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There are moments in life when we all feel alone. The feeling that no one understands us or cares for us plagues our heart deep inside. You feel this at times but it is common to all human beings. No matter what the conditions of our life may be or what we may have done, there is one that God Himself has provided for us as our Mother. She is the called in the Eastern Orthodox Church by many titles, given to Her by the saints and fathers of the Church. The title that is very meaningful in times when we feel all alone and without hope is

“She Who Is Quick To Hear.”

Call upon Our Lady, have no doubts that She will hear your prayer. She is able, with the boldness She has before the Lord, to perform even the most unimaginable miracles in your life. Do not hesitate to ask. Ask with faith and sureness that She will listen and grant your request with much love and tenderness.

At times even friends seem to desert us and leave us alone. The Mother of our Lord, the Mother of Christ our God, never does, She stands always ready to listen to all your concerns all your desires all your dreams. A sure refreshing well spring of Divine Water, which is Christ Himself, She will comfort your dry lips with Her refreshing grace and blessings. She wants to share in your successes, your anxieties, and your disappointments. She is there to help you get your act together after you fall or when you fail. Hope in Her Diving Son, trust in Her love, and be assured that She is always quick and ready to hear you. She makes even desolate situations blossom with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Her prayers have great power before the Lord. Her humility and love before Christ have given Her great confidence that Her prayers will be heard. The Lord hears Her indeed for She always supplicates and prays to Him on behalf of all of us. Under Her mantle of love you will soar to the sky as a great tree towering high above all adversity and difficulty.

Mighty in prayer and Motherly love, the All Holy Virgin and Queen of Heaven miraculously intervenes in the life of those that call upon Her. If you have a problem that wont go away, or face hardships that no one can cure, if the clouds in your life appear dark, have no fear. Call upon Her the Mother of our Lord and God and She will answer swiftly and with God’s own power and grace.

Among the saints of God She is the Holiest and Most Blessed since within Her, God Himself dwelt, and was enthroned on Her lap as a Baby.

All pure and blessed She can and will intercede as we battle against evil as warriors of Her Son. As one of the Elders of the Eastern Orthodox Church says:

(From the Elder Ambrose of Optina)

Why do human beings sin? Either they do not know what they should do, or, if they do know, they forget; and if they forget, they do so out of lack of courage and drive and feel hopeless . . . This is why we pray to the Queen of Heaven: O all-holy Theotokos, my Mistress . . . drive from me, thy servant hopelessness, forgetfulness, negligence, and all base wicked and evil thoughts. . . Why is do human beings do bad things? Because they forget that God is with them.

Others may forget. Friends may stop calling, stop visiting or asking us to go out with them. Even our own family and closest persons may misunderstand us. Yet the Mother of Christ our God will never forsake us. She will never forget. She stands ready as a powerful ally an invincible champion. In our darkest moments She brings the light of Her Son into our lives and fills us with the promise of a new day and life.

All we need do is have faith and not doubt, but rather trust Our Lady the way children trust their Mother. The Mother of our Lord will surely care for us with Her abiding and undying love though all others may forget us.


Have courage! Come and see more!
Walk down this path... you wont be sorry....
More about the Mother of Our Lord...
You are never alone...Come see and be made sure...
Just try to get back up if you have a fall...
