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Jeetendra's web den


Miriyappallli Sreeram Jeetendra says

Hello! to Long Lost Buddies, Old Pals, Guests and Mom

It is a pity that the world is divided and subdivided into nations and states. Maybe the elders of the world society did it with a purpose of reducing the difficulties of governace. Or it might have been due to the selfish interests of a select few of this earth. Whatever, the reason, please let us not be affected by these partitions. In our minds let there be no divisions and subdivisions. Let us not forget that we all are the children of mother earth. We all belong to and live on the same earth. No physical and diplomatic barriers should stop us from reaching out to each other. Let us not look down upon each other, basing our judgements on color of skin, sex, religion, region, caste, creed. Only the fact that we live on the same earth should count.

May all of us live in peace.

From today onwards let us live as co-beings. <bgsound src="jeetadd.wav"loop=1>

Datta Peetham








Manasa Arangetram


In Memory of C.Raja gopal reddyand Dinakar

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