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Get your imaginations in gear -- let us hear from you! We want to fill up this page with great works of literature. Who is going to be FIRST?

First Day in Church

One time there was a family that didn't go to church. They had a son about 11 years old who was invited to go with his friend to their church. The parents thought that this couldn't hurt, and allowed him to go.

When the boy returned home that Sunday afternoon, the father questioned his son. "What did the preacher talk about today?", the father asked. "Oh, nothing," replied the son. "Well, surely he said something," dad prodded,"I know he didn't just stand there."

"He told us a story, dad," the son said reluctantly,"would you like to hear it?" After dad nodded his head, the son continued. "The preacher told us about a man (a great general) who went to a king and said 'Let my people go, or I'm going to blow you all up with my terrorists bombs'. The people all escaped, and followed this great general into the wilderness. With the king (and his men) chasing them, they came up to a very wide river that they couldn't cross. The general ordered all the trees cut, and a great bridge to be built. In record time, the people built the bridge and crossed over it. When the king and his army reached the bridge, the general had it blown up. All the kings men and horses died in the river."

The dad sat there a minute. He pondered even another minute. "Well, son," he began slowly, "I just don't believe that there story is exactly the way it went, now is it?"

"DAD!" the son breathed, exasperated. "If you can't believe it the way I told it, you sure ain't going to believe it the way the preacher told it!"

[I heard this from my uncle who is a preacher.]

Submitted by: Kris
Age: 13
Holly Springs, Ms 38635
DATE: = 5-21-98


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