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TONY AND I ARE SO EXCITED!!! We are now the proud grandparents of a beautiful baby girl named McKenzie. She is beautiful and she is just now beginning to make little cooing noises when her Mom talks to her. It is so sweet! Of course Aja and Cassidy love being Aunts at such an early age! I think Aja understands that Daddy has an older daughter but I think Cassidy is still trying to figure out how she is an aunt! Ha. It's nice for me though, I'm a Mom to two young girls and I still get to be a grandma too! Our next big issue is......what do we want her to call us when she starts talking? Christy suggested that since she calls me Regina, that maybe McKenzie will pick up on the Gi part of it and maybe call me "GiGi" and I kinda liked that. What do you think? Tony will probably be Papa T or something like that. The girls have already said that they want to be called Aunt Aja and Aunt Cassidy. They don't want to give up that "Aunt" label! Whatever little McKenzie decides when she gets old enough to talk will be fine though, she may come up with some combination we haven't thought of. All I know is that I wish they lived next door to us so we could see her every day!

Wow! It has been a long time since I updated this page! McKenzie is now 4 years old and we have a new grandson!! Joshua Brayden was born on Aug. 31, 2006. We don't get to see them as much as I would like but we did get to see everybody on Christmas this year. McKenzie is an absolute doll and she is so fun! A few months ago, me, Aja, and Cassidy picked her up and took her shopping with us and we had a ball. She is very pretty, very opinionated, and acts older than 4!! Her mom says that she has been a big help with Josh. Of course he is a doll too!! I will try to update this page a little more regularly from now on so that I can keep you updated!