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The mountains soar, rugged and beautiful their great boulders ancient, immovable. The air is crisp and fresh, sweet with the freshness of the wilderness with the purity of nature untouched. The valley is deep and the forest towers age-old, rich green and thick. The journey is hard, but invigorating and necessary. This is an adventure more exhilarating than any human being can imagine. An excitement more powerful than any athletic achievement and success. The path is not easy, though thrilling the feelings of insecurity and potential danger add to the greatness of the adventure and to the rush. Determination is needed when going into such tough terrain. Yet this is a climb that is well worth it. The arrival at the summit will be filled with joy like none other that you have felt. The attainment of this goal is everlasting and unending. The rugged landscape is beautiful, and the forest lush with the blossom of life. Though intimidating and rugged the setting is also inspiring, breathtaking.

Clear and cool, the water of refreshment smoothly flows in the valley. The Water of Life makes things barren fruitful. No stone or boulder can block its path, no mountain peak can stand for long in its way, in the end the water of life over comes all barriers. There is no hurdle or barrier too high for this Water to over come. In the stream before us the warm friendly sound of water flowing over stones and dead wood creates a calming sound, serene, that effects the depths of the heart. Though this is a mountainous place, rugged with the sheer power of creation, and the grand scale of nature, in its roughness light comes through the shadows of the thick forest on the mountain slopes, lending hope. Life is everywhere, growing ever upward strong, blossoming, fertile. The Giver of Life is here. His footsteps are heard in the evening, His footprints visible and fresh. Wherever He walks, His fragrance fills the air. His fragrance leads all who travel this path, a fragrance not of this earth. The sweet wind is HIS fragrance meant for everyone’s nostrils, lungs and heart. As all human beings, which are His image, have their scent, so too HE has HIS. Fresher than a spring breeze, pure, a breath really, warm and comforting, even in this natural if hostile environment, beckons us to go forward. Ever forward, always forward, muscles exerting themselves growing stronger and stronger, our heart beating with anticipation, following the hard but well walked path. Others before have walked here and have succeeded. All can make it if we but want to. You can make it just want it! There are many pages in this humble site, which I hope will encourage you on your way. I hope you will take time to view them, to ponder not my words and experiences, but those of others that have succeeded and have expressed their experiences. Have courage my precious friend. Though the path is narrow and hard, at times appearing as if only wild animals are around, still you are not alone. There is One that is with you always. Allow Him to guide your steps. Be strong, have courage,…. almost there. You can do it! With His Might you can make it! Just take it one step at a time. He Himself says, to take it just one day at a time. Please don't stop here, the journey is just beginning. There are other many pages in this humble site. Created to encourage and share hope, Visit them please. I hope that they will offer some slight encouragement, and hope. My friend with courage continue on as the adventure unfolds........

Many wonderful things to see and read....

Follow this path through the many pages that are here...
See where it all leads and where it all began...
The Joy of all who sorrow!
Always Quick to Hear when we are in need...
Meet some of HIS friends...
The Universe can not contain HIM... Yet HE comes into your heart...
For HIM to come we need to try our best...
We are not alone... HE is with us... HIS friends are too!...
The key....
An example to give us courage...