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Mitzeli's CyberPresence

Well, Its been a couple of months since I could update this site. Lots has happened. It appears that 1st Up has failed. That was one of the largest Free ISP's, they powered Lycos, Freelane, The Simpsons, Alta Vista, and many other free providers. Freelane has found another provider, but has limited local access compared to before. Bluelight has also lost some access numbers. So please revisit my free access page for current free access providers.

I have a neat little Christmas game this month. It is about snowball fighting. Very cute and suitable for this holiday season. Now download directly from my game page.

Nothing new in the tech section, too busy with Christmas.

I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday Season, and remember throught the busy rush to take time to enjoy this wonderful season.

What would you like to see here email me and let me know.

Get a free internet hardrive!

Games 12/13/2000
Free Internet Based Services
Donate away!
Free Internet Access 12/13/2000

The above links have free programs, as well as site to visit which offer a variety of free items. As I am always learning and changing so is my site, so visit often for more goodies. Come in and enjoy; there is something for everyone.

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This is a place that has all kinds of products, from computer stuff to health and beauty aids. All products come with a rebate. Lots of products are totally free after the rebate. And now they are offering free shipping! Can't get a better deal than that. Check them out!