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Hello and Greetings A/all who wish to enter this site. Please make special note that: This site is informative, non`vindictive, about a very particular lifestyle that many enjoy, and inspirational to some that need to learn. I enjoyed every minute of putting this site together, coming up with the information, acquiring the links from friends and my own self, as well as learning of my own wants and needs. You can find out more about me here inside.
If you are 18 yrs of age or over please enjoy this site to its extent. It isn't much but what is there is enjoyable and informative ::smiles::

The Sinful minx`cub

If you are under the age of 18, offend easily, disagree with the BDSM lifestyle, or just plain hateful; please don't venture forth and try out this exciting site! They'll be sure to take care of you ::smiles::