looked like the top to a dinner tray- a plastic bowl thing. They also had an IV in him to give him fluids- the only vein that they could get was in his head. They had poked him all over. He also had the monitors for his heart, his respiration and his oxygen. After my epidural wore off they wheeled me over to see him. I was only able to hold his little hand
After I was settled into my room I went again and checked on him. They told me that he would be off the oxygen by the morning. The next morning he was off the oxygen and doing good breathing on his own. His oxygen was doing great. I could not feed him for 24 hours and They told me he would probably be in the hospital until friday. The rest is pretty standard stuff. Just me in the hospital going to nurse him every few hours- once they finally okayed the feedings. They had him off IV by Thursday. He was released Friday morning, but we stayed for a few tests to be done. Everything came back okay. He is a little jaundice- and I just have to watch for signs of it getting worse. Now I will just tell you a few other things.

Natural Circumcision

We had already decided against circumsision before the birth. Well It was interesting when we saw his little penis for the first time. It has what they call a natural circumsision. So, he kind of has the look without having to have the cut!

Tongue Tied

Dalton was born tongue tied- meaning that there was a piece of skin right under his tongue attached to his bottom gum.He could not stick out or pull back his tongue. Because of this, we were having some problems nursing. After being released on friday, we went to the doctors where they clipped it. He hardly cried at all- it was quick and he nursed right afterwards.

Well that is all I can think of for now. I am very tired after this whole thing and am just happy to be home with my son. I will have pictures for everyone soon.