Members of the PRC

Note: The Purple Ribbon Campaign does not necesarily condone the messages and themes you may find on the webpages listed bellow. By clicking on these links you leave the PRC, and we do not necesarily support the ideas promoted in them.

* marks sites that from the first page look as though some people may find them offensive.

Newest members will be at the bottom.
72 members on 9/16/99

Name/Email: Stacia Bethens (founder)
Website: The Official Stacia Bethens Homepage

Name/Email: Lamia
Website: Lady Lamia's Looking Glass & Tori Amos Pigtails & All

Name/Email: Tim Sandusky
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Cara Higgins
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Sara Kilpatrick
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Lyndsey Vandeventer
Website: Beneath the Stars

Name/Email: Ray
Website: The Official Psycho Babble 6000's Home Page

Name/Email: Carmilla
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Laura
Website: AllAmericanGrrl's Poetry Center

Name/Email: Linda Aldridge
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Kevin Austin
Website: Dark Årchangel's Hell

Name/Email: Mara

Name/Email: *...Narcosis...*
Website: 15 mins of Shame

Name/Email: shallow *infant*
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Mary Stapleton
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Riley E. Manion
Website: every road leads back to my door

Name/Email: \/\/onka \/\/ash
Website: The Marilyn Manson Feast of Fear home page

Name/Email: Kate
Vampyress' Lair

Name/Email: Asia
Website: Engel's Rammstein site

Name/Email: Danielle
Website: Corset Strings

Name/Email: Diane
Website: My Page Of Useless Crap...Woohoo!

Name/Email: Kim
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Katherine Sunderland
Website: Katherine's web page

Name/Email: Miwa Ito
Website: No Name Listed

Name/Email: Trystessa
Website: Tristesse

Name/Email: Starla
Website: *The Beautiful People

Name/Email: Starla
Website: Spooky's Great Big White World

Name/Email: Jessica
Website: Pritty Girl Things

Name/Email: Morticia
Website: Reverie

Name/Email: Jennifer Carasa
Website: Jen's Webpage

Name/Email: Stefanie Mellen
Website: t||w||i||s||t||e||d

Name/Email: zen werewolf
Website: zen's den

Name/Email: BlakCherrie
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Richard Bacon
Website: RiChArD's LitTle Page

Name/Email: Remora Vlad
Website: Castle of Rapture

Name/Email: Hypo Luxa
Website: Happy Tv

Name/Email: Danielle
Website: The (V)anson Inn

Name/Email: Anna Fock
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Jackie
Website: A Group of Guys Known As Orgy

Name/Email: Kayla
Website: The Gaes of Misanthropy

Name/Email: Mandy
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Jacqueline Wood
Website: .:drowning in misery:.

Website: Marilyn Manson-Neurophobic And Perfect

Name/Email: Mandy Manson
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Marley
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Kate
Website: Screaming Faces of Red

Name/Email: Sharon Rodriguez
Website: All Day I Dream About KoRn... and Orgy?


Name/Email: John
Website: MManson on Angelfire

Name/Email: Becky Miller
Website: Road To Nowhere

Name/Email: Jennifer Thomas
Website: Gingefur's Poetic Madness

Name/Email: Emmz Something
Website: Razor Kiss

Name/Email: Jenn Smith
Website: Jilted Angel

Name/Email: Kim aka Mega
Website: Mega Productions

Name/Email: Richard
Website: bayb goth's web page

Name/Email: daemona
Website: mind your sanity

Name/Email: Megs
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Brenna
Website: Brenna's Page...Don't Laugh

Name/Email: Emily
Website: None Listed

Name/Email: Tommy Malice
Website: The Pallace 0f Malice

Name/Email: Galena
Website: Orgy; Adored By Me Throughout

Name/Email: derek
Website: Revival: An Orgy Page (the band, u freakin pervs)

Name/Email: Paige D.
Website: platinum Pantomime

Name/Email: Jenn Martin
Website: Hidden In The Picture

Name/Email: Jilli Bean
Website: Jilli's Music and More (note: included website name but not URL)

Name/Email: Rachel
Website: Faerie 1313's Home

Name/Email: Sylvia
Website: yOuthful image

Name/Email: K.G.
Website: The Machine

Name/Email: marianne
Website: pale blue coloured eyes

Name/Email: Daniel Keith (Syn)
Website: angels of emptiness

Name/Email: Ann Persons
Website: my empire of dirt

Name/Email: Brandy G.
Website: Manson Lair

Name/Email: ::ashlee.jezebel.ramirez::