CinéFemme Features: Experimental Films

CinéFemme Films from Eressos, Greece, home of Sappho.

Since 1997 I have made films in Eressos, on the island of Lesbos. These are collaborative efforts with islanders and travelers. Two are mythological journeys contextualized with film clips from Maya Deren's At Land, Alien, Jaws and Bergman's The Seventh Seal . Both made in Eressos, Lesbos in Greece during the summers of 1997 and 1998:

Selected for Bay Area Burning Man Film Festival, and projected from a VCR on the roof of a car against a garage. Now that is an accomplishment, come to think of it. Paris has 400 screenings (séances) a week. I remember a book for young Francophiles where the kids on the block projected a film against a sheet on a garage years ago. I was living in the land of 40 screenings a week, in the frozen tundra of Sweden, where polar bears roam the street daily and wondered why there was such a huge differénce. This film is my dream come true! Merci Catrin et Philomene!
Coming Attraction: Green, Green, Green... Gone: Divorce Swedish Style. World Premiere, Cineffable Lesbian Film Festival, 2007, Paris. Special Presentation at the 2007 Eressos Women's Film Festival (8-22 September). Starring Les Lesbiennes Terribles and Les Parents Terribles and Antiope and her Goatherder. Swedish Registered Lesbian Partners and Sambo reveal why they have returned to being outlaws and serial monogamists. A comedy of errors. A film about FREEDOM! FREEDOM TO LIVE AND LET LIVE!

Films by Moira Sullivan, cinéaste and film lecturer, San Francisco and Stockholm, Sweden.
For information about Lesbos and arranging a holiday, contact CineFemme, Swedish representative for Sappho Travel, Lesbos Greece. CinéFemme Home