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Sally Faith's Favorite Poetry

The Class Ring

Close to the door
he paused to stand
as he took his class ring
off her hand
and all who were watching
did not speak as a silent tear
ran down his cheek
and through his mind
the memories ran
of the moments they walked
and laughed in the sand
but now her eyes were so terrible cold
for he would never again
have her to hold
they watched in silence
as he bent near
and whispered the words......
"I LOVE YOU" in her ear
he touched her face and started to cry
as he put on his ring and wanted to die
and just then the wind began to blow
as they lowered her casket
into the snow....
this is what happens
to man alive......
.....when friends let friends.....
drink and drive.


and so it goes: every heart there is a room
a sanctuary safe and strong to heal the wounds of lovers
past until a new born comes along
i spoke to you in coutious tones
you answered me with no pretence
and still i feel i said too much
my silence is my self defence
and everytime i held a rose it seems i only felt the thorns
and so it goes and so it goes
and so you will soon
i suppose but if my silence made you leave,
then that would be my worst mistake.
so i will share this room with you.
and you can have this heart to break.
and this is why eyes are closed.
its just as well for what i've seen.
and so it goes and so it goes
for your the only one who knows.
so i'd choose to be with you.
as if that choice were mine to make.
but you can make decisions too.
and you can have this heart to break
and so it goes and so it goes.
and your the only one who knows.


I want this poem read at my wedding:
From Now Until Eternity
By Monica Waldman

in all of the time
noone will ever come along
who could come close to loving me the way you do.
my dreams were relized the first time i met you.
my wishes fulfilled when you first kissed me.
the strength of our love for one another will
serve as a light for whatever shall cross our paths
this light of love
will protect us and guide us
through all the hard time and the bad.
through all the happy times and the sad.
the strength of our love is like none
i have ever known before.
you are my one love.
my best friend, my confident.
i will love you forever.
with ever fiber of my heart and soul.
from now until eternity.


Someone To Hold
By Thomas E. Champ

I need someone to hold my hand when i ache,
I need someone to hold with loving to make.
I want someone to hold and hug me when i'm cold.
I want someone someone to hold who will always be bold.
I desire someone to hold me close in their heart.
I desire someone to hold my intimate thoughts apart.
I long for someone to hold my body next to theirs.
I long for someone to hold my trust for all the years.
I need, want, desire, and long for someone to hold.
Sweetheart, will you always be my someone to hold?


A Kiss
By David Bragg

Softly our lips meet,
They say so much less spoken
A moment always sweet
A wordless token declare this bond so pure.
A precious tiny kissan act forever sure
Which leads to passion bliss.
Bring your lips to meet mine dear.
Tender like the dove.
Slighty parted so i may hear.
The soothing kiss of love.


Granted Wants
By Shirley Kotsanos

At night when its all dark
And shining stars appear
Theres a reason i know why i seem to want you near
I want to let you know my love
How much i care for you
To tell you that my love shall never be untrue
I want to see your smiling face
Feel the softness of your hands
To hear your gentle voice
And know you understand me but..all is quiet....
The hours creep the night is long it seems.
I close my eyes..
My wants are granted you are in my dreams....


Distance Never Separates
By Emily Matthews

Distance never separates
Two hearts that really care.
For memory spans the miles in seconds
We are there.
We hear the voice,
We see the smile
And deep inside we know
That friends remain apart of us wherever we may go.
So we can visit no matter where.
For distance never separates
Two hearts that really care.

