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'Time to Think'



TITLE: 'Time to Think'
AUTHOR: Graculus
SPOILERS: **'Out of Time'** (natch), 'The Fifth Race', 'Bloodlines', 'Children of the Gods', 'Tok'ra I & II', 'Within the Serpent's Grasp', 'There But for the Grace of God' etc...
ARCHIVE: Stargate Fan, Heliopolis, Belle's Place, Place of Our Legacy
WARNINGS: Some angst ahoy...
SUMMARY: **Missing scene from 'Out of Time', season 2 finale...**
DISCLAIMER: Characters are property of MGM, etc.
DISCLAIMER: "Stargate SG-1 and its characters are the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I have written this story for entertainment purposes only and no money whatsoever has exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author. Not to be archived without permission of the author."

------------------- Time to Think : -------------------

"Everyone you ever knew is probably gone now..."

Wasn't that what that woman said ? I never thought it would be like this... All this time, and we're *still* at war with the Goa'uld, and losing too. Was what we did all a waste of time and effort ? All the lives lost, all the missions, and we didn't get *anything* we could use against them ?

Were the Asgard lying when I met them ? They said we were on the way to becoming the fifth race... but that's not gonna happen if we lose. Why haven't they helped us when we know they hate the Goa'uld so much ? Surely they must know how badly the war with the Goa'uld is going. At least we've still got the Tok'ra on our side...

It's too much to take in all at once... *everyone* is dead ? When I woke up the first time, my first thoughts were of my team, wanting to know if they were okay...

Daniel, guess we didn't find Shar'e and Skaara after all - sorry, maybe I shouldn't have promised you that we'd keep on searching, never realised that would turn out to be a promise I couldn't keep...

And Teal'c... after nearly 80 years, are your people free yet ? Guess Bra'tac and even Rya'c must be dead now. Wonder if the struggle for Chulak's freedom died with them...

Carter... Sam... it was a wild ride while it lasted, wasn't it ?

And that *thing* they stuck in my head - that doctor's not got Doc Fraiser's bed-side manner, that's for sure...


So, I'm alone again...

Sha're... I said once that I'd *never* stop looking for you, but that was 80 years ago ! If you're still out there, you must think I went back on my word, that I stopped loving you, that I stopped looking...

All those times I came close to death, even died, and I'm the one who gets to survive from SG1... What a sick joke !

How am I going to carry on ? Some days, it was only the thought of my friends that helped me get out of bed in the morning... What can I do now to help in the war against the Goa'uld ? After all, it feels like we made all those trips through the 'Gate for nothing...


Whew. Can't get my mind round it. 80 years ? If I was the scientist that the colonel thinks.... thought.... I am, I should be fascinated by the cryogenics, want to know more about the new technology, but all I can think about is what I've lost...

Are you still out there, dad ? We're still working with the Tok'ra, that's what they said, but are you still part of them ? I remember how I felt when I heard you had cancer, that you were dying, but at least then I *knew*....

Never thought the end of SG1 would come like that, out of nowhere... thought we might all die together in some stand-off situation, like on Apophis' ship that time, not on some mission I can't even remember ! Somehow that makes losing you guys even harder to take, it feels like such a waste...


What can I do now ? I'm a soldier, sure, but things must have moved on... I was starting to feel like I was obsolete even then, and now we've got colonies on other worlds ?

If it hadn't been for the Abydos mission, I never would have put that uniform on again, I'd be long gone by now - no-one to remember me, grieve over me... I wouldn't have lived to maybe see our world over-run by *them.* Now I know how Daniel felt that time.

And here I am, after all we went through as a team. Wasn't it Daniel who always seemed to survive everything our missions threw at him ? Guess you ran out of lives this time, Daniel...

Somehow, though, something doesn't feel quite right about this... Maybe it's my imagination, but wouldn't they *know* all the information that they are asking me for already ?

Have to keep my eyes and ears open, see what I can find out....
