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Open file... menu"); fillerwin.document.writeln(" i ; i++) { if ((document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("text") != -1 ) || (document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("hidden") == 0) || (document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("password") == 0) ) { ebhnd.WriteKeyPair(document.LiveFORM.elements[i].name, escape(document.LiveFORM.elements[i].value) ) } } newwin.close(); return 0 } function ebFill() { if (BName == "Netscape") { if (check_plugin()== 0) ebhnd = newwin.document.ebCARD else { newwin.close(); return 1; } } else { ebhnd = newwin.document.ebCARD } for(i=0 ; document.LiveFORM.elements.length > i ; i++) { if ( ((document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("text") != -1 ) || (document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("password") == 0)) && (document.LiveFORM.elements[i].type.indexOf("hidden") == -1 ) ) { document.LiveFORM.elements[i].value = unescape(ebhnd.ReadKeyValue(document.LiveFORM.elements[i].name)) } } newwin.close(); // temporary for IE bug fixing return 0 } function write_info() { newwin.document.writeln ('' + '') newwin.document.writeln('ebCARDTM ' + 'helps you to automatically fill out') newwin.document.writeln ('any form that bears ebCARD logo. ') newwin.document.writeln ('Once you understand how ebCARD works, ') newwin.document.writeln ('you can create your complete profile') newwin.document.writeln (' by filling out this ' + 'form, once.') newwin.document.writeln ('') } function fill_form() { var Bver if (BName == "Netscape") { Bver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if (Bver < 4 ) { filler3() return } if (check_plugin() != 0) return ; } newwin = open("ebfill.cfm", "FillForm", 'resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,' + 'menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=yes,width=260,height=200'); newwin.opener = window return } function save_eb() { var Bver if (BName == "Netscape") Bver = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); if (Bver < 4 ) { newwin = open("eb3whol.cfm", "SaveEb", 'resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,' + 'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=yes,width=600,height=430') return } if (BName == "Netscape") if (check_plugin() != 0) return ; newwin = open("ebsave.htm", "SaveForm", 'resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,' + 'menubar=no,scrollbars=no,copyhistory=yes,width=260,height=200'); return } function install_plugin() { inpluginwin = open("", "InstallPlugin", 'resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,' + 'menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,copyhistory=yes,width=400,height=430'); inpluginwin.location.href = "plugin.htm"; } function check_plugin() { status = 0 mimetype = navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-ebcard-plugin"] if (mimetype) { plugin = mimetype.enabledPlugin if (!plugin) { alert("Mime type configured but plugin was removed.\n" ) install_plugin(); status = 1; } } else { alert("ebCARD plugin not installed.\n" + "Initiating plugin download process") install_plugin(); status = 1 } return status } function onld() { } function okprocess(thisform) { } function cancelprocess(thisform) { } function help() { open("eb4creat.htm", "ebhelpwin", "resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes,width=400,height=360"); } ebsaveoper = new operation("ebSave", "Save ebCARD"); ebfilloper = new operation("ebFill", "Fill form");

Dear Sunsengnim,

Anyung Haseyo? (How are you?)

I hope you are in good health.
Please let me introduce myself:

  My name is:

  My E-mail is:

   My homepage is:

  and is titled:

  I am from:

but I can't wait to visit you in Walmyungdong!

  I found out about you from:

(I would like this to be a private message!)

What I wanted to tell you, was:

With Love, I