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September 22, 1999

My Mom and Dad were members of The Primitive Baptist Church and I went to church with them as far back as I can remember. But, I never had prayed and asked Jesus into my heart when I was young. After I left home, I only attended church sporadically. After Dad died though, I felt the need to go to church. Even after I was going to church, there was an emptiness in me that just sitting in church didn't fill. I didn't talk to anyone about this, but I did start reading my Bible and as a result, one day in the quietness of my home, I knelt in prayer to God, confessed my sins and asked Jesus into my heart and to be Lord of my life.

I later made my profession of faith to our pastor at that time and was baptized. I was thirty-one years old at the time. Two of our children were baptized at the same time I was and the two younger ones a year later. My husband, Bill, had joined the Catholic Church as a young man, but wasn't attending church anywhere either. He later also committed his life to the Lord and was baptized by immersion as we were.

Although after I became a Christian, I had my share of troubles and grief, I knew I had My Lord and Savior and He would never leave me or forsake me. And He never has. Bill and I now are members of ClearBranch, a new United Methodist Church in our area. When we first started meeting in the pastor's home three years ago, there were only twenty people. Now in our new building, we have over nine hundred in attendance in the two servies each Sunday! God is at work in this area and people are willing to be used by Him. And that's what it's all about, sharing the Gospel of Our Lord and Savior!