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Tammi and Louie
Fall 1997

To visit Louie's Soccer Profile and see how God has blessed this young woman, go to the external link:


A profile of tragedy to triumph in HIM.
Before you enter Louie's Soccer Profile,
please read what this young woman has endured:
  • 1-17-96: Louie breaks both arms in a cheerleading accident.
  • 12-28-96: Both bones in Louie's right leg are broken in a collision with a goalie in an indoor soccer game. She's put in a full leg cast and recovery is expected in 9 months to a year.
  • 1-02-97: Louie's dad is promoted to Illinois. She must leave the home and friends she loves.
  • 6-97: Louie's family moves from Michigan to Illinois. Older sister, Tammi, 21, visits from college break and trains Louie. Sisters become best friends.
  • 1-17-98: The most devastating blow of her life. Tammi is sent to Heaven after a fatal car accident with a semi-the driver speeding and driving on a suspended license.
  • Through it all, Louie clings to her faith in God. She's a champion in HIS eyes!
  • If you look close at Louie's soccer shoes, there are 3 pieces of yarn. The yellow is for the courage God gives - Deuteronomy 31:6. The white is for God's glory, and the purple is for perserverance - Hebrews 12:2.