Welcome to Jenu1bruin's Memento X-Files

If you ever have trouble bringing up this page, a mirror site is available. This site is accessible through the following URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/lavendar/foxybrown/505/. If you find that it is a better server for you, please bookmark that page instead. **NOTE** Fortunecity has allotted their members a ton more webspace, and as Angelfire has also begun a banner system, I have decided to migrate to Fortunecity as the main site. Eventually, this page will be phased out as I run out of room. Thanks!
Last Updated: May 10, 2000

NEW TODAY: Breeze Summaries for Hollywood A.D. and Fight Club.

NEW THIS WEEK: I know, you guys all hate me and think I've given up on this site. I haven't; I simply have not had the time to be as on top of things as I'd like.

WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FOR THIS WEEK: I won't say -- that way, it'll be a surprise, right? *g*


Next Episode: Je Souhaite (May 14, 2000)

Hello, and thank you for visiting. This site was created for the sole purpose of providing X-Philes with as much daily dosage of Mulder and Scully as needed. I don't claim to have any part in creating these wonderful characters, nor do I intend any harm or nefarious purposes other than to show my love for Chris Carter's creation, and to bond with others "out there" who love it as well.

The name of this site, for reasons obvious to any X-Phile, alludes and is in salute to one of the most important episodes in X-Files mythology. I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit.

You are welcome to take anything you like that catches your fancy from my site. I only ask that you provide a link back to JMXF on your page.

Breeze Summaries

Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
Season Six
Season Seven

My Thoughts On the Episodes

Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
Season Six
Season Seven

On the X-Files Sound Vibe

Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four
Season Five
Season Six
Season Seven
Fight The Future
Music & Madness

Upcoming Episodes


Shippers Corner


Favorite X-Files Sites & Thank Yous


The Vault of Bad Episodes


Top 10 Best Episodes


Cool Downloadables & Misc. X-Files Stuff


Awards & Affiliations


Banner Exchange


Help Me! Area


Currently, I need help on 0 item(s).

Everything I Need To Know...


Gillian Anderson Images
Gillian Anderson in One Son

Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four

David & Gillian Together Images
David Duchovny & Gillian Anderson in Arcadia

Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four

David Duchovny Images
David Duchovny in The Unnatural

Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four

The Guestbook

I cherish every visitor, so please let me know who you are!

I Leave A Memento I View Mementos Left by Others I Want A Memento Book? I

Your visit has been duly noted...thanks so much for joining the other X-Philes who have arrived here previously to relieve their X-Files cravings.
Providing sustenance since February 22, 1999.

Please feel free to me at jenu1bruin@centropolis.org

I welcome any comments and/or suggestions.

2000 by JJC

DISCLAIMER: This is an X-Files fan website. "The X-Files" and its characters are the property of 20th Century Fox and 1013 Productions, neither of whom have authorized this site or are in any way responsible for its contents.