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Playa00's Pad


        Hello everybody out there, welcome to the world of Playa00.This is my web page. I'm just chillin, as always down in MISSISSIPPI. This was created in Aberdeen Ms where I live, I am a sophmore at Aberdeen High School and a member of the Aberdeen Marching Band where I play French horn and Mellophone.Like my counterpart I am strictly a playa of these two instruments and not of any ladies, so that is where we get our names from. I am a member of the Student Council,and Beta Club. So far high school has been pretty good, it's not all how I expected it to be But Thats Good!!! , Some of my hobbies include (as you probably know now) drawing, hanging with the fellas, or just listening to music.


If somehow you've gotten into this page then feel free to come on in !!

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 If anyone has any suggestions, questions,or just wanna talk feel free to e-mail me.

If anybody out there wants to contact me just hit me on the e-mail at


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