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Krazy Quotes

The following statements are just a compilation of my friends and my wacky sayings. Thanks to Liz, Leslie, Ashlee, Kristin, Clay, Renee, Greg, and my bio and English classes. Sometimes, we just go a little clueless and say the weirdest things. Enjoy!! If you don't get these jokes, (like Renee E. and Carrie) you deserve to meet Liz and Clay. *grin* Idea taken from Cammy's page

Megan: Yeah, well, you have a red fluke in, red hair!
Ashlee: *sniffling* That was way harsh!
Mr. Young: How do you check for worms?
Leslie: Check your poop!
Mr. Young: Degenerative means it's no longer there.
Ashlee: Liz has a degenerative brain!
Ryan: That's a #2 pencil. She wants her #1 pen.
Greg: Roses are red, violets are blue. Most poems rhyme, but not this one.
Erin: Death to track!
Greg: Why?
Renee: Because you have to run!
Leslie: Let's make a lot of noise and set off the motion detector!
Mrs. Young: Your nose is going to grow like Pinnochio.
Liz: Huh? Why?
Kristin: Whenever he lied, his nose grew.
Liz: Oh, I never caught that part of the story.
Mrs. Young: Is God going to judge you because you used incorrect grammar?
Kayla: It's a sin.
Clay: No it's it?
Mr. Young: Name three bivalves. (Mollusks with 2 shells.)
Megan: Oysters, clams, and pearls.
Leslie: Pearls are IN oysters!
(During an English party...)
Clay: Can we start writing our essays now?
Kristin: I can't believe Megan gave herself a sock line with self-tanning lotion!
Kristin: He was one pancake short of a full stack.
Megan: He was one brick short of a load.
Elissa: The lights are on but nobody's home.
Leslie: The straw that broke the camel's...never mind.
(To Stephanie Swanson...)
Renee: You look just like John Swanson! Oh wait...
Liz: I love fruit! Fruit is my favorite vegetable!

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