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This page is dedicated to one of the most lucrative games I ever found and how money is made out of it. Most people do not understand what Magic the Gathering has supposed to me and are unable to even imagine jow much money it moves each year.
From pages like this one I RAN the

Black Bordered Sale on the Net.

Which has dealt an important role in how I won money with such this game. This sale was keptUnattended for six months before I shutted it down for lack of cards.
To understand how to make money out of the game you must understand the game. And know it.Magic the Gathering was designed by a game creator called Richard Garfield a long, long time ago. It is asimple card game that has been the starting point for the now widely spread CCG's (Collectable CardsGames).

The main difference Magic presents with the card games everyone knows is that in the game people who "fight" against each other have different decks. In a "duel" (game between 2 players) there are 2 decks,and the player with the best deck is more likely to win. Cards with which to build decks are bought fromshops in "boosters" and "starter decks".

These card packs contain a certain number of cards from an"edition". Cards from editions are divided into "Rare", "Uncommon" and "Common", depending on howthey are printed. Normal boosters contain 1 Rare, 3 Uncommon and 11 Common Cards.

This is where money enters. He who buys more boosters and starters has more chances to have bettercards. But as you do not need all the cards you have and you need cards you do not have, you have aproblem.People then begin to trade cards.

Then people start to change cards for other goods (I change this card for your Donut!!). Finally people start selling and buying cards. A problem then arises. What is a fair deal??? What is the fair price for a piece of card??  There are several cards valued by Magic players at over $250.

And as "limited" (Card prints which are available for a short period of time) Editions go by, old cards start to win, and win value.And rip-offs occur. People start speculating. The Game becomes a business.

Unlimited Editions are the basic sets cards. They are not a limited edition, but cards are taken out and replaced by cards from Limited Editions.

I started playing Magic during the sale of the fifth Limited Edition, "The Dark". I spent (lets use the term inverted) around $250 which I have managed to convert into $3000 during the 2 years I played. I was not aware about what I was doing, but life is this way...

Two years playing day and night to what was for me the most interesting thing in life and an interestingprofit for a 16-year-old seems excellent. But Magic was not so good for everyone.Business sharks who saw the deal few months after Magic went into sale inverted millions and won millions.
People who started playing 2 months after have not made money. People who started playing three months after I did have lost and awful amount of money.

The Sale I ran was dedicated to black bordered cards, which are more valued than white bordered cardsbecause they are fancier.

I still ask myself how a piece of cardboard can be worth as much as a TV. Well...

I will continue updating this information page periodically. Currently I am building sections dedicated to how Companies, Local Resellers and Players made and lost money out of the "Game".

In the meanwille learn more about the game at

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