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Gnoesterlynne's Magical Hideaway

Take off your coat & shoes
and stay for awhile!

I would like to take a moment
to dedicate these pages to:

MY PARENTS, who taught me to accomplish my goals, not to
accept my own preconceived limits,& to strive for my personal best.

MY SON, who taught me to see things from different
perspectives, who accepted my shortcomings as well as my
strengths, & who gave me the courage to live during the years
of violent storms we suffered through.

MY HUSBAND, who has taught me not only to love, but how
to be loved, who has stood beside me when no one else would,
who has been there when I needed someone to lean on and a
shoulder to cry on, and for being such a wonderful Teddy-Bear
to cuddle up with.

And to MY FRIENDS without whom I would be a miserable wreck, as their
laughter, their loving support, and their encouragement has proven to be
an invaluable source towards sanity.

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