this page would not be possible without the help, support, and amazing creativity of the following people (in no specific order!):

  • tutorials at html goodies (by joe burns phd) which helped me learn helpful things like how to get links to open in seperate frames!

  • meade for helping me learn frames, i am eternally grateful! she's always there to answer a question when html is boggling my mind! she's not afraid to tell me exactly what she thinks about things too. she continues to inspire me and countless others every day by just being herself. i am so blessed to call her a friend.

  • poof for inspiring me to finally decide to name the site breathe.

  • all the girls that have journals hosted at their sites, and the insights included in them are so amazing. they inspire me as an artist, a webgrrl, a writer, and a person. thanks to all of them for just being themselves!

  • everyone who visits this site, and everyone who takes the time to email me or sign the dreambook.