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WeLcOmE tO mEgZ wOrLd!

Hey everyone! I'm glad you could make it to my page! I hope you enjoy yourself! Lotz of pics and info through the pages! Take your time and click next page until itz finished! There is some of my favorite links in here and they could be your favorite too! *lol* The picture above is my cousin/sis/best friend Sebosis Paul and me, Megan Angel Bear! Info about me, Like i said already my name is Megan Angel Bear! I'm 14 years old turning 15 on August 12th and i passed grade 9 so i will be going in grade 10 in august! Sheesh i'm smart aint i? *lol* I live in Tobique! Thatz in New Brunswick, Canada! I love hanging out with my friends, being with my family, partying, djaying at peoples grad parties *lol* and just having a good time! Enjoy my site! More stuff on the way! OK EVERYONE! THERE IS A FEW NEW PICS IN! THEY ARE ON THE NEXT PAGE UNDER BIG COVE BUDDIES AND STU! CLICK THERE AND CHECK THEM OUT! Later -Luv- *Megz* (^NageM^)

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