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Stupid, Fun, Annoying Games

Have you ever just sat there with a group of friends, and needed something to do? Well, someone of these games are so annoying it’s not even funny! (Wow...that sounded like a commercial!)


Right now, you're probably thinking: "Oh, boy...tic-tac-toe...what an exciting game!" being sarcastic of course...but I have a little twist to this game. Instead of playing with a pencil and a piece of play with some chocolate syrop and some guy's chest! LOL!

You get a guy to lie down and take off his shirt. (Don't worry, it's not too gross.) And two people start playing tic-tac-toe, drawing the X's and O's with a bottle of chocolate syrop. The one of the two players that looses, has to lick off all the chocolate from the guys chest!

It's not that gross...hehe...try it...when you're bored and some guy is willing to take off his's the perfect game to play! It's even more fun watching other people having to do it!

The Duck Game

This can be a complicated game, if everyone doesn’t understand it. What you need is someone to start that game (ex: your friend Jan) Jan would ask her friend Alia is she’s liked to buy a duck. Alia would ask questions back to Jan. Hmmm...well this hard to explain. Let me write out a script.

Jan: Hey Alia! Wanna buy a duck?
Alia: A what?
Jan: A duck!
Alia: Does it quack?
Jan: Of course it quacks, it’s a duck!

Then Alia would ask her friend Kim. She’d ask Kim if she wants to buy a duck. Kim would ask Alia “A what? And Alia would ask Jan “A what?” And then Jan would reply back, “A duck!” and Alia would reply to Kim “A duck!”

And so on. It’s like a chain. You have to try and see how many people you can ask before either (a) everyone goes nuts, or (b) people forget who they have to talk to.

It’s actually a pretty fun game!

The Animal Game

This game can drive you crazy! Probably because it's very simple. Here's how you play:

Everyone in the room picks an animal that starts with the first letter of their name. (ex: Al=alligator) Then, you go around in a circle and say your animal a couple times to make sure that everyone knows who each others animals are. Then one person is picked to go in the middle.

Once that person is in the middle of the circle, someone says an animal name. The person in the middle, the "it", has to run in the circle and touch the leg of the person with that animal name. But...if the "it" has to go find the alligator, before she touches the alligator, the alligator can say someone else's animal. Get it?

Once another animal name is said, the "it" has to go after that person. And once again, before she touches them, they can call out someone else's animal name.

If the person who is it, manages to touch someone before they can call out another animal name, that person is now it.

It's a very good game to help people get to know one another.

Truth or Dare

Ahhh...truth or dare. Personaly, I find it very fun. I could sit there for hours on end and play the game.

Almost everyone knows how to play this game. It's a prett common party game. But...incase you don't know how to play, I'll quickly explain it to you.

Someone choses a person and asks them. "Truth or dare?" And the person picks. Then, you have to think of a question or a dare for the person.

Pretty simple, no? Well, I think the most common problem is that sometimes the dares or questions might be a little to provacative, personal, or just plain disgusting. So, you play with chicken. At the beginning of the game, everyone gets two chickens. The chickens are used when you don't want to asnwer a certain question or if you do not want to do a dare.

Click Here for a list of Truth or Dare Questions

The Rat Story

If you really want to sit there and totally annoy your friends. Just start quoting the RAT story. I hate the rat story, the rat story drives me crazy. I was crazy once, they made me listen to the rat story! Hehehe

This is what you say:

RATS!!! RATS!!! I hate rats! Rats drive me crazy! I was crazy once, they put me in a room full of rats.

And keep repeating it over and over and over again and as fast as you can, as long as you still make sense. Hehe

The Fan Game

This isn’t exactly a game, it’s more of something to do when you’re alone and bored out of your mind. You lay there, on your bed or somewhere comfortable, and you listen. Listent o a sound. A fan is usually the best thing. Keep concentrating on that sound and don’t think of anything else. If you do it properly, it’s supposed to make you leave your body.

Kick the Can

This is the absolute best game! Here’s how you play:

One person is it. Everyone else has to go hide somewhere. The person who is it, runs and kick a can that has been put in the middle of the yard. She/he has to go pick it up and bring it back to where she/he kicked from, close their eyes and count to 30, slowly.

While the “it” is counting, everyone else has to find a place to hide. Pick a good spot because once you’re there, you can’t move.
The it has to go around looking for people. When she/he finds the other people, they have to go sit up by the can and they’re considered “dead”.

If there are “dead” people and the “it” isn’t around, someone can go up, and kick the can and yell “Free!!!” If that happens, all the “dead” people can go hide again and get a second chance.

When the game is over, and everyone has been caught, the first person that was caught has to be the next “it”.

This game is played best at night in the summer time. It’s also quite challenging to play in the snow!

Scream Run

This is easy. All you do it run and scream. It's pretty self explanitory. It's quite exillerating. It's just akes you feel good to scream and have a reason for it. Hehe Try it...and if you really want to get competitive about it, you can make it a race, or see who can yell louder, or see who can yell the longest. It's awesome!!!

E-mail me if you have any other stupid, fun annoying games you want me to add to this list!

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