
i know that i would like to fade into you
i am almost sure that you would seep into my every molecule
i think that i would cease to be
and i would become you, and you me
or in my wildest fantasies we would merge
into one soul that would consume only fear
there is so much fear in this world that we would never die
there is so much fear in me that this will never be

i know that i would like to creep into you
at night when you're asleep
when i am hidden by the night i love
i would watch you and i know that i would not believe
that you are real
are you real?
there is so much false in this world that we can never die
there is so much false in me that this can never be

i know that i would like to fall into your eyes
i think that they would tell me things that you could never express
that you wouldn't say to me
because you don't even know me
i don't even know you
i would bend myself to your hand
i would melt into your altar
i would cry salty tears just knowing that you exist somewhere in this pain
there is so much pain in this world that we will never die
there is so much pain in me that this will never be

i know that i have choices now
i know that i will be the eternally unsatisfied
my choices are rank.
i am only a human.
i am just a girl
i am overwhelmed at this emotion that you have created in me
unknowingly, unwittingly, unwillingly
you will never know that you birthed me
i was dead, you woke me
i was asleep, you brought me back to life
i know you are a stranger and only human
i am only human too
there is so much that is human in this world, that we will never die
there is so much that is human in me, that i know this will never be.
