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extended.weekend | 4.09.2007

Well, I didn't have to work Friday so I went back to Ripley on Thursday night. Actually, I went to Tupelo and met up with Bullock. We went and saw Shooter. It was quite possibly one of the best movies that I have seen in the past year. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Definitely worth checking out. While I was in Tupelo me and Bullock went to Circuit City. It was actually pretty interesting. I ended up getting to meet Bullock's manager. He is a pretty cool guy.

Friday night started off kinda crappy. I didn't do anything pretty much all day. Then me and Bullock got together and went to Lee and Brandy's house. We played cards and cut up and had a great time. Some of my best friends were gathered right there, I enjoyed it. Saturday was pretty much the same, except for me and Bullock chilled at the house and played around with some xboxs and all that jazz. Fun Stuff.

So I'm back at work now. It is slow as all get out because we are having a plant shut down day. So basically the only people here are the people that are salaried employees. Blarg. I want some pulled pork BBQ. Some stuff went down this weekend. It is on my mind, which is why I'm completely avoiding talking about anything real today....mostly because the person it involves checks my site frequently...and I don't wannt be like that. hah.

site.redesign | 4.05.2007

Well here it is, another site design. Will it be seen? Nobody knows. I was thinking about it the other day and I was really tired of the whole dark color scheme that I had going on. It was to the point that it was hurting my eyes. I know it has been said time and time again, but I am going to attempt to actually upkeep the site this go around...and am even going to use it as a blog again...hah ;p.

So I guess to keep good on my word to actually put some content I'll give the scoop on what has been going on in my life recently. To start it off, I'm single again. It is really a strange feeling. Jennifer and I dated for a long time. I really lost touch of who I was. I wasn't me anymore, I was "me and Jennifer." I'm starting to get back in the swing of things, though. It is crazy having so much free time, especially on the weekends. Am I looking for someone to take her place? Not actively, just as sort of a back burner type thing. I've been talking to this one chick... I guess we'll see how that plays out.

I've been taking part in the co-op program this semester. I am working in Grenada for a company called Luvata. They make heat transfer coils. I am doing IT work for them. My official title is 'Technical Systems Analyst.' Sounds spiffy, eh? Essentially I get to play on and fix computers all day. I actually did the design for this site at work. Hah. I get to mess with everything from wired and wireless time clocks to network ghosting to server transitions and so on. It is great. I have really been thinking about the whole computer engineering thing though. I really don't have to have an engineering degree in order to do what I want to do, which is something similar to what I am doing right now. I could get my certifications and go to work and make just as much, if not more money, than I could with just having a computer engineering degree. I guess it does sound better to employers when you tell them you have an engineering degree though. The people here are awesome. I've become close to quite a few of the people I work with, which I didn't expect to happen in the beginning. Now if only there were some single girls my age that didn't have STDs or babies around here...hah.

I've gotten back into working out since I've had some down time this semester. So far I've lost around 20 pounds since Christmas. I'm not trying to lose it either, I've just been working out and it has happened. I can't complain about that! I'm having a great time here...but at the same time, especially since Jennifer and I broke up, I feel alone quite often. I'll be alright though, its just part of it all I suppose...