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Sunday, January 23, 2005

An Uneasy Feeling

There's really no reason for it. I mean, we've had a lot of snow this weekend; my wireless connection is acting up, I guess due to the weather; and I'm having oral surgery done on Thursday; but none of those things should cause me to feel uneasy.

Posted by Joyce on 7:23 PM

Friday, January 21, 2005

Let It Snow ... Let It Snow ... Let It Snow

I was beginning to think that winter was just going to pass us by this year. But now the first snowstorm of the season is knocking at our door. Five to ten inches between the early morning hours and late tomorrow night. Thank goodness I have this computer because I don't think I'm going anywhere!!

Posted by Joyce on 11:49 PM

Monday, January 17, 2005

Audio Posts and Trackback

Who said this stuff was easy?? I've spent all morning and half of yesterday evening trying to figure out how to add these two features to my Blog, but finally have success. Now . . . if the rest of the day can be so successful??

Posted by Joyce on 11:27 AM

Sunday, January 16, 2005

My First Audio Post

this is an audio post - click to play

Posted by Joyce on 8:12 PM

Sunday, Sunday . . .

Tomorrow is back to work. But at least the commute should be better than usual since it's actually a Federal holiday - just not for me. This weekend has been spent playing on this new computer. Up half the night, not sleeping enough. I better get back on some type of a normal schedule tonight.

Posted by Joyce on 7:39 PM

Saturday, January 15, 2005

My New Toshiba Notebook

Yes, yes . . . I finally bought a new computer. A Toshiba Satellite, and it's great. This is my fourth computer over many years but my first notebook and I'm having the greatest time playing around with it!!

Posted by Joyce on 1:24 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

2005 Blog

This is the year to start an entirely new Blog. And my one and only resolution so far is to keep this one current. I've had a Blog for years but always seemed to lose interest at some point. Not This Time. I've just added a site meter.

Posted by Joyce on 1:57 PM

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