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OK.We all know what astrology is right?Well,in case you might be the one odd person out there(and you probubly are)here's a little recap of what astrology is.Astrology is just,basically,saying that when you were born(what day,month,time,ect)has to do with how you act and what you are like.Sometimes it's right, sometimes it's not.I would have to say that my astro sign(Capricorn)is right about me.I know a few people and their's is WAY off.But,I've come to find that the information that I'm about to give is more right than wrong.

Horoscopes are a different story though.Most of the time my horoscope is not right or only a small portion is.But,I still think it's fun to read them and I enjoy it.Well,there's a little bit about the subject.

Please click on the links to find out more about your astro sign.

-Resources- "Everything Astrology Book" by Trish MacGregor "Super Horoscope" by Berkley

Aries March 21- April 20
Taurus April 21- May 20
Gemini May 21- June 20
Cancer June 21- July 20
Leo July 21- August 21
Virgo August 22- September 22
Libra September 23- October 22
Scorpio October 23- November 22
Sagittarious Novemeber 23- December 21
Capricorn December 22- January 19
Aquarious January 20- Febuary 18
Pisces Febuary 19- March 20
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