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Backpackin' Diary

Backpacking in the mountains...does it sound great or gross? I have the opportunity to experience it, and on the trip I'll capture my thoughts and feelings and when I come back, I'll report it all on here.

June 13, 1998
Tomorrow at 5 a.m. I leave for the Appalachians with 19 of my friends from my youth group. I'm pretty nervous and apprehensive about it. I've only camped once, and that was just an overnight thing in 6th grade. I've certainly never hiked 37 miles in the mountains carrying 26 pounds on my back. I know I can handle this trip, physically. It's the emotional part I'm worried about. I'm terribly arachnophobic. Spiders and bugs of all kinds scare the freak out of me. And I'll miss showers, cleanliness, my 'puter, and my friends and family. But I think I'll have a good time. It'll give me a chance to get to know everybody a little bit better. My mom calls it a "bonding experience." I just wish I could bond with them on a trip where there's bathrooms and running water. =) I don't know what my feelings are at the moment. I guess I'll have plenty of time to think about it on the 12 hour drive to Georgia tomorrow. --Megan

June 14, 1998
Long car ride. Thirteen hours. It was fun, though. We slept most of the morning and just talked and read in the afternoon. We got to Vogel State Park about 7:00 p.m. We've set up our tents. I'm with my friend Kristin and Ashlee. It's really hot and it's raining, but our tent is doing just great in keeping us dry and free from spiders. Gotta go, it's late. --Megan

June 15, 1998
We hiked 6.7 miles today. I never realized how hard it is to climb mountains. It's rocky and steep. I fell a couple of times and almost fainted once. Also, after lunch, we were hiking and I had to go to the bathroom, so I took the trowel and toilet paper and walked through the thorny woods. I sure pick great spots...not! I got stung by three different bees at once! Yeouch! I kind of want to go home. I'm not up to the walking thing. --Megan

I came to a three way stop in the middle of the woods, and I wasn't sure which way to go, so I just layed down in the middles to wait for the rest of my group to tell me where to go, and it was like God was talking to me. I can't really put it in words, but I was thinking how God is in control of everything. What do I fear? He is God, plain and simple. It was like He was telling me this so I wouldn't worry about dumb little things. Worrying is a big waste of thought time. Then I was thinking about how God is right next to me all the time, and then the wind blew like God was saying, "Yes, I am here!" --Renee Theiss "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

June 16, 1998
Even though we hiked 10.9 miles, it was easier than yesterday. The people I hiked with were fun. But, I'm pretty upset. I'm not having a blast, though the Ramen noodles were pretty excellent. The best part about today was getting cleaned up in a stream, even though it was really far from our campsite. It was so far and so downhill, that we got muddier coming back than we were to begin with! But, we got our hair washed!--Megan

June 17, 1998
Today was a rough hike. Only one more day. The trip is better than I thought it would be, but it's still tough. I'd rather honestly be at home. I miss chatting with Cristian. =) I miss my Mom and Dad and bathrooms and showers and beds and milk. I have huge blisters and tons of thorn scratches. So many bugs! Today we hiked 8.2 miles. Mostly uphill. It was pretty much worth it though, because right now I'm sitting on this gigantuos rock slab bigger than my backyard overlooking the tree-covered mountains. You can see cities below, even. It's beautiful. It's these beautiful sights that keep me going each day. Well, that and God. The song I think to push me when I walk is "Like a child I will dance in your presence. Oh let the joy of Heaven pour down on me. I still remember the first day I met you, and I don't want to ever lose that fire, my first love!" I'm homesick and civilizational-sick at the moment. One more day, one more day. The verse we're memorizing to keep us going and from being negative is, "Consider it pure joy my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4. It's cool. I'm really trying hard not to be negative, honest. It's just that I'm not having the time of my life and it's hard to keep those feelings bottled up. But I'm trying! I'm trying! Right now we're sitting in a circle on this rock doing devotions and sharing journals. This is by far the most fun I've had as of yet. We are singing praises to God. It's awesome. --Megan

June 18, 1998
We're done!! We've completed 37 miles! I'm exhillarated! Micah, Joni, and I walked by ourselves after lunch. It was a blast. We sang the whole way. And now we're goin' home! Okay, to a hotel in Tennessee. I'm a tad sad to go. I'm really glad I did it. I think it made me stronger. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Physically because my calf muscles are a bit larger than they were. My lungs have learned to breathe through hiking in mountain air. Emotionally because I learned that it's okay to cry sometimes. I didn't get upset over everything. I controlled my feelings and had a good time, even though it was the longest I'd ever been away from home without my family. And spiritually because I saw the beauty of God's creation up close and personal. I also learned not to take things that aren't necessary for granted. I'll appreciate my God-given blessings. But, in all honesty, I don't think I'll ever do this again. Whoo hoo! It's done! Only one spider ever touched me all week! And tomorrow is the hotel and pool! Whoo hoo! --Megan

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Philippians 4:13) That blows me away. I was so pooped walking uphill forever and I thought of that verse and it's so true. I can do anything with Christ. I could never do this without Him. Thank you Jesus! --Laurel Woods

June 19, 1998
We're on our way to the hotel. I'm glad I didn't pass up the chance to go on this trip. Looking back on the rough days, I can see that I survived, and I survived well. No, I didn't enjoy a lot of it, but I tried hard to keep my negative attitude from keeping me from the cool stuff. This trip sure taught me pure joy. I can do something tough and not fun for me and still fine some things to be cheerful about. I didn't give up this week. I persevered up the mountains and I made it. I accomplished something a lot of other people cannot. There's always going to be stuff in life that I don't like, that is difficult. But, I will do it, and I will live through it with God's help. He got me through this trip, and He'll get me through other difficult times in life. Hard stuff strengthens people, and I feel a strong person than I did last Saturday. Admittedly, there were times I felt so overcome that all I could do was sit and cry. And it helped. But, the biggest thing this trip taught me was not to worry. It doesn't change anything. And most worries are trivial and superficial anyways. But, I'm pretty proud of myself. Not that you'll see me on the mountains anytime soon!! --Megan

Our trip made the Greenville news. Here is the article written by Nathaniel West in the Greenville Advocate.
Adventure in Georgia

Greenville Free Methodist Youth Return From Backpacking Trip in Appalachians

It wasn't all that hot. And it ture trip" for the high school youth wasn't all that rainy. group. Three years ago, they took But it was still hard. a bike trip to Prince Edward Island Adventurers from the Greenville in Canada. Free Methodist Church youth group LaBoy spoke of a Bible verse returned June 20 from a backpack- that she said was the theme of the ing trip in the Appalachian mount- backpacking trip, James 1:2-4. tains of Georgia. And the physical LaBoy also said the hardships on challenges the youth faced proved to the trail promoted cooperation, as be quite benficial for min, soul and the youth banded together to help body, said Lynette LaBoy, a youth each other out. At times, she said, leader who helped organize the trip. hikers would help carry each other's "It was incredible," she said. loads when one was struggling. "It was really hard, but it was Dan Liss, 15, agreed that the really rewarding. The physical hiking was difficult and also reward- struggle stirred up conversation ing. about daily spiritual struggle." "I learned that everything in life A total of 22 people, including 18 is precious," he said. high schoolers, went on the trip. They left the church early Sunday morning, June 14. The group hiked 39 miles for a total of four days in the Appala- chians. Every three years, said LaBoy, the FM church sponsors an "adven-

Well, that was my story. And the FMY's, too. I learned a lot. I hope you did as you were reading this. Moral: Trust God, Don't Worry. Have Fun!
"Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch and you will see the wonderful way of the Lord will rescue you today." (Exodus 14:13)

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