lamia want to know more about lamia?
links are placed throughout the pages. however, if you'd like to see each of the links, they are below.

Lisa Jane Smith-A Biography
Helenic Ministry Of Culture
Jason Finegan's Genesis Page
The Fantasy Collector Homepage
Columbia University English Department
Nightbane: Fractional Lamia R.C.C.
The Lamia Bloodline of Clan Cappadocia

where did you get your information?
aside from the above links, i found my information in all different kinds of books, other websites, websites devoted to lilith herself, and other such sources. if you want to find a "real" source i'd suggest "new age" books dealing with vampires.

what if I want to know more about L.J. Smith?
the following links will lead you to some great L.J. Smith fan pages

Circle Midnight Circle Twilight Circle Daybreak