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Do you want 'a wedding ring' by the end of the season? Why or why not?!

???'s Response: No, because I think 'no wedding ring' equates with 'more seasons'!! If they get married this season, I doubt the show will make the 7th (and possibly even the 6th) season. I'd love to see them get together, but I'd also love to see the show last a long time, and that outweighs marriage at the moment. However, if it were to happen at the writer's will, then I would be thrilled, as long as it could be done in a way to prolong the continuation of The Nanny as a series.

Abby's Response: NO!! Because despite everyone's optimistic view, I think the show would be ruined. Fran and Max's relationship has already lost some "oomph" due to the loss of tension. I don't want to see what usually happenes to TV series happen here. A friendship ring would be better, since they really haven't had a true romantic relationship until now and still need to build bridges with each other. One season is just too short a time.

Chanda's Response: Frankly, I'd like to see two wedding rings by the end of the season, one on CC and one on Fran. Those poor things have been waiting so long and they aren't getting any younger.

Denise's Response: Yes, sure! I'm very glad the romance is moving forward in the show, and things are really heating up between Fran and Mr. Sheffield. It would be thrilling to see a wedding ring by the end of the season.

???'s Response: YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh and did I say YES? Hello?! Isn't that what we all want? "4 years, it's enough already, I can't take it anymore!" a ring doesn't mean they hafta get married, they can drag the marriage for another year....

Brandy's Response: I think it would be nice to see them engaged, I'm sure the writers could think of funny situations for them.

Rossie's Response: no,because then it will end the TV serie of " The Nanny"

Maria's Response: YES, because the program can continue with them married. And it would be interesting the wedding time (It could be large -a lot af programs spent in the wedding). Apart from that, The wedding is what the people is waiting for, isn't it?


Was the 'Morning After' (5.1) what *you* wanted to see?! Why or why not?!

Matt's Response: I thought that "The morning after" was a great start to the season. This episode had it all, romance, humor, and a great guest star. There were many classic scenes like the CC and Niles scene in the kitchen. Maxwell and Fran with the "Maybe I'll do you in the dining room" scene. This episode also gives us hope that Maxwell is finally coming around. This season looks like it will be a great one!

Brandy's Response: I think it was a good season opener, I really loved the scene with Niles and C.C. Niles: Wear something... C.C.: Velcro. That was classic.

Luisa's Response: YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!! I'm a BIG Fran and Max fan, so what else could I have wanted? OK, I home run I would've been ecstatic with, but c'mon, 2nd base for the premiere, heck that's a pretty good start! Now let's just hope they Fran is up to bat again soon.....

Shannon's Response: I definitely want Fran and Mr. Sheffield to start to get together, but not too quickly. I think the final scene in "The Morning After" was too played up and unnatural.

Chanda's Response: No, it really wasn't what I wanted to see because Niles and CC only had one scene together. They're why I watch the show and I feel like they deserved a bigger part.


Who is your favourite junior Sheffield: Maggie, Brighton, or Gracie?? And why??

Abby's Response: Gracie - I love her complexity; a mature adult psyche trapped inside a kid's body. I also think she's the best of the 3 as far as natural talent.

Luisa's Response: Well I don't know. I don't like either much. But I guess Maggie is all right.

Lisa's Response: Gracie is my fave because she's really intelligent for her age and Maggie and Brighton are a little bit annoying. But that's just my opinion. Gracie is funny and an instantly likeable character.

Brandy's Response: I think Gracie, because she actually is the smartest one of the kids.

???'s Response: Brighton- He was the most accepting of Fran from the beginning and would probably be the most open to Fran as a mother figure :)


If Fran and Max were to get married, would the show collapse? Why or why not??

Matt's Response: I don't think that the show would collapse. Although the show would have to completly change. If they were married, Miss Fine would no longer be just "The Nanny". She would be a wife and a stepmother after all. Her mother would no longer be razzing her anymore about getting married. Silvia would probably be razzing her for a grandchild. Imagine how funny Miss Fine being pregnant could be! There would still be many avenues for the show to go down. So, I think that the show wouldn't collapse, but it would have to take on a completly new direction. I think most Nanny fans want to see Miss Fine and Maxwell get married someday. I know I do!

Lisa's Response: I think that the show would collapse because there are so many shows where the main characters have got married and then the show has collapsed, example, Lois and Clark, and I think that The Nanny would fall into that catagory too, if Fran and Max got married.

Abby's Response: Only if it were too soon, like this season or even next. As Fran put it (paraphrased) - the sexual tension is what drives the show. And Fran and Max still have alot of bridges to build - the only thing they really have in common are the kids. What happens when they're gone? They can't build a committed relationship on attraction alone, so I think it should take 2 more years for a marriage.

Kimberley's Response: Nothing left for the show to be based on. No underlying sexual tension. Basically!!

Melissa's Response: If the two were to get married, i think the show would not collapse. I'm dying to see the two of them "Go for it"!!! *S*

Stacey's Response: Not if they wrote the show correctly. Usually when marriage is written into a show, the writers and directors forget about what made the show really good and only focus on the marriage. If the writers of the Nanny could manage to keep things fresh and funny, then no, the show would not collapse.

Luisa's Response: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If 2 persons love each other getting married is the right thing, isn't it. They are setting a poor example for the kids. The show would not collapse. They have awesome writers who could handle any situation and they could get more jokes about the married life, that the situation they have now...


Was 'Fran's Gotta Have It' a dream come true for Nanny fans??

Tina's Response: That's a hard question to answer. I would say that Frans got to have it was a dream come true for Nanny Fans. The Fran and Maxwell Fans anyway. For the time being. how do we know that in the season opener Maxwell isn't going to take that back too? But then, do we really think he's going to pull that stupid stunt two times in a row? For now I'm saying that it's the most trippy groovy thing that has happened in Fran and Max history. But don't hold me to it. Come season opener, all us Nanny Fans could be ready to go take a flying leap out a window again. Thank god I'm a Niles and CC fan.

Matt's response: Was "Frans gotta have it" a dream come true for Nanny fans? I can only speak for myself and I would have to say yes and no. As a Nanny fan I would give anything to see Maxwell and Fran be together. But when it finally happens I hope that it will be very romantic, dramatic, and funny all in one. The scenes when they are walking around London were very romantic and I was hoping that something would happen between them. It came so close it seemed but I did like how Maxwell said he was a gentleman. That shows he has class. But I can't wait till the day he finally breaks the wall he has put up for himself and lets himself be in love. When that happens I hope that moment will be very romantic and meaningful. I hope he gets on his knees and proposes to her. How great would that be? The episode also shows us that CC and Niles do not totally hate each other, but actually have some kind of feelings for each other. But we already kind of knew that right? I kind of hope they do not get together because I just love the way Niles rips on her. He is one of the best characters! So all in all I would have to say that the romanctic elements of the show were fantastic but it didn't quite go all the way just yet. Then again I wouldn't have want it too, because I want to see many more seasons of the show!


Should Niles and CC get together??

Chanda's Response: I think that Niles and CC should get together because who else would take them?

Melissa : I think they should as they are both very lonely. It would be funny to see little images of Niles and CC running around!

Tina's (Response: I think Niles and CC should get together. First off, I think that they are both difficult people and no other person in the world could put up with those two. Even with their constant insults, they seem to put up with eachother well. Another reason is that the two of them look good together. When they stand next to eachother, they just look like the perfect couple. Who would guess that in their spare time they degrade and humiliate eachother. Another reason, what happened last time CC had a boyfriend? Niles was jealous. All he did was whine about it. And how about when Niles had that heart attack? CC jumped on some guys dead body screaming "Don't leave me." because she thought it was Niles. Those two would be lost without eachother. I think they belong together because without eachother, they would just be two very lonely individuals.

