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home page a little about me about some of the work i've done about some of my university activities the cv ohh, them were the days them were ! a note from the past have your say
Well, the title says it all ;o)

NOTE (01/11/1999)

- I hereby solemnly swear there will be some serious activity on this page in the very near future! I will update [and thereon keep updated] the diary pages; I have more of them poem type things to add; the CV will HAVE to be updated due to the vast amount of work currently undertaken and, of course, the pictures [in particular from the 2 recent weddings [congrats to my bruv on getting me in a kilt, and congrats to shane for finally finding a decent missus!]].


Well, here it is for all it's worth! My attempt of a homepage (and updated sometimes too). So sit back ( but watch the chair Ed) , let it load ( don't be so impatient Saverio ), have a shufty ! And don't forget to sign the click to sign the guest book you can even leave your comments (and if you know me, you'll know there's no need to be polite !!)

If you have time, check out the links below...

Well then here goes......


information about this page mail me a few links that i've picked up along the way
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