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This is the background of my obsession. I am Hallie, just so that you know, and I am very honored that you would spend time to read this...(that is if you do not know me)

A long, long time ago...(not in a galaxy far away) There was a girl named Hallie, who went to see a movie....After she saw this movie, which was called "The X-Files: Fight the Future" She suddenly became obsessed with the television show. She watched FX everyday for 1 month and saw a lot of the episodes. Then, she invited two friends up to her lakehouse, Erin and Elizabeth. They too got obsessed and watched FX everyday while they were at her house.

Then school started. Erin, Elizabeth, and Hallie spread their obsessions around their clique at school. Pretty soon, all of their friends really liked X-Files, except one, Lillian. Lillian did not get what the big deal was and did not really like the show, or get it for that matter. Characters were assigned, or primary characters. Hallie was permanantly Dana Katherine Scully, Erin was Bambi (from "War of the Cophroganges"), Elizabeth was The Stupendus Yappi(from "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"), Helen was Polly(from "Chinga"), Lillian was The Smoking Man, and Hallie's dog was Mulder.

They all went up to Hallie's lakehouse for a grand party, and while they were there, something magical happened, Lillian started to like X-Files!! She too, became obsessed with the show. Erin, Helen, and Elizabeth constantly changed characters until they finally decide on permanent ones, Erin as Diane Fowley (at the time we thought she was dead, and her name was Diane, not Diana), Helen as Melissa Scully, and Elizabeth as Phoebe Greene(no one knew the correct way to spell phoebe, so we spelled it Fibi) (also, elizabeth did not know who this character was when she was assigned it)

A few weeks pass, and Hallie and Lillian find out that someone named Julianne likes X-Files too. Julianne is then made the character Langley. A few other people who did not like X-Files were added to the characters. There was Jackie, as Byers, Anne(who kinda like X-Files) as Frohike, Lauren as Queequeg, Megan as Well Manicured Man, and Hallie's other dog, Charlie, as Emily.

All of these people (except Megan) went to Hallie's ranch for a birthday party. While there, a few things happened. 1) Anne became a total X-Files addicted maniac. she watched episodes all weekend long, and you always knew where she was, a foot away from the TV watching an ep.
2) there started to be discussion about Julianne becoming Mulder. Now, Hallie thought it was a good idea, but Lillian and Helen were against it. (the others did not care)

Once they got back from Wimberley, Julianne and Hallie were determined to make her Mulder. So, they convinced Lillian that it was a better idea to have a person as Mulder instead of a dog. For about 2 weeks, Hallie and Lillian tried to convince Helen that Julianne was Mulder, but she would not accept the facts. So, everyone went on calling Julianne Mulder.

Then sometime, I forgot when, Stephanie was named Samantha, and Jenny, Spender. Then during spanish one day, we decided to make a notebook for all the philes to write notes in. So, we used this notebook that belonged to Lillian, which would not stay together for long. Anyway, time passed, and the cover got decorated, and the notebook got an official name...."The Notebook" Unfortunately, when we had planned to make "The Notebook" our teacher had heard us, so whenever we had a notebook, she told us to put it away. After a couple of months, the notebook started to...umm....fall apart. Julianne and Hallie thought it would be a better idea to get a new, better notebook that would not fall apart. But, Lillian would NOT do so. So, for the next months, they amused themselves by sabatoging the notebook. Some things they did to it were, jump up and down on it, throw it in the mud, rip the cover get the point. So, now the notebook was dirty, ripped up, and no body ever wrote in it.

Then came "The Quotebook" the quotebook replaced the notebook, and soon, everyone wrote millions of random quotes, some having to do with X-Files, others just really random things, such as something a teacher would say or something another person in class would say.

Starting around the middle of the notebook period, there was a war going on. It was the romo/noromo war. The romos were Hallie, Stephanie, and Helen, and The noromos were Lillian and Julianne. The regular fence sitters were Elizabeth, and umm....i forgot. Anyway, the abnormal fence sitters were Erin and Anne (who were secretly shippers) The difference between normal and abnormal fencers were that regular ones were gay. The one fence sitter left, Elizabeth, does not know this... So, there were the little outbreaks of fighting of the romos and noromos yadda yadda yadda.

Then one day everyone was running from BobbaFet, sad but true, so we moved to a different place. This included Hallie, Helen, Lillian, and Julianne. When BobbaFet came over to our planet, we told it that we were the "Witches Council" and we were having a meeting, but then Anne came and sat down. BobbaFet thought it wasn't fair that Anne got to sit with us and it didn't, so we told BobbaFet that Anne was the secretary. That is how the councils all started. Of course, there were councils inside of councils..........There was the High Council, now named the Jedi Council, which consisted of Hallie, Julianne, and Lillian, and there was the Royal council, which was Hallie and Julianne. The Royal Council had supreme rule over everything.

Then, Megan and Hallie had an idea that would make Lillian extremely upset. They thought it would be funny if Megan were to act like she was the smoking man for a day. Lillian freaked. If you can imagine Helen, Hallie, and Julianne holding Lillian back from killing Megan in the locker room, then you know what it was like.

Then weeks went by, and they graduated from the small private school in Montrose. The quotebook was left out in the rain by an anonymous person, and most of the stuff in it blurred. Over the summer, Megan also got majorly obsessed with David Duchovny, and X-Files...They all went to different schools...... a few of them went to Lamar, a few of them went to Episcopal, and some went to boarding school i think. And for now, they still have X-Files......................


Comments on this? go to...not the notebook, not the quotebook, but "The Guestbook"

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