Bogarts Cincinnati Ohio
(note: read the steve section first because it lets you know what happened before this!)

while steve was talking to the other fans, stefan and brian came out. their manager was beside brian, and i said "brian!" but he didn't even look at me, he just walked right by. another girl jumped right in front of him and said "brian!" but he also didn't look at her at all. stefan is really shy, if you catch him after a show it's more crowded, but he's usually friendlier, more "up". before shows he's usually shyer. i suppose this is because after the shows he's so full of adrenaline and he's also had a few drinks.

to stefan i said, "hi would you mind signing my cd and taking a picture?" he signed and took the picture and i don't think he said anything! he just nodded. after he took the picture he hurried to the bus and didn't talk to anyone else.