HTML for the graphics appears underneath each. You just have to remove the spaces between the < and the rest of the HTML. Example: < A HREF becomes <_A HREF with no space between the A and the <

If you have trouble email me

Goth Graphics:

Small Animated For Light Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-Goths Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Small Animated For Dark Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-Goths Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Large For Light Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-Goths Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Large For Dark Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-Goths Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Non-Goth Graphics:

Small For Light Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-People Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Small For Dark Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-People Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Large For Light Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-People Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >

Large For Dark Backgrounds

< A HREF="" >< IMG border=0 alt="The Purple Ribbon Campaign-People Against School Violence" SRC="" >< /A >