Christian Faith
Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul
Volume 2           Number 2
Issue:  October, November, December 2001

Welcome to Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul
Thank you for viewing the Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul newsletter, Christian Faith. Please tell me how you feel about having it published on line.  This reduces paper costs and shipping costs.  Please e-mail me with your feedback.  You no longer have to sign up for the newsletter, but it would be wonderful if you would fill out the questionnaire to let us know how we are doing.
  • Welcome to Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul
  • One Nation Under God, Editorial
  • Something to think about
  • Calendar of Events
  • Those Old Sayings
  • Daily Prayer

  • Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul now has message boards where you can automatically add your comments.  Our prayer lists is now a message board, now you don't have to wait on me to post your messages.  Add your own prayer requests or view others.  Click here to view our message boards.

    Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul has added a BOOK CLUB.  Click HERE to see which book we are reading this quarter.

    Spiritual Thoughts for the Soul is building a Kid's Corner and Teen Area.  We hope to have them both up and running by November 2000.
    * Kid's Corner is up but I do no have all of the Bible stories typed and illustrated like I would like to have.  Are you an artist or a writer?  Wanna help?  E-mail me and you can have your work published online!
    * I do apologize for taking so long to get these areas running, but I recently started working.  If anyone would like to work on these areas just email me and let me know!

    The sign over Jesus' head announced him as the "King of Jews".  Pilate had this hung over his head as to say "this is what happens to people that say they are a king".  The one thief read this sign and mocked Jesus.  The other one wanted to know why he mocked Jesus.  Didn't he know who Jesus was?  The first person to accept Jesus as his savior was the thief who believed he was the King, the son of God.  "Remember me in you father's kingdom".
    The two thieves were there for a purpose that day.  You can either accept that Jesus is the King, the son of God, or you can believe as the other thief did.  Pilate did not know how powerful and purposeful the sign he hung over Jesus' head would be.  I don't believe he would have put it there had he known.

    "It's humbling to compare the way we are with the way we ought to be."

    "Living for Christ gets better and better, but seldom gets any easier."

    "Broken lives surrendered to Christ learn how victory can be brought out of total defeat."

    "If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."

    "The Bread of Life never becomes stale."

    (All copied from Catahoula Baptist Church Bulletin)

    Jesus said, "Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world."

    "If the Lord fails me this time, It will be the first time."
    (Bro. Charles Clark)

    Please don't forget to pray.  Praying is our communication with God.  Without it where would any of us be.
    View the Prayer List here.  Please use your back button on your browser to return here.
    When we pray for rain we must be willing to put up with some mud.

    One Nation Under God
    One nation under God indivisible...

    Why in the midst of tragedy does everyone say "Oh my
    God", or as now "God Bless America". 
    Why do we wait until something horrible happens to ask
    God why?  Why not ask God to bless America everyday. 
    Why not ask for his help daily to prevent such things.
    For hundreds and thousands of years we have heard of
    crusades where people kill in Jesus name or for religous reasons, and I'm sorry, but I just don't believe in it.  I don't believe they kill in anyone's name, but for their sake only.  Christians know that Jesus would never ask us to kill other people in his name.  All he wanted was for us to spread his father's word, not smite people that would not listen or
    accept.  I don't know of any god that would want us to kill in
    their name.  I'm sorry all of this killing in religon's name is a sorry excuse.  These people killed American's because, simply, we are Americans.  It sickened me to see them dancing in the street after the plane crashes.  To know mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, loved ones died, WHY, what did they accomplish?  All, they got was a really good reason to start a war.  I don't agree with this at all.  When I think of previous wars, I cry.  Yes it's for rights, it's for this or that, but I guess I'll never understand.  It's all UGLY and I HATE it. 

    That is how I feel.

    Hymnal Music

    We now have music available with our hymns. Listen to your favorite Christian hymns and sing along with the music.  Songs include:
    Amazing Grace, The Old Rugged Cross, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus; Just a Closer Walk with Thee; Nearer, My God To Thee; It is Well, With My Soul; Let Others See Jesus In You.
    Have a hymn that you would like to see on here? E-mail us with the Title and we'll put it on here!
    Daily Prayer

    Dear God,
    I come to you today to thank you for all of your blessings you have bestowed upon me.  For the roof over my head, the clothes on my back and the food upon my plate.  You have never failed me, dear God.  Please watch over and protect me today as I go about my daily life and give me the opportunity to do your will and let others see that you live within my heart.  Thank you for your son Jesus, dear God, and for the gift of salvation.  Please forgive me of my sins.  In your son Jesus name I pray.    -Amen.

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