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Evil Paulee's Website of Dingo Pleasures

In the beginning there was nothing.... but one lone dingo and his quest to lead his people around to the other side of the dingo fence.

Picture of that dingo

Like a savior from the heavens, the angry dingo descended upon an unsuspecting world. He was ready to bring happiness and prosperity to the outback. With a dream in his massive dingo heart and pack of Wrigley's Lifebringers, the angry dingo set about working his fiery anime-like magic.

The dingo looks for life where it can be found

The outback... a cold, desolate world. The only life to be found was a rare 6 legged solar dingo crawing over the surface. Wary of being seen, the 6 legged solar dingo darted behind the nearest shelter it could find. This variety of dingo has but one natural enemy.... the 7 foot truck-driving redreck wallaby of southcentral borneo. The redneck wallaby (not pictured) has a blood-chilling call not at all unlike that heard at monster truck rallys. If you are ever to come across one, through it your nearest female relative and pray the redneck wallaby has already grazed on its diet of beef jerky and beer.

Look to the heavens dingo warrior

Astrology came to be an important thing to the early dingo tribes of the outback. Of particular importance was the fiery planet of the escape from the under the planet of the dingo. Known to appear only once during harvest season, this celestial body, with its rings of pure monkey eternity dust, was hailed as a great omen everytime it appeared.

The fauna of the Outback

The Angry Dingo Link Page

The Angry Dingo Profile

You Must Download the Offical Monkey Song