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Tammi's Poem of Faith

Tammi, 1996 AGD Sorority Photo, age 20


It was cold, ugly and dark.
I was on the verge of death-
With nothing to remain.
I struggled through the path of life alone,
Looking back now,
How easy it could have been if only I had known.
I was then blinded by a shimmering light,
And I felt His presence within the moonlight.
We talked without saying a single thing,
I decided in my life,
That He would be the King,
And everything around,
Became warm, graceful, and gleaming,
I was no longer lost, I had found myself,
But was I dreaming?
Each day rolled by-
As I worshipped Christ, my God,
My life had gladdened-
And I knew He was no fraud
I thought of what He did,
I let my mind linger-
The Lord Jesus Christ had changed my life-
With just a snap of His finger.

Tammi Therese Strohmaier
May 20, 1990

Our precious daughter, Tammi, went home to be with our Lord on January 17, 1998. Her mother found this poem in a booklet of poems that Tammi had written when she was fourteen years old. It is most precious to the family, as it is Tammi's statement of faith. Although we know what she believes, it is precious to have it in her own words on paper. The song, Awesome God, is one of Tammi's favorites.

Thank you, Bonnie!