Jammin On Main
Cincinnati, OH
Saturday, May 8th, 1999

GooGoo Dolls

Promo pic from official site: Justine, guitarist #2 & Heidi


Dykemusic ROCKS!!!!!

The first time I heard of Frogpond, was a blurb in SPIN magazine. It showed a picture of 3 very young looking girls, and had a small article about how Art Alexis (the frontman of Everclear) was suing them claiming he wasn't getting enough money off their debut album Count To Ten. Alexis provided background vocals for this release and also produced. I remember thinking that Art Alexis was a total asshole to begin with but that this was a new low. Everclear has had some big songs and you'd think he'd have enough money without having to sue some struggling band of teenage girls.
Since that initial introduction to Frogpond, I've been halfhoping that they'd pop up opening for a band I like or something that would give me an oportunity to see them. 2 years later, I did.

I was half-dragged to Jammin On Main. Not that I really minded because a concert is a concert and I'm beginning to think I'm a bit of an addict. I also had some black and white film I wanted to use (pictures coming soon!)
Once I heard the Goos were going to be there I said sure I'll go. I also heard that Frogpond were going to be there. I remembered the above mentioned article, and was hoping this was the band I had read about. A couple years ago I thought that maybe Fishbone was the band I had heard of and was quite mistaken. Luckily enough, Frogpond was the band I had been hoping to hear and I was certainly not let down!

The first thing that I noticed was that Frogpond was no longer an all-girl band. I later learned that only 2 of the original members remained, the drummer and the 2nd guitarist were both men. The other thing that especially struck me was that the band themselves were tuning up the guitars and checking the amps. This is the first time I've seen a band (even a small one) tech their own stuff.

As far as I can tell the current line-up for the band is:
Heidi Phillips: guitar & lead vocals
Justine Volpe: bass & vocals
(?): 2nd guitarist
Brian(?): drums

When the show began, Justine was very smilely, and continued to be throughout the show. She was wearing a yellow long sleeved shirt with some kind of logo on the front, and navy blue jogging pants. She had a wristband on her right wrist.
Heidi was wearing a yellow striped shirt and jeans.
(?) had on jeans and a tanish long sleeved shirt.
Brian changed shirts several times and threw one out into the crowd.

I wasn't familiar with any of their music so I was skeptical at first. However, I quickly got into their sound. They have that pure alternative sound that is rarely found in music anymore. Musically they reminded me of thatdog. with just a touch of Placebo. Vocally they reminded me a bit of Veruca Salt. Heidi's voice is low and doesn't have much range, at times she almost sounds like a guy.

They did several songs of their upcoming (June) album Safe Ride Home including: I Did, Victim of a Victim, World Crash, and How Would You Know.
During (I think) Victim of a Victim, Heidi was a little bit upset about how the song was going, I'm not sure why because it sounded good to me. At one point she mouthed "fuck". Justine had said, we're going to try out a brand new song on you, but it doesn't matter because you don't know us anyway. I guess this was one of the first times they've played it live but I really have no idea.

The crowd really dug the music. After the show the drummer came out between the stage and the barracade and handed out Frogpond stickers that he signed. I didn't get one but the lady in front of me gave me hers! She was really nice. The 2nd guitarist also signed a couple but he turned back just before he got to us because of the psycho security guards who wouldn't let anyone crowd surf. They also threw out some promos of the new album but I didn't get one :(

Their sound was really raw and powerful, I'd suggest seeing them if you get the chance, and definately check out their new cd, Safe Ride Home, that is coming out June 1st. Track listing for that cd is:

1. World Crash
2. I Did
3. How Would You Know
4. Home
5. Fighter
6. Sleep
7. Victim Of A Victim
8. When I See You
9. Empty Room
10. 22
11. Whatever
12. Get Paid
13. Few & Far Between

It's on C2 Records/Sony and Doug McBride produced.

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