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Pico For Dumbasses



In the interest of "self help" pfd now has a message board, where fans and players can leave their comments, tips for other challenged players, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE FOR THE LINKS!

There is an updated here at Dumbasses, we proudly announce the unvailing of the redneck verson of this walk through, which you can access by clicking here, now a greater number of people can read this site.

THERE IS A NEW GAME featuring Pico here

Pico has gone SPANISH! to use this feature of pico, you simply click on the circle with the word Spanish beside it in the pico main menu -- its right below the German when you enter pico's world.

Pico has gone GERMAN! thats right, there is a German translation that can befound at at the Pico website when you click "enter pico's world", then choosing Pico himself! you have the option of English or German!


Welcome to Pico for Dumbasses

you are probably here to find out how to "play" Pico. Why else are you here? this website is also the first PICO walk through to be mentioned by Tom Fulp on PICO! Why did you do this? Well, PICO FOR DUMBASSES is basically for anyone who IS stupid enough not to know how to figure out how to finish it, believe it or not, there are people who don't clue in so quickly as the rest of us. Like it or not, thats why PICO FOR DUMBASSES was created.


here is a step by step of what you should do:

Class Room 1. After Casandra has begun her myrth in madness, you simply exit the room to enter the main corrador.

The Corridor. Here you begin your voyage by going EAST.

In the second pannel, it is a good idea to pick up the fire extinguisher, you WILL need it later. DO NOT ENTER THE ROOM THAT HAS GUNPLAY REFLECTED IN ITS DOOR WINDOW just yet.

continue eastward, here you can, and must enter the Janitors Closet, here you MUST pick up one of the most important things in the game, the Machine Gun! To get the gun, click on the gun. Keep in mind that you cannot pick up the pice of shit.

Once you have reached the machine gun wealding punk, you can choose a number of options:

-Please Spare Me!

after which the kid shoots poor little Pico.

-Eat Dick!

if you choose either, the kid will shoot you if you wait. BUT, YOU CAN SHOOT THE PUNK. try it, you'll like it.

if you shoot the Kid, YOU have the option to either let him "Run Home to Mommy" or to "Say Your Prayers". "Say Your Prayers" is more fun.

after you've killed your first person, you will come to a gate, here you can go into a locker and get a medicinal herb!

if you don't have the key, well, dumbass, go back and get it. To get the key for the gate, return to the second class room that you passed. BUT before you go, get the medicinal herb which you can find in one of the lockers.

Here, you will have to face off against the telekinetic Alucard. To defeat Alucard, you must distroy the flying remains of the dead. and shoot at Alucard himself whenever a ? appears over his head. Keep in mind, Alucard, being Telekinetic, sheilds himself.

Once your battle with Alucard is over in your favor, Alucard will give you his school key, take the key, you will need it open the gate further on.

For a little more amusement, fire at the desks pilled over and around Alucard, and kill the bastard when he is revealed.

go back and open the gate.

After the gate is opened, the first thing we recomend doing is go into the little boys room, open the stall in there, and kill the guy that is in a shitty disposition. there is nothing else you can do in the male washroom other than flood the floor with the water from the sink and from the urinals.

Next, go into te female washrooms (big male fantasy huh!?!) and face off against the ninja.

We lie, there is one thing you can do in the bathrooms: You can also flush the urinals and turn on the faucets in the bathrooms and a little more fun will insue!

To kill the ninja, simply follow his red marker with your mouse while rapidly left-clicking, and kill him before he kills you. You must then take the goggles so that you can see in the dark.

Go east. You now meet Pico's friend Nene. She wants to die. You can leave her be, or kill here. make your choice, then head east again.

You have now reached the end of the corridor, it would be a good idea to have a drag of the medicinal herb right now.

Enter the teacher's Lounge. You will see that its on fire. Use the extinguisher to put it out.

Click on the East door, you will discover that its locked, so go back to the class room where the game begain.

Once back here, use the goggles to see in the dark, click on the keys on the ground to get them.

return to the last room, and unlock the door.

Now you face the challenge of facing off agianst Cassandra. After she has turned into a monster, you must fire at her at the little purple dot between her legs. Fire rapidly,

Beware of when she throws canisters at you, if they hit you, very bad things will happen, very bad things will happen if her eyeshots hit you, not to mention the devistation you experence if you are crushed under the parts of the celing that Casandra causes to fall.

But before you kill Cassandra, you sould fire at the "EXPLOSIVE" cannister, it will, if you fire at it early enough, explode allowing you to fire at the pollice on the outside of the building.

you can either fire at the front tire of the car, or the engine to destroy the cruiser and the police officer, or you can shot the individual pigs!

extra info:You can shoot the punk and that chick with herpes after thier dead You can open ALL the lockers, but their all empty. you can still you your gun and smoke hemp even during cinama, just look where the item bar is and click on its normal spot. (thanks to Metal Head)

Well folks, thats it! if you can't be victorious after reading this, you are truly a dumbass.


These comments are taken from the guestbook, so, to see them in full, go to the guest book!

"Anyone who can't beat Pico without this webpage should be killed immeadiatly. This will decrease the amout of dumbasses in our society, and conserve the earths natural reasourses that are being wasted on them". Sancho in Mexico,

"its useful..... if your a dumbass, i knew what to do the first time i played the damn game, i just looked an sorta knew... its what they call bein smart....." Rich in the USA,

"Will there be a sequel? You bet! And it rocks so far! You walk around using the keyboard, and aim with the mouse. You can run across the screen and shoot at stuff in any direction while you are running. How sweet is that?" Tom Fulp in Picoland (okay, fine, Tom didn't sign our book, this is taken from the Q&A in Pico)


Come and Play with Pico! by returning here Or you can visit the SECOND Pico walk-through by clicking here.

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1001 hits where achieved on OCTOBER 11TH 1999.

2001 hits where achieved on October 26th 1999.

3008 hits where achieved on November 13th 1999.

4000 hits where achieved on November 30th 1999.

6001 hits where achived on January 10th 2000.


Are you a fan of pico, and want to share your page with the world, please just sign the Guestbook including a link to YOUR page, and specify that you want to be on the "Links of Pico Fans Around the World" list! (we added Carp first because the band from Holland has a cool website)

Links to Pico Fans Around the World

dirty shit